1/10War on virus is about cognitive dissonance. Those of us who stood by silent as minority communities were gentrified through the war on drugs, or profited by it, do not imagine being the targets of an epic urban renewal through lockdown measures and vaccine mandates.
2/10War on virus is about destabilization. The bulk of wage workers as well as business owners who cater to the establishment must collide with those who have realized that their livelihoods are being destroyed or their businesses are being swallowed by large corporate entities.
3/10Communities are divided. Family members are divided over fear and uncertainty. We are being primed for further colonization of humanity and nature.
4/10War on virus about further consolidation of power, implementation of draconian measures and domestication of people through more surveillance and conditioning.
5/10Society will be restructured to serve a handful of large corporate entities. The Covid vaccines and vaccine passports will usher in those measures, while opening a gate of new bio technologies for social engineering and behavior modifications.
6/10Just as the war on terror has brought enormous profits for those who can destroy countries, the new technologies and its markets are reserved for those who can buy social institutions to coordinate the 4th industrial revolution.
7/10It is crucial that we see our society systemically and structurally to understand what is happening. Once we do, we see capitalists doing what they have always done.
8/10They are accumulating power through manipulating social relations, constructing false reality through buying social institutions and maintaining their positions through a caste system over the subject population.
9/10We are observing the development in real time today. This path of feudalism is destructive to our species. We must unite in building a social formation of harmony for humanity and nature.
1/11Let me be very clear and straightforward. They think gene modifying experimental therapies, lockdowns and masks are useful in profiting, controlling and maintaining hierarchy among us. They are taking away our arts, friendship, love and communities if we don’t obey.
2/11That’s the essence of fascist ideology, colonialism and the capitalist essence of exploitation and subjugation.
3/11And in fact, they’ve taken them away anyway—they’ve destroyed communities, cultures, traditions, religions, arts and the rest of our attempts to be human and live harmoniously with nature over and over to maintain their rule over us.
1/8Just like any other religious cult would, capitalism has been at its final stage for sometime, and it has turned itself into a doomsday cult. Believers would scream that the end is near—every scream, however, is a desperate cry to prolong the life of the dying cult.
2/8This tendency can be observed even among the dissidents who prefer to operate within the capitalist framework no matter what. When the fear of system crumbling down on them gets bigger than anything else, the fear manifests as a wish for the end of the world.
3/8The ruling class cleverly utilizes this collective death wish in herding people into yet another scheme of profiteering, austerity, repression, exploitation and subjugation.
1/4Tyranny of capitalism does not end in normalizing its inhumanity and injustice against the subject population. By domesticating “dissidents” and “activists” within its framework, it captures the opposing momentums in driving itself.
2/4The moneyed institutions carefully weave social fabrics ensurIng that the positions of those who defy the capitalist framework to firmly stay within it.
3/4The result is a long and firm western tradition of anti-socialist dissidents who viciously scream against capitalist crimes only to herd the momentum safely back within the capitalist framework.
1/8When “socialism” is an excuse to keep smaller countries defenseless, poor and obedient to the empire, it is not socialism. It is a part of imperial ideology to keep them exploited and subjugated by the empire. It’s a gated community building efforts for the capitalists.
2/8Western “socialists” and others who call themselves activists have long been engaged in this deceptive “activism” instead of being fully engaged in dismantling the imperial structure.
3/8If wildfire, police violence, election rigging, corruption, having weapons of mass destruction, prison torture, shameless state propaganda can lead to a regime change for other countries, there is no country as applicable as the United States of America.
1/7 @elleprovocateur’s Manufacturing for Consent series in a nutshell. It is no way a substitution for the 2 volumes. Any question should be clarified by reading the actual work. Cory has done a tremendous work deciphering a crucial aspect of our time.
2/7The youth led movement is a crucial element in mobilizing political institutions to employ and codify corporate “solutions” as official governmental policies, and judge subsequent processes according to the regulations.
3/7The current surge of climate momentum is operating within the capitalist framework having its financial crisis mode. The cyclical crisis is unavoidable and it must be dealt with financial solutions.