Tracey🇨🇦 Stand with 🇺🇦 /BIPOC+🌈+ 🏳️‍⚧️ally Profile picture
LIB Proudly woke Atheist AbortionRights Gun control 🖕🏻racists 🖕🏻bigots 🖕🏻misogynists #NeverPoiLIEvre live on unceded territory Same handle on BlueSky
Apr 27, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Apr 27, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
When disgusting truths about a party leader are worse
than flagrant lies and conspiracy theories PP spews
1)flogged Bitcoin to beat inflation b4 it tanked
2)women hating hashtags were embedded in his YouTube vids
3)cheered on,funded and coddled FREEDUMB KLAN HATEFEST BRIGADE 4)posted Qanon "great reset" madness
5)posts absolute garbage that Nazis were socialists by another name
6)Canada's #1 fan of "right to work"
7)Jordan Peterson fan boy
8)Aboriginals just need to work harder
9)rails against "elite" from his taxpayer funded mansion/ adult life
Apr 3, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
For those listening to the absurdities spewed by demagogue Pierre Poilievre over the fact it has cost more to run the Govt since austerity Harper was in charge
Are you aware of 3 yr and ongoing pandemic current govt has been dealing with ?
What is your life worth to you? What are the lives of your family worth to you ?
This govt did everything it could to keep you going
It is helping you now
If you're that concerned please return any CERB etc you received
Do NOT apply for or accept any help from FEDS re inflation,Ctax,CTB, childcare,dental
Mar 4, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
So you want to talk Cdn election interference
NO ONE, NO PARTY has done it better than CPC Harper and Poilievre
1)killed per vote subsidy
2) increased donation limits
3)held the longest election campaign in CDN history 2015(to financially break the opposition parties)
... 4)anti democratic /voting rights
"fair elections" act
5)election cheating and fraud (in and out scandal,robocall scandal etc etc)
FFS in 2015..
International election monitors descended on 🇨🇦 cuz of CPC's penchant for cheating
THEY are the real threat to 🇨🇦 democracy
Feb 10, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
I love how #cdnmedia are now wondering how a "protest" which has ZERO to do with a NON EXISTENT Fed govt Vax mandate for CDN truckers
Has gotten out of control
Are you kidding me ,you had a responsibility to report FACTS,not to legitimize an obvious coup attempt
OWN your part Many tried to warn you
You ignored it
Many begged you to clarify and still are
Doesn't matter if Prov govt's lifted every pandemic restriction,if CDN border protocols were lifted
JFC do your job,there's still time to save face
Feb 10, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Hey folks ..
I'm asking you to think back for a moment
Remember when the FREEDUMB f*uckers ,aided and abetted by #cdnmedia
Tried to claim they were concerned about the supply chain ?
And I said ..
They don't give a rat's ass about the supply chain ....
#cdnpoli Further I said ..
They will create issues and shortages and along with their most ardent supporters #CONvoyPartyCanada
will then try to blame the Fed Gov't for the 💩show THEY are creating

What I NEVER saw coming ..
Prov govt's and police forces sitting on their hands
Feb 9, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

Unless a private sector company mandates 💉 for drivers


🇨🇦lifted quarantine exemptions,with months of notice, for unvaxxed truckers

the US won't let them enter un💉

🇨🇦 has NO power over that decision We put in a Vax mandate for all our drivers 99% CHOSE to get 💉💉

