It’s important to recognize the lesions that can form after a clot:
Your pts CEAP >5 always consider for non thrombotic obstructions!
6/ How about a patient case scenario to show some important concepts we will be covering today?
Middle age gentleman with no past medical hx presents to the hospital with 7 days of LLE swelling and 3 days of significant calf and knee pain. Labs normal, DDI elevated. LE duplex:
7/ Patient is placed on IV heparin. Due to significant pain and swelling as well as presence of unprovoked ilofemoral #DVT we decided to escalate therapy to #MechanicalThrombectomy (with #IVUS)
8/ How important is #IVUS in the diagnosis and treatment of #DVT
9/ So because of the extensive ilofemoral DVT I decided to go left popliteal for access. KEY- make sure you know vascular #ultrasound! Don’t get fooled and stick the superficial system. Look for the saphenous sheath/eye vs the deep veins running with corresponding artery!
10/ 8F sheath for 0.035 #IVUS, confirm you are in deep system
✅artery with vein all the way up
✅check for compression
✅check for signs of chronic changes
✅check for caval thrombus.
12/ So we have compression and signs of venous web/spur with extensive ilofemoral acute on chronic DVT. We have a few ways to treat here. I elected for mechanical thrombectomy with @InariMedical#ClotTriever. Size up to 13 F and start removing that clot.
*Dif vid for ed purposes
13/ 8 passes later, significant “Extirpation of matter achieved” (know this phrase!). Next reIVUS to further assess compression burden and consider venoplasty and stenting.
14/ IVUS with >80% compression (overlying art) in com and ext iliac veins. Venoplasty with a 14 mm balloon followed by stenting with 18 x 150 mm self exp stent. Important key! Don’t overlap stents at inguinal lig and don’t over post dilate inflow (can create new compression).
17/ Our goal with these procedures- improve QOL by preventing/improving post thrombotic syndrome (#PTS)!
Factors ➡️ PTS:
🩸extent of #DVT
🩸rate of recanalization;
🩸Episodes of ipsilateral DVT recurrence
🩸The extent of venous reflux
🩸#Venous valvular function
18/ Venous HTN can lead to changes in the capillary and lymphatic microcirculation
➡️ capillary leak
➡️fibrin deposition
➡️erythrocyte and leukocyte sequestration
➡️thrombocytosis, and inflammation.
These changes reduce skin and tissue O2, which in turn cause #PTS
19/ How do we manage PTS and challenges that arise from it?
1st COMPRESSION! Early on, initiate ECS w/ 20-30mmHg knee-high stockings. As sx resolve, progress to 30-40mmHg ECS. The ACCP recommends use of ECS for a min of 2 years from onset of DVT, or longer if a benefit is seen
20/ Problem is- compression stockings fail :(
😔30-65% of patients will fail compression stockings
Raju S, Hollis K, Neglen P
Ann Vasc Surg. 2007 Nov; 21(6):790-5.
21/ A recent double-blind multicentre RCT (the SOX trial) n= 806 patients compared effectiveness of compression and placebo stockings worn on affected legs daily for 2 yrs. graduated compression stockings did not prevent the occurrence or influence the severity of #PTS #VTE
22/Goal= PREVENT POST THROMBOTIC SYNDROME!! How? Consider thrombectomy! All prox iliofemoral DVT should at least warrant a Cardio/IR/Vasc consult!
Who qualifies- Pts w/ prox clot with residual symptoms despite anticoagulation. Highly consider in young patients to prevent #PTS!
23/ Ok, so how about lytics? The role of lytics in prevention of #PTS in pts w/ acute DVT is currently being investigated with the ATTRACT study. Pts w/ acute DVT randomly assigned to OAC alone or OAC➕ lytic, which may include use of a pharmacomechanical device to remove the DVT
24/ So with chronic clot what have we learned?
♥️loves to be wall adherent
😖chronic venous changes lead to fibrosis
💉Small bore aspiration is ineffective in removing clot but can create small channels at cost of blood loss.
🧪Lytics seem to be effective for acute clot.
26/ This is why I’ve really embraced the @InariMedical#ClotTriever. It is atraumatic to the vein and allows me to remove my worst enemy- Chronic Clot… and most importantly for the patient in a single session with low bleeding risk. #SingleSession#NoICU#NoLytics
27/ CLOUT analysis
0% venous injury
0% Device related serious adverse events
92% freedom from mod-severe PTS
1/ pt presents with sudden onset CP at home. Takes Tylenol and goes back to sleep. Wakes up in the AM with mild CP. Goes to outside hospital with near res of pain. Trop 5 on arrival. No EKG changes. Diag cath 🔽
3/ I decided to place on G2B3a and ship to me. Plans for #PCI 12-24 hours after Aggrastat marinate. Patient continues to have mild CP controlled with nitro. #EKG stable. This is image next morning.
➡️Arteria Lusoria or aberrant right subclavian artery (ARSA) is the most common congenital arch anomaly in which the right subclavian artery originates from the descending aorta, distal to the left subclavian at the ductus arteriosus.
(2/)On its course towards the R arm, the aberrant vessel travels retrotracheal +retroesophageal. The prevalence of ARSA ranges from 0.6 to 1.4%. The prevalence of ARSA rises exponentially to 26–34% in individuals with Down syndrome and other chromosomal defects. Pic: @Tesslagra
(3/) Rarely, ARSA can accompany Kommerell's diverticulum, an aneurysm of the descending aorta at the origin of the ARSA. This can present clinically as dysphagia, dyspnea, or subclavian steal syndrome, often requiring surgical intervention