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30 Sep, 155 tweets, 109 min read
Let's kick this thing off, yall. We'll be live tweeting throughout the hearing today to make sure you don't miss a thing. #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice #SB8
Enjoy this message straight from @dr_moayedi as she heads into the hearing room. We’re so proud of you Dr. Moayedi! Thank you!
Chairwoman @RepMaloney sets the stage for the hearing and shares the threats we're seeing to abortion access across the country, including the devastating impacts of Texas's #SB8. Thank you for holding this important hearing, Chairwoman.
The Chairwoman @RepMaloney celebrates last week's passage of the #ActForAbortionAccess and calls for a pass of the #EACHAct so that we can #BeBoldEndHyde. She calls for ends on restrictions to medication abortion so that we can have #MedAbortionIRL. Abortion is safe!
Now, we have an opening statement from leader in access to abortion @RepPressley. "We find ourselves in the midst of an unprecedented wave of coordinated attacks on our reproductive rights and bodily autonomy." #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Thank you @RepPressley for highlighting who these abortion bans are harming most: Black, Brown, Indigenous, Queer, and Trans folks. Folks with low-incomes. We've. Had. Enough. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
She said it. It's the truth. You cannot talk about abortion bans without talking about their ties to white supremacy. THANK YOU @RepPressley for your bold leadership. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
On this painful commercial break from Rep. Comer, enjoy these photos of @dr_moayedi and Maleeha Aziz of @TEAFund and @AbortionStories looking so ready to take on this hearing. We love you all!
YESS! We are here to NORMALIZE ABORTION! That is right!!! #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"We can use our liberty for love." We agree! Abortion IS love. Abortion IS freedom. Abortion IS normal. Abortion IS essential. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
In deepest respect, Rep. Foxx, how DARE you say that people who have abortions don't know how it is impacting their lives. Let them speak their OWN truths. Also, you're over time.
.@RepCori begins her story. Listen. Now.
"I was confused. I was embarrassed. I was ashamed. I asked myself 'was it something that I had done?'"

@RepCori voices what so many of us as survivors ask ourselves after experiencing sexual trauma. Thank you Congresswoman.

She shares that at 18 years old, she found herself at 9-weeks pregnant with an unintended pregnancy. @RepCori shares the experience of so many young people as they consider their options, their goals, their values, and their lives.