Our drivers can haul anywhere for anyone

If you CHOSE not to

Guess what

Suck it up and learn to live with the consequences of your CHOICE
Feb 9, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
So we all know Premiers and PHOs ,responsible for vast majority of PH measures are giving these FREEDUMB f*ckers exactly what they want soon right?
We know Fed govt can't do shit about 🇺🇸 border crossing 💉💉 policy right?
This SIEGE/insurrection
... of theirs ,this holding Cdns hostage ,the economy hostage has ZERO to do with mandates
It a far right extremist ,foreign funded effort to overthrow the duly elected govt of 🇨🇦
Think of it as the little brother/sister of Jan 6th Or a good bet part of Russian destabilization
Oct 1, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm fucking sick of #cdnmedia and talking head opionionist hacks
I want to know what THEY did to honour #NDTR
What did THEY do to reflect on Canada's horrendous history
How did THEY find time to listen and learn ,when they never stopped talking ? What survivors did they give their entire attention to yesterday?
What deserted stretch of beach ,did they walk ,hearing the voices of the dead ,the stolen?
What have they commited to doing on this path of truth and healing ?
Why didn't they use their time and platform ...
Sep 30, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
1:30 PM: Meet at the entrance of the SRYE building to participate in a drumming procession to Holland Park
2:00 - 4:00 PM: Event program begins at Holland Park, near the fountain (13428 Old Yale Rd) Image
Sep 8, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Spent today in Hope at Coquihalla Canyon Prov Park and Othello Tunnels
It was f*cking awesome , awe-inspiring gorgeous
Sep 6, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Dear Cdns ,
media ,CPC ,even NDP ,are trying to get you to believe that Erin O'Toole ,loyal Harper soldier ,is a moderate .
That hey ,CPC can only win a minority and how much damage can they do ?
Well,research Harper minority gov't,look at Otoole's voting record since 2011 .. Pierce through the fog being thrown at you by all sorts of nefarious actors .
Believe your eyes and ears ,listen to those alarm bells set off by #2TierOToole , and on guns ,Covid ,killing childcare,climate change ,women's LGBTQ2S rights , reconciliation, FGS he'd raise the flag
Sep 1, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
it's time to remind Cdns about some stuff from the Harper years,which @erinotoole was a gleeful participant in for 4 of them
And remember the current CPC Ldr chose to enter politics under the CPC banner ,knowing every rotten thing about CPC before doing so ..
#cdnpoli Controlling the media
Think about how O'TOOLE is conducting his campaign
"How Harper controls the news | Canada's National Observer: News & Analysis"…
Aug 26, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
@mat_schmaltz and on top ..
They don't have to spend a dime
When they've #cdnmedia selling their BIG LIE
FED #NDP @theJagmeetSingh joining the party for free
I mean how gullible are people
This same kind of garbage was shoved down our throats regarding Harper's CPC for yrs.
#Elxn44 @mat_schmaltz @theJagmeetSingh when people show you who they are ,and in their own words ,believe them
O'Toole was a loyal Harper flunky
He has clearly stated his intention for private healthcare
He will kill universal childcare replacing it with a privileged people tax credit
He did allow ...
Aug 25, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
W . T . A . F
why I'm seeing NDP and its supporters pump out misinformation on Healthcare transfers under Liberal gov't ,yet completely silent about CPC leader promising to realize the dream of at best ,two tiered healthcare ,at worst US pay,go bankrupt or die system
#elxn44 Something very sinister is afoot tween CPC and FED NDP
and it scares me to death

One pretending to have suddenly seen the center of politics ,light
(like we don't have 10yrs of CPC rule,Kenney and Ford ,to know the lie of it)
The other happy to let them get away with it
Aug 24, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
🇨🇦 we have a choice to make in this election
Continue the progress (and yes it can be painfully slow at times) for equality ,equity , reconciliation ,climate action
Or you can choose CPC
Which wants to create a country of have and have nots
Which rewards those with $$ ... Which doesn't value the humanity or safety of workers ,but only their productivity
Which said ..Covid emergency supports ya we don't believe in that and CERB ,in particular, killed culture of work
Do you want your country governed by IDU,GOP or Fraser institute philosophy?
Aug 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
You've got to give it the CPC clowns
Their hypocrisy never fails to disappoint
And never accuse them of failing to #cdnmedia to focus on the mouse(vid) ,when the elephant (privatized healthcare) is the room
#LiberalMajority Good on Neetu though for not letting Erin ,who hires all sorts of American style attack ad experts ,get away with not giving an answer
Aug 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
So to recap
CPC are promising to
•Kill Natl childcare
•Privatize healthcare as official policy
•Sweet boutique tax credits and GST holiday for the privileged
•End new gun control measures
•Pose serious threat to the human rights of women and LGBTQ2S

#Elxn44 •Voted down declaring climate change is real
•Prescription drug plan ??
•In middle of 4th wave end Covid emergency supports
•Residential schools had good intentions
•value statues over people
(add your favs)
JFC .. we all SHOULD be in panic to stop them
Aug 23, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Remember when #CPC
directed Elections Canada to stop informing voters on important issues like this ?
or when LIBERALS reversed O'Toole and Poilievre party's attacks on our fundamental right to free and fair elections
Aug 22, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Something we should all come to understand
Elections aren't only about what new shiny thing parties are promising us ..
They are also about what we stand to lose
Think about that as you are deciding how to cast your vote ...
#Elxn44 Are you willing to risk Natl childcare
a beginning towards Natl drug coverage (PEI already signed )
a woman's right to choose
LGBTQ2S rights to be free from conversion therapy torture
Watered down MAID
Zero gun control
and so much more ..
Apr 9, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Dear 🇨🇦 ..
Much as you have been gaslit by #cdnmedia and Fed opposition party leaders
PREMIERS are responsible for dealing with almost every aspect of #Covid19 including restrictions or none ,to control spread and vaccination rollout.
They're to blame for 3rd wave.. NOT the FEDS
The FED GOV'T has given the provinces everything they needed to be successful
Unimaginable sums of funding ,rapid tests(not deployed) ,vaccine supply as it becomes available from foreign manufacturers ,if it's sitting in freezers ,blame your Premiers and top docs