If someone you love has a serious medical event or injury, do you want them to be cared for by someone who has experience, expertise, pride & satisfaction in their role? Our #openaccess paper will be of interest to you. A thread [1/6] nzma.org.nz/journal-articl…
Burnout was highest amongst nurses. ED nurses have been sounding the alarm throughout 2021, reporting understaffing, overcrowding & a mass exodus from ED nursing roles [3/6] stuff.co.nz/national/healt…
Work stress was significantly positively correlated with burnout. Uncertainty & pressure are inherent in emergency care, but the latest COVID outbreak has placed additional burden on EDs already at breaking point [4/6] newshub.co.nz/home/new-zeala…
What facilitates workplace wellness? Work-related happiness, work-life balance, job satisfaction & perceived workplace excellence were all negatively correlated with burnout, supporting our qualitative findings reported here: [5/6] sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
You can read more about what is important to ED staff wellbeing and opportunities to improve this, in this thread 👇🏽 [6/6]
.@JessdotGlen encouraging researchers to be specific about the potential impact of their projects, but also to be realistic within the scale and timeframe of our research. #RISummit#ResearchImpact [2/4]
Lucy Pomeroy sharing that @HRCNewZealand assessment processes and funding criteria are evolving, with clear focus on equity, Māori health advancement and #ResearchImpact#RISummit [3/4]
ED staff are VERY resilient. We face daily exposure to the illness, injury, intoxication, violence & distress of others. These findings resonate with other #wellbeing research suggesting social & organisational factors – as well as personal strategies - are key (2/8)
To provide a coherent, actionable analysis of a #qualitative data set > 100,000 words, we reported key themes under summary domains: 1. Facilitators: What matters most? 2. Barriers: What gets in the way? 3. Opportunities: What can be done? (3/8)