"My abortion happened on a Saturday."
"Choosing to have an abortion was the hardest decision I had ever made. But at 18 years old it was the right decision for me. It was freeing." @RepCori
"We demand better. We deserve better." @RepCori #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Now we hear from @RepJayapal sharing her abortion story. She starts by sharing the story of the birth of her first child, Janak. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
.@RepJayapal shares her experience taking birth control. Her method failed. She found herself pregnant. She wanted more children, but knew she was not ready. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
She knew she wanted an abortion. It was a hard decision, but it was HER decision. @RepJayapal #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
"Whether the choice to have an abortion is easy or hard, none of that should be the issue. It should be nobody's business what pregnant people do with our own bodies." @RepJayapal #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
"Many people may not have the same choice as I did. That is unacceptable. Abortion bans do real harm to people across the country." @RepJayapal #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
"It is time to remove the stigma around abortion care and our reproductive health choices." @RepJayapal #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
Here’s some more wholesome pro-abortion content to smile at. #AbortionJustice
Now let's hear from the honorable @RepBarbaraLee who is sharing her story even though, and we agree, "It's really nobody's business." But she feels compelled to share because of the dangerous bans we're seeing in states like TX, her home state. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
When she was 16, @RepBarbaraLee found herself with a missed period. "I didn't know what to do." When she told her mother, "she responded with love." We LOVE when people have support from their families when they need it. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
.@RepBarbaraLee's experience accessing abortion care before it was legally accessible in 1973 has shaped her work in Congress. And we are so grateful for her leadership to #BeBoldEndHyde and pass the #EACHAct and #ActForAbortionAccess.
Thank you for sharing Rosie Jimenez's story especially today, on the day marking the 45th year the harmful Hyde Amendment has been in place. #BeBoldEndHyde @RepBarbaraLee
We now hear from @RepJudyChu "Everyone deserves access to comprehensive and safe reproductive health care no matter where they live, free from political interference." #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Hear that? Since 2011 anti-abortion extremists have introduced over 500 medically unnecessary bans on abortion aiming to SHAME people who need abortions and those who provide abortion care. Thank you @RepJudyChu. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"6 states are down to their last abortion clinic." This is why we need the #ActForAbortionAccess now so that no matter where you live, you can get the abortion care you need. @RepJudyChu #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"Abortion restrictions are part of the intertwined systems of oppressions that deny people of color their rights." @RepJudyChu #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
That first panel though. Wow. Thank you for sharing your love. Thank you for sharing your truths. @RepCori @RepJayapal @RepBarbaraLee. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
We love seeing @dr_moayedi and Maleeha Aziz of @TEAFund and @AbortionStories get settled in their seats. You both are going to be phenomenal. Let's GO! #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
I mean come on… Look how badass our Board Member @dr_moayedi is. Thank you for everything you do for your community in Texas. And for all you are. #AbortionJustice
We start this next panel by hearing from @GloriaSteinem. She reflects on the past of access to abortion and why we need to move to the future of #AbortionJustice. #BansOffOurBodies
.@GloriaSteinem says the names of Rosie Jimenez and Becky Bell, women who needlessly lost their lives because of dangerous bans on abortion.
Now let's hear from @ProfMMurray “Since [1973], the Supreme Court has consistently affirmed the right to abortion as an essential aspect of the Constitution’s guarantees of liberty and equality.” #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“SCOTUS has made clear that states may not ban abortion before viability or restrict abortion in ways that are unduly burdensome.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“More precisely, states may not enact legislation that has the purpose or effect of placing a substantial obstacle in the path of a person seeking an abortion.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“Despite these long-standing precedents, state legislatures have continued to test the Constitution’s limits by enacting increasingly restrictive abortion laws.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“No longer content to chip away at the abortion right through piecemeal legislation, these more recent laws are an obvious provocation designed to relitigate, and ultimately overturn, Roe v. Wade.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“Now they have their chance, and they are fully embracing it. In December, SCOTUS will hear Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“SCOTUS’s recent treatment of a petition involving #SB8, Texas’s flagrantly unconstitutional abortion law, suggests that the Court may well be amenable to this prospect.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“Today is the 30th day that people in Texas have woken up with fewer constitutional rights than the rest of the country. No matter what the Court does moving forward, we will not be able to erase how its actions failed Texans and our Constitution.” @ProfMMurray #AbortionJustice
“The right to marry the person of one’s choice, the right of parents to raise their children in the manner of their choosing, the right to procreate—if Roe falls, it would endanger all of these rights as well.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“In conclusion, I hope that as you consider ways to support and protect the constitutional right to abortion, you will keep these urgent threats to the rule of law in mind, as well as the communities who are most harmed by them.” @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
This current testimony is nothing but racist, inflammatory, harmful, lies. We'll see you at the next panelist.
Now we hear from Professor @LorettaJRoss. "I feel the need to speak from my heart. My story disproves many of the theories abortion opponents like to talk about." #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"When I became pregnant at Howard University, I was lucky enough to access a safe, legal, abortion." -Professor @LorettaJRoss #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"It should not be more difficult for a child in Texas to access abortion as it was for me in 1968. 50 years of telling our stories doesn't seem to change the hard heart of people." -@LorettaJRoss #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Professor @LorettaJRoss is now sharing the beginnings of the Reproductive Justice movement and how it started because Black women were being forgotten and not listened to. "If you don't care, I don't know what it takes to reach your heart." #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"I wan't yall to talk about what it's really like for people who don't have choices. Who live in Texas. Who shouldn't have to go through what I went through." @LorettaJRoss
“My name is Dr. Ghazaleh Moayedi and I use she/her pronouns. I am a board certified ob-gyn, the child of Iranian immigrants, a mom, a Texan, and a proud abortion provider.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“Although I am the same physician, with the same expert skills and training, I am compelled by Texas to provide substandard care to patients in Dallas compared to Honolulu.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“Imagine Marie: a 35-old, American citizen, 18 weeks pregnant, working a minimum wage job, and living in Dallas. She, like most people who have abortions, is already a parent and resolute in her abortion decision.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“Although Marie is confident and informed about her abortion, Marie is FORCED to endure multiple harmful restrictions.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“I’m compelled to FORCE Marie to look at & listen to the ultrasound.

I’m compelled to FORCE Marie to hear a description of the ultrasound.

I’m compelled to FORCE Marie to hear medically inaccurate, state-mandated scripts.”

@dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice #SB8
“After all of this, Marie still cannot have her abortion. She must return at least twenty-four hours later, because I’m compelled to FORCE her to wait, even though it is medically unnecessary and goes against my better judgment as a physician.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies
“In Honolulu, Marie could call my office for an appointment in the morning and be going home in the afternoon.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice #TexasDeservesBetter #SB8
“If she were living in Hawaii, Marie would not have to forgo food, or rent, or childcare to access her abortion. In Texas, Marie will.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice #TexasDeservesBetter #SB8
“Today, Marie cannot even get an abortion in Dallas. The next closest clinic is in Oklahoma City—which had a 1 month waiting list for an appointment in the weeks before S.B. 8 went into effect.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice #TexasDeservesBetter #SB8
“So, by the time Marie is able to schedule her appointment she would be unable to get care in OK. Now we’re moving in concentric circles, further and further away from her home, further and further away from hope.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“This is exactly what S.B. 8 is intends to do – deny people the ability to have an abortion.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“This is where we are today. Abortion care has almost completely stopped in our state. Only a small fraction of patients are able to get the care they need in Texas.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“Clinics are working tirelessly to care for everyone they can within the limits of the law. And they are coordinating non-stop with abortion funds on getting everyone else out of state for care. Yet we know not everyone will be able to get care in another state.” @dr_moayedi
“The impact of this law is devastating. It is terrifying. Not only for people with undesired pregnancies seeking abortion care, but also for people with highly desired pregnancies who have pregnancy complications.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice #SB8
“The consequences are far reaching. Health care providers are confused. My colleagues are asking if they are still allowed to treat ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“They are worried that they will have to delay life-saving care for people who are very sick. They are worried about all of the possible chronic conditions that can worsen in pregnancy, but not worsen enough to warrant an exception under this law.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies
“S.B. 8 has not only caused a near total ban on abortion in Texas where maternal morbidity and mortality is already unconscionably high, especially for Black women and pregnant people of color.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice #SB8
“I know first-hand that abortion saves lives. For the thousands of people I’ve cared for, abortion is a blessing.

Abortion is an act of love.

Abortion is freedom.”

@dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“We need federal protection of abortion, NOW. We need laws that elevate science and evidence and that recognize the dignity and autonomy of people accessing abortion care.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“The Women’s Health Protection Act is an important and critical step, but it is not enough. We need legislation that will protect pregnant and birthing people in all of their decisions so that they can live their healthiest lives.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
“But most of all, we need you to not forget us, the people of Texas and other heavily restricted states, who are trying our best to care for ourselves, our families, and our communities amidst efforts to completely control our bodies and lives.” @dr_moayedi #BansOffOurBodies
“My name is Maleeha Aziz. I am a mother, a survivor of sexual assault, a proud abortion storyteller with We Testify, and a Community Organizer for the Texas Equal Access Fund.” @TEAFund @AbortionStories
“Before S.B. 8 officially became the law, things were already dismal, but now they have become a nightmare. Abortion funds have been working around the clock to help people access abortions with funding assistance, travel support, and more.” @TEAFund @AbortionStories #SB8
"Abortion funds exist to counter the discriminatory, classist, and racist restrictions on abortion, like the Hyde Amendment and S.B. 8." @TEAFund @AbortionStories #SB8 #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"The authors of S.B. 8 and the people supporting this discriminatory and despicable law have made it abundantly clear that they do not care about our physical and emotional well-being. They are only interested in controlling our bodies." Maleeha Aziz #SB8
"I am angry that survivors must publicly share our traumas to make legislators realize the depravity of this law." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"Texas does not guarantee paid sick leave. That means, those who call TEA Fund for support aren’t able to earn a wage because they miss work for a multi-day medical appointment." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"I can relate to what our clients are going through. Nearly eight years ago, just like all of them, I needed an abortion." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"Like many people searching for abortion clinics and needing an ultrasound, I ended up at a fake clinic known as a crisis pregnancy center." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"Thankfully, a supportive family member covered the cost of my abortion and all of the other travel-related expenses that I could not afford." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"I still remember the horrible and vile insults strangers yelled at me as I walked into the clinic, which I had to endure twice because I had to wait 24-hour hours before I could have my abortion." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"I am eternally grateful my provider eased my anxiety and calmly reminded me that I knew what was best for my body." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"With federal policies like the Hyde Amendment and state laws that ban private insurance from covering abortion procedures, we’re left to pay for all of these costs out of pocket, despite having health insurance." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice
"My husband is active duty military and lives 4 hours away during the week. We decided that an abortion was the best decision for our family." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"The love I have for Maya made my second abortion an easy decision. And, this time I knew that abortion pills were both legal and safe in Texas." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"My abortion helped me create my family I have now, and for that I will always be grateful. Doing so also made me a better mother because I chose motherhood on my terms." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"Members of Congress, I sit before you today to ask you to show up for those of us who’ve had and provide abortions. No one should be afraid of seeking healthcare." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"No one should be criminally punished for wanting to end their pregnancies. And no one should fear asking a loved one for support in a time of need." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
"As we say at We Testify, everyone loves someone who had an abortion. I hope that you hear my story and the stories of countless others—the actions you take impact your constituents and loved ones who have abortions." Maleeha Aziz @TEAFund @AbortionStories #AbortionJustice #SB8
Okay, yall. We are crying. What a POWERFUL series of testimonies shedding light on the REALITIES of abortion care. Thank you @ProfMMurray @GloriaSteinem @dr_moayedi and Maleeha of @TEAFund and @AbortionStories. #BansOffOurBodies
Also we can't help but notice who has their masks on and who doesn't... we're looking at you Skop... 👀
"We will do whatever is necessary. We've got that lived experience. We're going to have every means at our disposal. People don't care. But we care." @LorettaJRoss #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Science is always evolving, we're always learning more. Including more data that abortion is safe. That the REAL harm caused to pregnant people are abortion restrictions that deny them the abortion care they need. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8 #TurnawayStudy
If Roe was overturned it would turn millions of people into "reproductive refugees. We'd be developing a different kind of refugee crisis within our own borders." @ProfMMurray #BansOffOurBodies #AbortionJustice
We can't help but that every time Dr. Skop talks about a developing fetus, she uses he/him pronouns... if that's not clear representation of the patriarchy & transphobia, not sure what is.
"Spreading medical misinformation can result in LOSS of medical licensure." @dr_moayedi very properly dragging Dr. Skop. Medical misinformation is DANGEROUS and IRRESPONSIBLE. #AbortionJustice
"We know that when people don't have access to abortion care, maternal mortality and morbidity rises." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
.@dr_moayedi is sharing the litany of medically unnecessary, dangerous abortion restrictions the people of Texas face BEYOND #SB8. The state is limiting her from acting in the ways she knows is medically correct as a physician. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"Abortion is health care and everyone deserves equal and fair access." Maleeha Aziz #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies @TEAFund @AbortionStories
