Dear Cdns ,
media ,CPC ,even NDP ,are trying to get you to believe that Erin O'Toole ,loyal Harper soldier ,is a moderate .
That hey ,CPC can only win a minority and how much damage can they do ?
Well,research Harper minority gov't,look at Otoole's voting record since 2011 ..
Pierce through the fog being thrown at you by all sorts of nefarious actors .
Believe your eyes and ears ,listen to those alarm bells set off by #2TierOToole , and on guns ,Covid ,killing childcare,climate change ,women's LGBTQ2S rights , reconciliation, FGS he'd raise the flag
..again as bodies of dead indigenous children are yet to be uncovered,thousands of them we KNOW are waiting to be sent home. O'Toole said residential schools were created to educate
He'd revive the Great Bear Rainforest pipeline.
THINK PEOPLE this isn't a game #Elxn44 #cdnpoli
it's time to remind Cdns about some stuff from the Harper years,which @erinotoole was a gleeful participant in for 4 of them
And remember the current CPC Ldr chose to enter politics under the CPC banner ,knowing every rotten thing about CPC before doing so .. #Elxn44 #cdnpoli
Controlling the media
Think about how O'TOOLE is conducting his campaign
"How Harper controls the news | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis"…
The attacks on democracy ..
"Harper's Attack on Democracy, Itemized by Lawrence… | The Monitor"…
@mat_schmaltz and on top ..
They don't have to spend a dime
When they've #cdnmedia selling their BIG LIE
FED #NDP@theJagmeetSingh joining the party for free
I mean how gullible are people
This same kind of garbage was shoved down our throats regarding Harper's CPC for yrs. #Elxn44
@mat_schmaltz@theJagmeetSingh when people show you who they are ,and in their own words ,believe them
O'Toole was a loyal Harper flunky
He has clearly stated his intention for private healthcare
He will kill universal childcare replacing it with a privileged people tax credit
He did allow ...
@mat_schmaltz@theJagmeetSingh free votes on restricting abortion rights
and voting against banning gay conversion torture therapy
He did state CERB was wrong and killed the culture of work
He does think res schools had good intentions
He did through around
white fragility "cancel culture"
He did ...
W . T . A . F
why I'm seeing NDP and its supporters pump out misinformation on Healthcare transfers under Liberal gov't ,yet completely silent about CPC leader promising to realize the dream of at best ,two tiered healthcare ,at worst US pay,go bankrupt or die system #elxn44
Something very sinister is afoot tween CPC and FED NDP
and it scares me to death
One pretending to have suddenly seen the center of politics ,light
(like we don't have 10yrs of CPC rule,Kenney and Ford ,to know the lie of it)
The other happy to let them get away with it
Are these paid operatives ,I don't know
But what I do know
NDP will not win this election
So their goal is minority gov't ,and if it's CPC led ,that's ok
Just like Layton aimed for in 2006
Harper even gave him political advice on how to take seats from the LIBS ...
🇨🇦 we have a choice to make in this election
Continue the progress (and yes it can be painfully slow at times) for equality ,equity , reconciliation ,climate action
Or you can choose CPC
Which wants to create a country of have and have nots
Which rewards those with $$ ...
Which doesn't value the humanity or safety of workers ,but only their productivity
Which said ..Covid emergency supports ya we don't believe in that and CERB ,in particular, killed culture of work
Do you want your country governed by IDU,GOP or Fraser institute philosophy?
I know I want no part of that
So I'm asking you to choose #ForwardForEveryone #LiberalMajority #Elxn44
The only viable alternative to that is 4 more years of the Harper puppet master and that's just the truth of it
You've got to give it the CPC clowns
Their hypocrisy never fails to disappoint
And never accuse them of failing to #cdnmedia to focus on the mouse(vid) ,when the elephant (privatized healthcare) is the room #Elxn44 #cdnpoli #LiberalMajority