People working in the field of #health, were you aware that there's a Right To Health Bill 2021 - with 1st draft out?
(All India, not the Rajasthan one. No, not the decade old one.)
Aa a matter of interest do YOU know @MoHFW_INDIA since this is strangely, initiated by EAC? #PLCP
Update as constant queries on draft (less so on #PLCP etc 🙄) : @DipikaJain2019 of @CJLS_JGU has been in touch & has committed to release the working draft by end of day in public domain.
The planned Right to Health Bill 2021 citizen engagement website is also being advanced.
More info later.
Consultations as she'd mentioned earlier, will follow.
However, we should all be concerned that this seems to be more of a PMO-@EACtoPM initiative, rather than a health ministry effort. @MoHFW_INDIA seems to not be involved in this at all!
Too many public health sector representatives seem to be clueless about this whole exercise, despite some of their colleagues' participation - distressing lack of openness within civil society
Some other #RailingAgainstBarriers observations - this is not easily available in the public domain so feel free to correct / clarify @ManiSudhanshu58 : Have safety / crash tests been done for passengers on wheelchairs without a backrest and safety belt?
Vande Bharat 'Express'ly excludes : The pic above has a red button out of reach of wheelchair user or person of short stature. Moving it down (perhaps appropriately recessed to prevent accidental pressing) would make it usable by more people.
And Braille on TOP of toilet door?!
Have railed elsewhere on @cmrlofficial inaccessibility about this pathetic example of an emergency communication system. Leaving aside blind passengers' inaccessibility, how unintuitive can a ux design be with flustered folx in an emergency?
1 at a time comms in 21st century?!
GoTN BUSted in recent GO regarding bus procurement!
Continuing contempt of Madras High Court + Misdirection by quoting the Rajive Raturi PIL order. The Supreme Court will NOT be amused.
Then there are the the ludicrous 'parts of the bus' justification for #a11y claims
Check out this table about the accessibility features available on Tamil Nadu State transport undertakings' fleet of 21033 buses.
Number 6 says handrails are provided at the entrance of the bus for all 21033 buses.
*slow clap*
Shall we add the wheels of the bus next?
And no, user feedback like this on handrails is absent:
As handrails are attached to automatic doors, it's quite shaky when old / disabled people hold them for support while climbing.. If the bus starts they are put off guard. Also should be on both sides…
Thread. A decade's worth of work in making @cmrlofficial projects accessible from start met with the same old stubborn, non-compliant, mediocre shoddiness touted as 'modern' in Govt propaganda.
And no TN bashing please - other metro projects are just as bad or more likely worse.
"The platform should have one row of dotted guiding blocks for persons with impaired vision, 800 mm. or more from the edge."
Are we waiting for a blind person to step off into space ? Safety studies in Japan, in fact recommend a 2 row width of tactile ground surface indicators!
STAIRWAY (to heaven?!) "Maximum number of risers on a flight shall be limited to 12" says the code. Ignored in both 2015 & 2021. Alarmingly the stair case is open to sky, have they factored in rain in non-slip pendulum testing?
Where's wheelchair access direction sign at entry?
There seem to be scattered cases across India of this medicine that is so crucial for children with infantile spasms. Manufacturer is Sanofi. Can give links of other cases.