The free trade agreement with Australia would allow Australian food to be imported that's been produced at lower environmental & animal welfare standards.
Whilst UK standards of food are by no means perfect they differ significantly from Australia. Here are just a few e.g.s:
Australia’s animal welfare standards tend to be lower than the UK. Just a couple of examples: Australia allows hormone-treated beef and ‘mulesing’ - the removal of a sheep’s skin while it is still alive.…
Australia is a “hotspot” for deforestation, mainly due to clearing forests to rear cattle on intensive mega-farms.
To prevent antibiotic resistance, antibiotics used to promote growth of animals have been banned in the UK since 2006 but are still permitted in Australia.
Use of antibiotics in Australian farming is significantly higher than the UK
And particularly relevant in the context of the result in North Shropshire last week, our polling found that Leave voters and Conservative voters are more likely to demand higher standards.
No one wants lower standard food to be imported post-Brexit.
And lowering our food standards for what?
The government's own estimate suggests that this trade deal is likely to add as little as 0.01 - 0.08% to the UK economy over 15 years
More worrying still our government (and other countries with even bigger markets than Australia) see this agreement as a "gateway", to allow free trade with other countries.
These countries will expect the same terms as Australia.
Hello chlorinated chicken from the US 👋🇺🇸🍗
This trade deal betrays our farmers who will be unable to compete with imported food produced at significantly lower standards.
This trade deal betrays consumers who have been crystal clear that they do not want lower standard food imported into the UK…
But we are also betraying our proud UK standards, animals & the environment. What is the point in asking our farmers to produce food to high environmental & animal welfare standards if we are simply going to export environmental damage & lower animal welfare to Australia?
We can't let ministers put a hard border around musicians:… It's been revealed that ministers misled the public at least five times – telling them that visa-free tours for musicians like me were impossible, when the opposite is true #Brexit#BrexitReality
The government’s refusal to strike a deal to rescue visa-free touring of the EU leaves performers facing prohibitive costs and a mountain of red tape – despite it being legally possible for them to have reached such an agreement. #Brexit
Now that Boris Johnson’s claim that he is going to resolve the Brexit crisis for musicians has been revealed as a sham, we cannot let his government get away with this. It is vital that we maintain the pressure on them to reach a deal for the UK's world-beating music industry 👇
Women will bear the economic brunt of Brexit – 86% of austerity cuts came at women's expense, who will also shoulder the majority of Brexit costs to households of £850-6,400 per year…
Women worker's rights are threatened by any post-Brexit deregulation and loss of EU protections – including paid holidays for five million UK women and protections for 430,000 pregnant workers and new mothers every year…