Greedy #algorithms can be surprisingly powerful, on top of being very often quite intuitive and natural. (Of course, sometimes their *analysis* can be complicated... but hey, you do the analysis only once, but run the algo forever after!)
Let's have a look at a few examples.
Q1 asked about which problem was *not* (known to) have an efficient, optimal greedy solution.
53.6% of you got it right: Set Cover. Well, one reason is because it's NP-hard, so that doesn't help (greedy or not)...…
... on the other hand, the Greedy algo for Set Cover does achieve a (log n)-approximation ratio, which is... something? Also, something optimal, assuming P≠NP. So, even then: not so bad!
📝… (PDF)
As for the others: Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) can... 4/
... be solved by Prim's or Kruskal's algorithms (both greedy), and Shortest Path (non-negative weights!) by Dijkstra's algorithm (greedy, too).
OK, let's look at another NP-Hard problem: Vertex Cover. "Given a graph G, gimme a small set of vertices covering every edge of G." 5/
19.6% of you answered Q2 correctly: that simple greedy algorithm doesn't solve VC exactly (hey, it's NP-Hard! 🧐), and does not provide a constant-factor approximation... bummer.
But it still provides a Θ(log n)-approx ratio. Not bad, still! And...
... moreover, there *is* a 2-approximation possible via a greedy algorithm! (and no <1.36-approx unless P=NP).
Using a different greedy algo: one for maximal matching. But it counts! It's greedy! It's simple!
At this point, I should have convinced that greed is good (if you weren't already).
But let's look at our 3rd question: Knapsack! Also NP-Hard, so it'll be about finding a "good enough" (approximation) solution.
BTW, I'd like to understand what's a knapsack (vs. backpack).
So, the greedy algo for Knapsack (very natural: pick according to the ratio value-to-weight) can be arbitrarily bad, as 35.1% of you answered: ω(1)-approx. (Like, Ω(n)-bad 🤯).
... there is a very, very simple fix to get a 2-approx! Just use the same Greedy algo. Just do it.
Then, at the end, return the best of TWO solutions: (1) what the Greedy algo returned, and (2) one item, "k+1,", the first Greedy refused to pick.
That's all. That's it.
There is a lot of work on greedy algos, including understanding under which set of conditions they always lead to optimal solutions: matroid structures, etc.
Definitely worth looking into, if you're interested!
Also, many mentions (and an entire chapter) in Shmoys–Williamson's (excellent) book on approximation #algorithms:
(the website provides a free PDF version!)
To conclude, I'll leave you with this open-ended Q, and the v. good answers *you* have provided to it: EM, Lloyd-max, Stable Marriage, Huffman coding, Kosaraju’s algo for strongly connected components, policy iteration, & more!
My first foray into shuffle #privacy, spearheaded by my impressive winter research intern Hongyi Lyu (maths undergrad @UniMelb), who managed to learn about DP+shuffle DP+distribution testing, all this in ~6 weeks!
We also use the recent amplification theorem of @vitalyFM, McMillan, and @_kunal_talwar_ (local privacy to shuffle privacy) to provide an alternative algo:
Pitch: understanding universal consistency of the k-NN classifier under Wasserstein distances!
In more detail: A binary classifier g(Dₙ) trained on dataset Dₙ is universally consistent (UC) if the error proba Pₓ,ᵧ(g(Dₙ)(X)≠Y|Dₙ) converges to the Bayes risk as n→∞, regardless of the joint distribution of X and Y. This paper studies the universal consistency...
... of the k-NN classifier on spaces of proba measures under p-Wasserstein distance. From studying geometric properties of Wasserstein spaces, we show that the k-NN classifier is (1) UC for any p≥1 on the space of measures finitely supported in ℚᵈ with rational masses...
Note that this is true for only two r.v.'s: if X~X' and Y~Y'
whenever 𝔼[X+Y] is defined (regardless of whether 𝔼[X] and 𝔼[Y] are defined). (cf. below from G. Simons (1977)).
Turns out, this fails for 3 r.v.'s (same paper by Simons, and Counterexample 6.1 in Stoyanov's book).
Sometimes 𝔼[X+Y+Z], 𝔼[X'+Y'+Z'] both exist, yet 𝔼[X+Y+Z]≠𝔼[X'+Y'+Z'].
(Again, for 2 r.v.'s the result holds: if 𝔼[X+Y], 𝔼[X'+Y'] both exist, then 𝔼[X+Y]=𝔼[X'+Y'].)
Here, p and ε are known parameters (inputs), the goal is to be correct with probability at least 99/100 (over the random coin flips). As we will see, 99/100 is sort of arbitrary, any constant in 1/2 < c < 1 would work.
Also, warning: I'm going to give DETAILS.
Let's start with Q1, the "fair" vs. ε-biased coin setting (p=1/2). As more than 66% of you answered, for Q1. the number of coin flips necessary and sufficient is then Θ(1/ε²). Why?
One way to think about it to gain intuition is "signal to noise."
Stuff I wish I had known sooner: "Pinsker's inequality is cancelled," a thread. 🧵
If you want to relate total variation (TV) and Kullback-Leibler divergence (KL), then everyone, from textbooks to Google, will point you to Pinsker's inequality: TV(p,q) ≤ √(½ KL(p||q) )
It's warranted: a great inequality, and tight in the regime where KL→0. Now, the issue is that KL is unbounded, while 0≤TV≤1 always, so the bound becomes vacuous when KL > 2. Oops.
*I'm using it with the natural log, by the way, so no pesky log 2 constants.
This is annoying, because in many situations, you would want to bound a TV close to 1: for instance, in hypothesis testing: "how many samples to distinguish between an ε-biased and a fair coin, with probability 1-δ?"
Well, you'd like to start bounding 1-δ ≤ TV ≤ ?.
📊 Answers and discussion for yesterday's quiz on sequences (and their names).
Before we go to the first question, again: if you haven't, bookmark It's useful: the solution to some of your problems may be recorded there!
... ascent sequences avoiding the pattern 201 ( Or the number of set partitions of [n] that avoid 3-crossings ( Who am I to judge?