1. This is a model without any observational data. 2. This is ridiculous: there is less than 20 million black women in the USA. 3. According to all long term observational studies, we hardly see any benefit of mammography screening on cancer deaths in women over 50 ...
, for whom screening should be more effective. 4. Most countries do not recommend screening before 50. 5. The authors do not take into account the fact that mammography screening has actually caused a breast cancer epidemic (Corcos & Bleyer, NEJM)
6. The journal @AnnalsofIM, which has previously silenced a manuscript on #mammography_induced_cancers uses the pretext of equity to promote the mammography business.
This is also a major issue regarding the functioning of scientific institutions. linkedin.com/pulse/origin-c…
Remember the HIV vaccine? reuters.com/article/uk-aid…
The trial was criticised five years ago by 22 prominent U.S. scientists who doubted it would have any effect. Washington was accused of wasting more than a $100 million (63 million pounds) by funding it.
“It was a tough decision. I am glad we made it,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who defied the criticism and continued the trial.
Anthony Fauci, also a backer of the test, said of the results: "I don't want to use a word like 'breakthrough,' but I don't think there's any doubt that this is a very important result," npr.org/sections/healt…
The Covid-19 epidemic that has claimed millions of lives began in the city of Wuhan, a modern city in China with an institute (the WIV) where bat coronaviruses were studied and housed.
The most basic way to determine if the SARS-CoV-2 that claimed so many victims came from the WIV would have been to find out what work was being done there by obtaining funding requests and lab notebooks.`
The origin of Covid-19 is no longer a scientific question: it is a major question on the functioning of scientific institutions. @BillyBostickson@TheSeeker268
The Covid-19 epidemic that has claimed millions of lives began in the city of Wuhan, a modern city in China with an institute (the WIV) where bat coronaviruses were studied and housed.
The most basic way to determine if the SARS-CoV-2 that claimed so many victims came from the WIV would have been to find out what work was being done in this institute by obtaining funding requests and lab notebooks.
The chance that a woman will die from breast cancer in developed countries is 1 in 40 (remember that 1 out of 8 women will have breast cancer). Therefore, in a theater of one thousand women, 25 will die from breast cancer.
This means that if regular mammography screening was really reducing breast cancer death by 20%, more than 5 women out of 1000 have been saved by regular mammography screening (since the above numbers are in countries with national screening).
In 2016 I've discovered while working at the @Inserm (the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research) that mammography screening is a major cause of breast cancer, due to X-ray induced-radiation. I was harassed by the INSERM and lost my permanent position in 2018
I received support from Archie Bleyer, Professor Emeritus at OHSU, and we could publish in the New England of Medicine some data on the consequences of nationwide mammography screening in France and in the USA (Corcos & Bleyer, NEJM, 2020).
Le complotisme, c'est d'imaginer que tout relève d'un projet élaboré. Mais généralement, la réalité est encore plus tragique : c'est la stupidité au pouvoir et la crédulité face aux manoeuvres grossières pour couvrir les erreurs et l'incompétence. 1/n
Il fallait être stupide pour croire que des expériences en laboratoire visant à "améliorer" un virus avaient plus d'intérêt que de risques. Il fallait vraiment ignorer que les fuites de laboratoire était des évènements fréquents. Pourtant, les Chinois n'était pas les seuls.. 2/n
dans cette entreprise. Quand la théorie du "wet market" est arrivée, il fallait être extrêmement crédule pour continuer à la prendre au sérieux quand on a appris qu'aucune chauve-souris n'y étaient vendue. Si l'étude de l'origine la plus plausible, la fuite de laboratoire .. 3/n