Those who argue that #COVID19 is not a concern in children because it only rarely causes serious illness and death might be surprised to learn that there are whole fields of medicine devoted to preventing kids getting sick and dying from other rare conditions
We also need to understand that even though the risk per infection is very low, if a very large number of kids are infected, that becomes important. Even a tiny percentage of a very large number is a large number.
In wealthy countries, very few children die, so even rare causes of death are significant. Eg, congenital heart disease affects ~1/100 kids & only 1/2 of that is life threatening. We can treat vast majority, meaning “only” causes ~150 deaths in Australia annually, 70 in infants
That's only 0.1% of deaths in Australia. But that doesn't mean we just decide not to worry about congenital heart disease. Because child deaths are rare, that 0.1% still makes it THE LEADING cause of hospital admission & death in infancy (outside newborn period)
We spend tons of resources on treating it. There are specialist pediatric cardiologists, pediatric cardiac anesthetists, dietitians, surgeons, speech therapists, intensive care specialists, etc.
Even subspecialties within those - fetal cardiologists, pediatric echocardiographers
Major children's hospitals have heart centers, cardiology wards & cardiac ICUs. Hospitals overseas specialise in management of vanishingly rare SUBTYPES of congenital heart disease like Ebstein's or PA /VSD /MAPCAS
All for a rare set of conditions that 'only' cause 0.1% of death
And heart disease is common compared to really rare pediatric conditions like metabolic and immunological disorders, which again are recognised and important fields in their own right.
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Why we formed OzSAGE @RealOzSAGE, who we are and why we're promoting:
- Living with occasional outbreaks, not widespread #COVID19 disease
- Ventilation & #vaccinesplus
- No one left behind
- Protecting the health system
Australia has many world class institutes, universities, etc. We know because we represent many of them!
Yet #COVID19 challenges us because it cuts across every silo of expertise. Virology to sociology. ICU to IT. So we gathered 50+ ppl from the largest relevant breadth we could
Diversity counts
People think similarly if they have same backgrounds, trained in same system or come from same place
We are proud to be a diverse group. Half women, multicultural, strong First Nations representation, many industries
Degree of freedom that NSW gov has in next few mths very limited as the health system is already SEVERELY strained - of course gov knows this
We're in lockdown for the next few mths, aside from some minor relaxations like picnics, small weddings, etc to enhance tolerability
There'll be tension in the next few months, protests, "debate" about whether lockdowns work etc. IGNORE IT ALL FOR SANITY'S sake. The government has limited choices & they know it
I think much of the incoherence & backflips in #COVID19 response, esp in rich countries, came about b/c ppl don't understand who ICU teams are & what they do
I'm an intensive care specialist who did an MBA to try & understand this better myself, here goes at an explanation: 🧵⬇️
Firstly, it's TOTALLY MEANINGLESS to talk about death or mortality rates in a pandemic without talking about ICU teams
If you are in a rich country with a functioning health system there is ALWAYS an ICU team standing between you & a potentially avoidable premature death
We're NOT used to thinking like this b/c epidemiologists & ID normally think either about outbreaks of deadly diseases in places w/out ICU teams Ebola in Africa) OR non deadly diseases in other places where ICU is irrelevant - gonorrhoea is embarrassing, not life threatening
Democracy is messy. Australia's #COVID19 response worked because ppl at the top, Nick Coatsworth & Morrison included, were able to bend to pressure when needed. That's something to be proud of
Yes, things happened slowly & avoidable harms occurred
Therefore attacking ppl that made success possible tarnishes legacy & reputation rather than defending it. Few direct points:
1. Advocating at risk to career, employment & reputation is not a feature of narcissism
Being thin skinned and offended by challenges to authority is
2. Denial that denial of #COVIDisAirborne occurred "positions of both sides..are similar"
Here is saying "it's definitely not airborne" & excerpt from letter from gov he was copied in saying only happens under experimental, not real world conditions