Press briefing on the actions taken, preparedness and updates on #COVID19 to start in a short while (4 PM)

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Press briefing on the actions taken, preparedness and updates on #COVID19 is LIVE now

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The 4th round of national sero-survey for #COVID19 was conducted in the months of June and July 2021. The survey design was slightly different from the previous three sero-surveys as children aged 6-17 yrs were included this time: DG, @ICMRDELHI

@MinistryWCD @MoHFW_INDIA Image
4th round of national sero-survey conducted over 28,975 individuals (adults and children), apart from 7,252 healthcare workers in 70 districts where earlier three rounds were also conducted: DG, @ICMRDELHI Image
4th Round of National Sero-Survey: Overall sero-prevalence is 67.6% in the entire population

Amongst the adults (those aged>= 18 yrs) under survey, there was no vaccine in 62.2% people, while 24.8% had taken single dose of vaccine and 13% were fully vaccinated

Sero-prevalence found to be higher in those aged >45 yrs, around 77%, while for the rest it is around 67%

No difference in sero-prevalence on basis of gender

Not much difference also found between rural & urban areas, though it's slightly higher in urban areas
While sero-prevalence was 0.7% during May-June 2020, it was 7.1% in Aug-Sept 2020, 24.1% in Dec 2020- Jan 2021 and 67.6% in June-July 2021: DG, @ICMRDELHI Image
Sero-prevalence for unvaccinated is 62.3%, 81% in those with a single dose of vaccine and 89.8% in those with both doses of vaccine: DG, @ICMRDELHI Image
Overall sero-prevalence in healthcare workers was 85.2%

Findings of the 4th Round of National Sero-survey:

2/3rd of the general population had #SARSCoV2 infection

Approx. 40 crore population of this country is still vulnerable

More than half of the children were sero-positive

4th round of sero-survey implies that there is a ray of hope, but there is no room for complacency

We must maintain COVID Appropriate Behaviour and community engagement

Congregations and non-essential travels to be avoided, travel only if fully vaccinated

We need to ensure full vaccination of all healthcare workers and accelerate vaccination coverage in vulnerable population grps.

An imp. tool is tracking #COVID19 in SARI cases in district hospitals, which should continue

INSACOG is tracking Variants of Concern

Rise of sero-positivity has two factors: One is the second wave which means the suffering that #DeltaVariant inflicted on us. But also a part of the sero-positivity is coming from vaccination: Dr. V.K. Paul, @NITIAayog Image
40 crore people, by this estimate (4th Round of National Sero-survey) have no antibodies. We would like them to gain protection through vaccination and not infection and that's the endeavour that this nation is mounting: Dr. V K. Paul, @NITIAayog

One out of three people are still vulnerable to #COVID19. Therefore, the pandemic is in no way over. Second wave is still persisting. The danger of new outbreaks is very much there. The overall vulnerability for the nation still remains: Dr. V.K. Paul, @NITIAayog Image
This national-level sero-survey does not fully allow us to understand the local (state, district and sub-district level) dynamics. For that, we strongly recommend timely, high quality sero-surveys to understand specific population level spread of the disease: Dr. V.K. Paul Image

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22 Jul
#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases- 7,302
*⃣Recoveries- 7,756
*⃣Deaths- 120
*⃣Active Cases- 94,168
*⃣Total Cases till date- 62,45,057
*⃣Total Recoveries till date- 60,16,506
*⃣Total Deaths till date- 1,31,038
*⃣Total tests till date- 4,62,64,059

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 94,168 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(2/4)🧵 ImageImage
#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

7,302 new cases have been reported in the state today

State tally of #COVID19 positive patients is now 62,45,057

District-wise details of cases and deaths until today are as follows:



(3/4)🧵 ImageImageImage
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22 Jul
#CabinetDecisions संदर्भात केंद्रीय मंत्री @ianuragthakur यांची पत्रकार परिषद

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@Anurag_Office @MIB_India
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#CabinetDecisions संदर्भात केंद्रीय मंत्री @ianuragthakur यांची पत्रकार परिषद

@Anurag_Office @MIB_India
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Live from ⏰ : 3 PM

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Cabinet Briefing by Union Minister @ianuragthakur

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20 Jul
#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

*⃣New Cases- 6,910
*⃣Recoveries- 7,510
*⃣Deaths- 147
*⃣Active Cases- 94,593
*⃣Total Cases till date- 62,29,596
*⃣Total Recoveries till date- 60,00,911
*⃣Total Deaths till date- 1,30,753
*⃣Total tests till date- 4,58,46,165

#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

As on today, there are 94,593 #ActiveCases in the state

Details of district-wise active cases are as follows:




(2/4)🧵 ImageImage
#Maharashtra #COVID19 Updates for today

6,910 new cases have been reported in the state today

State tally of #COVID19 positive patients is now 62,29,596

District-wise details of cases and deaths until today are as follows:



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