Dr. Skop is talking about people dying from ectopic pregnancies. That's true. It is a life-threatening medical condition that providers in Texas are currently SCARED to provide intervention for because of the threats of #SB8. Abortion restrictions are DANGEROUS for all people.
Rep. Foxx called her Dr. Scoff and... we cannot... 😅
As a community of physician advocates, let us be clear that "tri-semester abortions" is not medically accurate terminology.
While we're at it, if you DO want to learn about medically accurate language to talk about abortions, check out our reporter resource, STAT. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies…
Our friend @RepRaskin is opening his questioning with the FACT that "every person's situation is uniquely different deeply personal" and that politicians have no place in private medical decisions. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
And in this SNL skit, we see how there is no such thing as separation of church and state. (What are we watching....)
.@RepRoKhanna discusses how in the SCOTUS brief trying to take down Roe vs. Wade, there's a suggestion to also remove protections to same sex marriage and criminalize same sex relationships. These issues are all tied. And must be stopped. All of our humanity is at stake.
"Once again we're in a room full of legislators who are trying to legislate reproductive systems they know nothing about." @RepAOC #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"It's a boyfriend. It's a friend. It's a boss. It's a legislator." @RepAOC on who can harm survivors of rape and sexual assault.
.@RepAOC shares the dangerous contraceptive coercion that can occur by abusive partners. She's connecting this abuse to the culture of coercive abortion bans.
.@dr_moayedi shares the truth that abortion bans are a continuation of a long, harmful history of oppressing and coercing Black and Indigenous people's bodies, and everyone's bodies. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
We know that all abortion care is safe. Medication abortion is safe. Procedural abortion is safe. Abortion bans are medically unnecessary and make people's experiences less safe. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
.@RepRashida with the mic drop that if Representatives care so much about Black lives, they would show up for Black communities all year, not only when they want to provide racist arguments against abortion care.
"When are we actually going to call this out for what it is? This is about controlling women's bodies period. And we shouldn't be calling it anything but." @RepRashida #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"Black lives matter should be very much at the forefront of every policy we talk about in this country." @RepRashida #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"I'm tired of white saviors saying Black women aren't smart enough to make decisions about our own lives. That's ultimate racism. Get over yourself with this white saviorism." -Professor @LorettaJRoss #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"You want to save lives? Invest in breaking down structures of systemic racism in this country." @RepRashida #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #BlackLivesMatter
Shouting out to independent providers who make so much abortion care possible. We see you. We are with you. We support you. @AbortionCare @KeepOurClinics
"We are better for having your voice here today." @RepDannyDavis thanks Maleeha Aziz of @TEAFund and @AbortionStories for sharing her truth. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Maleeha shares how many people are left out of the abortion conversation when we use gendered language. Thank you so much Maleeha for speaking out in support of trans and gender non-binary folks who access abortion. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies @TEAFund @AbortionStories
"Crisis pregnancy centers should be shut down. None of them should exist. They do not help pregnant people. They prey on pregnant people." -Maleeha Aziz #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies @TEAFund @AbortionStories
People accessing abortions are the ONLY people who know how they feel about their abortion. It is shameful when Congresspeople pretend to know what that experience is like. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"You don't care about our lives. You don't care about our children. So we don't want you denigrating Planned Parenthood who does care about our lives. We see through your hypocrisy." -Professor @LorettaJRoss combatting the anti-Black comments in today's hearing. #AbortionJustice
"I'm in favor of everyone having access to equitable health care, and that includes abortion. I don't see abortion as homicide, I see abortion as health care." Maleeha Aziz responding to shameful attacks from Rep. Norman. #AbortionJustice @TEAFund @AbortionStories
"Abortion restrictions are devastating to the rural communities I serve. I see patients driving 300-500 miles to get care. It's unconscionable that people have to travel that far to get health care." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Maleeha shares how financially burdensome abortion restrictions are for people accessing needed health care. For some, it pushes the care out of reach. Time off of work, child care, transportation. It's costly and sometimes impossible. #AbortionJustice @TEAFund @AbortionStories
"All physicians should offer non-biased, evidence-based care, and that includes abortion care." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"It's incredibly disturbing to hear white people discussing what racism is, or is not." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
.@dr_moayedi is providing some VERY useful education about medication abortion. Mifepristone and misoprostol, two SAFE medications, are getting well deserved time in the hearing. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #MedicationAbortionIRL #MedAbortionIRL
"I experience targeted regulations every single day when I provide abortion care. I have to lie to patients from a state-mandated script. Really top to bottom everything about the care is regulated by the state." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"Abortion is not just for people that take contraception or whose contraception failed. People also choose abortion with very highly desired pregnancies whose lives change. So this is not just a contraceptive issue." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"That is not a medical term.

