2/ Sarah was a young woman who had just had a baby and was suffering from a disease of the 💔that happens after pregnancy. Here is my first paragraph about her from #EveryDeepDrawnBreath…
“In my third year of medical school, my first patient was Sarah Bollich. Sarah had grown up in a clapboard shotgun house on Desire Street in the Ninth Ward in East New Orleans. She was twenty-three years old with a one-week-old baby…
4/ and should have been at home bonding with her newborn child. Instead, she huddled in a brown blanket in the large open-ward intensive care unit in profound shock. Sarah was sick with peripartum cardiomyopathy, a rare and deadly disease of the heart…
5/ that occurs in a small number of pregnant or postpartum women. When I first met Sarah, she looked at me, her eyes full of fear, as if she were praying for help but couldn’t get the words out. She was terrified she was going to die. We were the same age…
6/ She was so young and healthy, with her whole life ahead of her. She’d grown up watching tankers and paddleboats go down the Mississippi River, wondering where they were heading and if she’d ever travel there, too.”
7/ My recent pt also had a 2nd problem called HLH. It’s a strange disease that afflicted Shonda. Here is a piece of what I wrote about Shonda in Chapter 12. I remember holding her hands and caring for her like it was yesterday…
“Shonda was a young woman with a huge personality. When I met her, she was in her early twenties, and her extraordinary charisma made it seem as if she were already in the exam room when she was still in the waiting area…
9/ Unfortunately, she came to me with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), an autoimmune disease in which damaged blood cells start to pack the liver, spleen, and even the brain. After taking samples from her hip, we found that her bone marrow was eating itself,
10/ which meant that, even with plans for chemotherapy, she and I were on a near-certain path toward her death. Shonda beamed at me excitedly, saying, “I’m a fighter! Everyone knows it.”
11/ My recent immensely beautiful patient (& I’m referring to her character) reminded me of both Sarah and Shonda, all 3 now gone into that good night.
I’m processing all of this, and I can best sum my thoughts on all 3 women using the closing paragraph I wrote about Shonda:
“Two hours after she had taken her last breath, I was walking by Shonda’s room on my way through the busy ICU, where so many lives still hung in the balance. I felt drawn inside and, padding across the floor, I was struck by the silence…
13/ The machines were quiet. I peered behind the dividing curtain, expecting the room to be empty. Instead, her figure still lay there on the bed beneath a sheet. I placed a hand on her arm and looked out the large window into the waning sunlight.
14/ We were just two humans, small in the big picture. Tears of grief ran down my face & gratitude, too, for the way she taught me to hold on to the now. I thanked Shonda for the privilege of accompanying her through illness into the beautiful forever.”
15/ I just got off the phone with my recent pt’s grieving mother. I read her this entire thread and she sobbed and said, “Dr. Wes, please send it. If these 3 women can even touch 1 person to give them hope that their life matters and will always matter, that is my dream!”
I write to bring keep their memories alive. TY @KatyButlerBooks for your endorsement.👇
Readers, join our pts across a half-century evolution of #CriticalCare toward humanism. We need YOUR help w the next steps! (All $ goes back to pts & families)
3/🎥 I cared for 9/11 hero Colonel Victor Correa as he died in our @VA hospital years later. His story is told in #EveryDeepDrawnBreath. He carried men out of the Pentagon saving lives. Watch more of his testimonial…
1/🧵🎥 Tennessee has highest #COVID19 case rate IN THE WORLD 🌎‼️
1/3rd are KIDS, & we haven’t even peaked!
Dr. Jeff Balser, @VUMChealth President & CEO, explains our dire situation. Despite 375M doses of #Vaccine is US alone, we have ~50% overall #Vaxxed & need YOUR help.
2/ This surge is different. The children are disproportionately affected – 1 in 3 new cases. Overall, and this is hard to believe, but we are at our ALL TIME HIGH in admissions.
3/ 🎥 Except for immunocompromised patients, almost all in hospital are #unvaxxed. We are re-deploying OR personnel to the ICU and having to curb care for non-COVID pts. It’s just not fair to them. Not getting vaxxed means more suffering for everyone.
2/ Early in COVID, computers predicted “Berry” (for Bari-citinib), an FDA-approved medication for rheumatoid arthritis, could be repurposed to stop SARS-CoV-2 from killing us. Now we proved it! Why did the computers think it would work?
3/ Bari has antiviral mechanism but mainly we thought it would work by interfering with the intense inflammation the virus 🦠 causes, which is what leads to so much lung, heart, blood vessel, & brain damage (#delirium).
By no means do I think the #Unvaxxed patients filling our ICUs to capacity are evil. NO. But I do think there is evil involved in the misinformation leading many good, caring people to that decision. And I listen to each. Please hear me out.
2/ Philosophers define evil as “a deprivation of the rationality that proper human action requires individually and as a member of society.” In that sense, we can discuss choosing not to be vaccinated and “cooperation with evil.”
3/ Thus far, “cooperation with evil” has been used as an argument by some in the #antivaxx culture as a reason NOT to get #Vaccinated. The main argument is that Pfizer and Moderna were safety texted w the HEK-293 fetal cell line.
1/🧵 “Live every day like you have a terminal illness.”
The most important thing I learned @ISICEM, after 3 ✈️ & 4,400 miles to Belgium for this huge meeting of #COVID ICU doctors, had nothing to do w science.
The iconic @JRandallCurtis1 taught me…(pic & story shared w perm)
2/ My friend of 25 years opened his lecture on End-of-Life with, “I have a disclosure of sorts. I’ve been diagnosed with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig’s disease), so this will probably be the last time I lecture at this meeting.”
Then he asked us to PAUSE.
3/ Talk about a Frame Shift.
I already knew, but it all hit me like a thunderbolt⚡️. The Father of ICU EOL #PalliativeCare research & former president of @atscommunity had just told us all that he has a fatal illness, and we could hear it in his speech pattern.
2/ of every human being who comes into my care is such that they feel fully human, fully respected, and that they don’t think they lost part of themselves in the process of critical illness.”
Yet #LongCovid pts are telling me they’ve lost themselves.
3/ my colleague #delirium neuro @doctorShawniqua is haunted by this too. She’s trying to find out what exactly happens to the neurons & synapses in the brain of critical illness survivors so that we can manage people more safely during and after illness.