1. Data and computing are so fundamental to our lives. A lot of that happens now in enormous data centers. What users don't often appreciate is that massive data centers require physical space, electrical infrastructure, physical and cyber security, and built-in redundancies.
2. Snowden and Cambridge Analytica were "tipping points" on privacy. They increased awareness that digital technology is not just a tool but can be weaponized. Corporate boards are beginning to understand, but are still contending with the complexities of emerging technology.
The U.S. National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence submitted its final report to the president and Congress last week. It's pretty all-encompassing: reports.nscai.gov/final-report/t…
Among other things, it advocates for "targeted disentanglement" with China: maintaining collaborative AI research and technology commerce, while building resilience, reducing illicit technology transfer, and protecting critical sectors.
Also, the report specifically highlights the backlog on Indian immigration to the United States as a problem.
Today is 10 years since my grandfather, K. Subrahmanyam, passed away. Last year, at the National Defence College, I discussed 7 ways in which he contributed to India's strategic thought and practice: dhruvajaishankar.blogspot.com/2020/09/k-subr…
It was both a benefit and a liability for him that he never had formal training, nor did he fit into a single professional category:
1. The first area of contribution was in helping to establish and later develop @IDSAIndia. A desire for institution building that extended to his advocacy for an Indian National Defence University.
THREAD: Now that U.S. President-elect Joe Biden has named or nominated senior members of his foreign policy and national security team, it might be useful to survey what all they have written or said in the recent past:
1. Tony Blinken has been named Secretary of State. Here is a wide-ranging conversation that touches upon a lot of global issues from last July: hudson.org/research/16210…
2. Wendy Sherman is set to be Deputy Secretary of State. Here she is on Trump's foreign policy from July 2020: belfercenter.org/publication/to…
If the reports are correct about the national security and foreign policy principals that Biden will name this week, a few items of potential interest in the following thread. bloomberg.com/news/articles/…
Transcript of a wide-ranging conversation this summer between Blinken and Walter Russell Mead at the Hudson Institute: hudson.org/research/16210…
There's a lot in the India-U.S. joint statement released today, and it's useful as a stocktaking exercise. But beyond the headlines, a few small but important items that captured developments over the past 12 months:
"The Ministers welcomed the establishment of a permanent presence of the U.S. International Development Finance Cooperation (DFC) in India this year."
"The Ministers welcomed the convening of the Military Cooperation Group (MCG) later this year to review bilateral military-to-military engagement including joint exercises, training and expert exchanges."