The @Levana_protocol meteor shower took place from 11/8 6AM UTC and ended at 11/10 2AM UTC.
Even before the sale officially started Levana received 2412txs from 1873 addresses --> in total 295501,425 UST. These transactions happened from 11/7 8:37:35AM to 11/8/ 5:59:48AM
Overall Levana received 3.980.741,43 UST from 6339 unique addresses in 49.974 transactions.
Thats an average tx amout of 79,65 UST.
The median tx amount was 10 UST.
➡️1.624,14 UST were paid for transaction fees.
Lets have a look at the 6339 unique addresses, which participated in that sale:
In average, each address sent 7,88 transactions (median 3 transactions).
The most active address was sending 90 transactions.
➡️Each address spent 627.87 UST. (median 100 UST)
The top 5 addresses invested the following amounts in the sale:
74.195 UST (63 txs)
73.875 UST (59 txs)
71.379 UST (46 txs)
52.280 UST (28 txs)
51.309 UST (18 txs)
➡️The Top10 wallets invested 531kUST (13,36% of the total sale vol.)
➡️The Top25 invested 881kUST (22,14%)
The following amout of meteors was minted during the sale:
Lets have some closer look on the "richlist" of the meteor holders.
218 addresses were able to get some legendary meteors.
(‼️ only 3.4% of all sales participants hold legendary).
The best wallet got 23 legendary meteors!
➡️Top 10 wallets hold 134 legendary meteors (30,5%)
1628 participants (25,7% of all participants)
3028 participants (47,8% of all participants)
5104 participants (80,5% of all participants)
➡️Cool side note:
9 wallets hold 44 common meteors --> the participated in every shower (you guys need no sleep?)
Lets have a look on the wallet with the most legendary meteors.
How was it possible, that this wallet accumulated 23‼️ legendary meteors. 🤷♂️
➡️This address participated in 28 showers, sent 46 txs and paid in total 71.379 UST.
Participating in 28 showers and get 23 legendary - well done bro!🥳
The address spent in total 69.087 UST for all 23 legendary meteors.
The cumulative floor price for this showers was 15740.11 UST.
➡️ Overpayment of 53346.89 UST.
Conclusion: No bot - just big pockets 🤟
We hope you like our summary of the meteor shower!
We liked this new type of sale. ❤️
Very cool @Levana_protocol!
We hope, our meteor shower monitor on levana.daic.capital helped you with your strategy!
Now, let's crack the meteors and get some dragons!