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Oct 18th 2021
Update as constant queries on draft (less so on #PLCP etc 🙄) : @DipikaJain2019 of @CJLS_JGU has been in touch & has committed to release the working draft by end of day in public domain.

The planned Right to Health Bill 2021 citizen engagement website is also being advanced.
More info later.
Consultations as she'd mentioned earlier, will follow.

However, we should all be concerned that this seems to be more of a PMO-@EACtoPM initiative, rather than a health ministry effort. @MoHFW_INDIA seems to not be involved in this at all!

Timing also suspect
Really wish they'd managed a quote from Health Ministry here :…

Too many public health sector representatives seem to be clueless about this whole exercise, despite some of their colleagues' participation - distressing lack of openness within civil society
Read 5 tweets
Oct 16th 2021
People working in the field of #health, were you aware that there's a Right To Health Bill 2021 - with 1st draft out?
(All India, not the Rajasthan one. No, not the decade old one.)
Aa a matter of interest do YOU know @MoHFW_INDIA since this is strangely, initiated by EAC? #PLCP
I would like to call upon @OPJUniversity / @JindalGLS / #CHLET @CJLS_JGU to put this first draft in the public domain via the @MoHFW_INDIA website in an accessible format.

India has a Pre Legislative Consultation Policy, so enough with this veil of 'need to know' secrecy. #PLCP!
Read 4 tweets

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