That is not a medical term.

I am not here to lie to the public."

-@dr_moayedi providing the TRUTH about abortion care. We refuse to enable anti-abortion legislators from providing shameful misinformation that harasses abortion providers.
We are disgusted by how flagrantly racist, and specifically how anti-Black, members of this Committee and Dr. Skop have been. Trust Black women. Trust Black communities. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies

Gender is a construct....

People of all genders have abortions.....

#AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"It's important for us to understand the intersection of racial justice, gender justice, and reproductive justice policies. When you put it all together, you can't separate the fight for abortion rights from the fight for voting rights, environmental justice." @LorettaJRoss
We cannot ignore how the same people complaining about the fact that this hearing is happening are the same people spreading dangerous misinformation about COVID-19. This is irresponsible.
As @LorettaJRoss explains the harms of the Hyde Amendment, we join her calls to #BeBoldEndHyde to get closer to #AbortionJustice. Today on the blog, we dig into how 45 years ago this harmful restriction on coverage for abortion started denying people care.…
Thank you @RepJimmyGomez for connecting the dots that the same people claiming to "choose life" are the same who don't care about Black maternal morbidity and mortality. The same people who don't care about Medicaid. The same people who don't care about health care.
"It is disturbing to hear a physician talk about genetic linkage to Black maternal mortality. Race is a social construct. It is not genetically coded. To say that genetic factors relate to Black maternal mortality is a direct extension of the eugenics movement." @dr_moayedi
"The reason why Black maternal mortality rates are so high in our country are a direct impact of white supremacy in our medical systems." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"Race is not genetically coded in the way you are saying. All of what you mentioned are conditions of white supremacy not of someone's genetic capacity. That is very much a part of the science." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"From the founding of this country reproductive coercion was used to control bodies. That history continues today. We see that history time and time again in terms of how our systems are created." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"We see this is true when we have physicians claiming high blood pressure is a result of race and not instead as a result of the stress of the RACISM that person is experiencing." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
"Just this week I was in Oklahoma City providing care for people not only of Oklahoma, but from San Antonio, TX. This is an 8 hour drive away. 70% of the patients I saw this week from from Texas." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies #SB8
.@dr_moayedi is explaining the oath she took and takes very seriously to take care of the person coming to her to seek care. This includes all forms of reproductive health care, including abortion care. Bans like #SB8 aim to prevent her from meeting that oath. #AbortionJustice
"Thankfully today we have safe medications people can access for abortion care. These can be safely taken without a physician. What is concerning are the laws criminalizing people seeking these medications out outside of the medical system." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice
"I am trusted by my neighbors to provide this care and I do it as a duty. As a mom, it hits me very hard that there may be confusion about the law, but that they need this abortion care no matter the legal consequences." @dr_moayedi #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
And with that, the over four hour hearing comes to a close. Wow. We could not be more grateful for the hard work, energy, and deep, deep care shown by the panelists today to be clear that bans on abortion care are dangerous for communities and must be stopped. #BansOffOurBodies
Thank you @RepCori @RepJayapal @RepBarbaraLee
Maleeha Aziz of @TEAFund and @AbortionStories and @LorettaJRoss for sharing your deeply personal experiences accessing your abortions. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
Thank you @ProfMMurray for sharing the legal expertise and analysis of the harms of abortion restrictions and the pending threats to Roe v. Wade. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies
And last, but absolutely not least, thank you @dr_moayedi. We are humbled and honored to have you as a member of our community of physician advocates working tirelessly—day and night, TX to OK to DC—to show up for people seeking compassionate abortion care. #AbortionJustice
@threadreaderapp help us out and unroll this very long thread <3
And here are today's live tweets in an alternate format for those of you who may prefer them all on one page. #AbortionJustice #BansOffOurBodies…

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More from @prhdocs

29 Sep
TOMORROW! At 10 AM ET PRH Board Member @dr_moayedi will testify in DC before the House Oversight Committee sharing the urgent need to protect & expand access to abortion care given the impact of TX #SB8 & bans across the country. TUNE IN! #BansOffOurBodies…
Joining @dr_moayedi on the panel is Prof. @LorettaJRoss, Maleeha Aziz of @TEAFund, Prof. Melissa Murray of @nyulaw, and @GloriaSteinem. Together they'll share why we need protections like the #ActForAbortionAccess now.
90 more minutes until Congress hears why state level abortion restrictions are devastating for communities.…
Read 6 tweets
16 Jun
Starting soon! Support President & CEO Dr. Jamila Perritt @Reprorightsdoc as she testifies alongside Tohan of @AbortionStories and @michelebgoodwin sharing why we need #WHPA because #PoliticsHasNoPlace in private, medical decisions like abortion care.…
Alright! Let's get this party started. Follow along as we live tweet. @SenBlumenthal is kicking us off with a great overview of the many threats on abortion care, including the upcoming SCOTUS challenge to Roe v. Wade which is why we need #WHPA now.
Thank you @SenBlumenthal for highlighting the existing restrictions on abortion care in states like Texas, Arkansas, and Alabama. "2021 is on track to have the most anti-abortion restrictions from state legislators in decades." These laws are DANGEROUS and MEDICALLY UNECESSARY.
Read 56 tweets
8 Dec 20
Let’s get this hearing started! We’ll be live tweeting this morning, follow along! #BeBoldEndHyde
Annnnd let's try that again - *now* let's get this hearing started! #BeBoldEndHyde
Read 73 tweets
1 Feb 19
JOURNALISTS: If you are writing about the bills in NY and VA, PLEASE reach out to us. We can connect you with a physician who can fact check so you’re not contributing to the spread of gross misinformation.
If you don’t have a chance to speak to our physicians (which we highly suggest), here are some helpful tips and guidelines for reporters they’d love for you to know as you cover this issue from an evidence-based perspective:
1) “Late-term abortion” is not a medical term. It was invented by anti-abortion extremists to confuse, mislead, and increase stigma. The appropriate language is “abortions later in pregnancy.” #AbortionIsHealthcare
Read 10 tweets

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