The mother of Talib is just like our mother. Mother's are all the same throughout the world. The bond a Talib has with his mother is similar to the bond we have with our mothers. Their women is similar to our women in general.
Taliban do not become misogynistic men in their mother's arms. He goes through a complex process and brainwashing that turns him into an extremist. This happens when he leaves home and joins the local Taliban franchise. That's when he develops the prejudice against women.
When a Talib returns home after a few months in the mountains with his friends, most probably even his mother doesn't recognize him. Women do not play an active role in society in the south of the country. South is the most conservative part of the country. This is a problem!
When I was first deployed to the south, I was shocked at lack of girls education. Very few girl's went to school. This is generally the problem throughout the country. Even in the north. Everything Starts with education. Specially girls education.
If it wasn't for my grandmother, I wouldn't have gone to school myself. Only because she kept insisting on education that I ended up going to school. I was one of the first boys from my village that went to school. I am glad that I did go to school.
We invested heavily in girls education and education in general in the last 20 year's. Unfortunately, we are back to 2001 with this regime. Women are the foundation block of any civilized society. There should be no compromise in girls education. Unethical to deny them education
A few years back during an encounter we came across a dying Taliban fighter. He kept saying "Moor" (Mother) during his last moments. He was a young fighter. Maybe 16. My friends, it's difficult to explain. Every man remembers his mother during his last moment. Even our own did!
In general Taliban don't hate women because they are women. It's just they believe that women should not be active in society. It's more a culture problem not a religious problem. Difficult to explain unless you come to Afghanistan and see it for yourself.
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Commander #SohrabAzimi - RIP
A man born in the 1990s, it would take him approximately 30-40 years after formal education and rising through the ranks in his chosen profession to really make an positive contribution to his country.
Had we had another 5 years we would have finally changed the misfortunes of our country. We would have reformed the army and set #Afghanistan on a permanent path to peace and prosperity. Something that our fathers failed before us. Unfortunately, we have joined that list.
There were many young men rising rapidly through the ranks in the army and were about to replace these incompetent fools. There were young men rising throughout the #Afghan society in general. We were betrayed by our corrupt, criminal and coward elders. Now Abroad!
#CheGuevara was killed in Bolivia some 54 years ago today. #AhmadShahMassoud and Che were both formidable guerilla commanders. They had so much in common and yet so different in ideology. They both fought for what they believed was right and a just cause for their people.
They were from different backgrounds and cultures. One was fighting for communism, whilst the other against communism. Che was jaguar of the jungle whilst Massoud was the snow leopard of the mountains. Both were charasmatic and deeply respected for their abilities on the field
Had they met- there would have been no need for a translator. They would have understood each others language. The language of taking on a far superior force with limited resources, but the might of your people behind you. The language of #GuerrillaWarfare. Men of the field!
#LastStand - According to our calculations, #Panjshir would have fallen in the beginning of October had we made a last stand. Our ammunitions and fuel supplies would have lasted until around this time. I am glad the commanders who were in favour of a last stand were pushed aside
The reason why the resistance is still active is because of the withdrawal. There would have been no ambushes and no resistance had we made a stand. This allowed the leadership to move to other provinces to ignite the flames of resistance.
Withdrawal is the reason why we have resistance in our province. It is the reason why there is resistance in the surrounding provinces. We carried the flames of resistance from #PanjshirValley to our own valleys throughout the mighty Hindu Kush.
#TheAlternative - Taliban are made of several extremists groups. They are like a supermarket of extremism. If you are an extremist, you don't need to create your own special group. You can easily find a group within the Taliban franchise. From school bombing groups to lesser evil
There was no such group as ISIS-K in Afghanistan until this September. If you are an extremist who share the values of ISIS, you could easily find yourself a group within the Taliban to join.
The people who financed the Taliban are the same people who are financing ISIS-K now.
In 2017 when #Trump dropped the mother of all bombs in Nangarhar province, the Americans didn't even bother check the damage it caused. The bomb wasn't dropped to kill or damage tunnel networks of ISIS-K, it was meant to serve the ego of the president. The mother of all ego's!
#MansouriBattalion is the suicide battalion of Taliban. Their creation is not new. They have been operating for the last 12 years or more. They were recruited to target high value targets (HVT). They were responsible for most of green on blue attacks targeting NATO personal.
They are deployed at #Tajikistan border. In the event of a war, they will be heading for Tajik cities, not blowing up themselves Infront of border guards.
These guys are fanatics. There is a brainwashed human then there is a rebooted human. These guys are programmed for one task
We captured a member of this battalion when his vest failed. That's how we discovered the battalion's existence. It was a privilege to meet him. I say privilege, because you don't usually meet these guys in one piece. Both of you are in pieces by the time he reveals his identity!
#Dislaaf - The first transaction of the day between a shopkeeper and a customer is called Dislaaf. The shopkeeper will usually give you a discount and upon taking the money he will say "Bismillah" (In the name of God). This is meant to bring you good fortune. #Afghanistan
A few days back I went to a shop to buy something. This was late in the evening. As I paid the shopkeeper, I heard him say the word "Bismillah. I knew this was his Dislaaf. A shopkeeper should make his Dislaaf within an hour of opening his shop, not so late in the evening.
My friends, the economic situation is going from bad to worse. The money has simply dried up. It's like someone collected all the money from Afghanistan and vanished. #AshrafGhani and his gang took some, but they couldn't have taken all the money. Money is as valuable us gold now