1 /… When people in London after the Brexit referendum told me „to go home“ I always told them that as an NHS nurse I probably held their fathers hand when they died in the hospital 20 years ago and that I stopped their sisters bleeding on her wrist when she …1/ #FightRacism
2/ … attempted suicide. And bandaged their builder colleagues broken arm after they had a work injury on a building site.
But now I always say this: (because #Racism hasn’t stopped because it’s practised from the top/gov and populism is now the new democracy in the Tory … 2/
3 / … Tory-1984-world of Lies”):
I am here by my free will.
I am here because I once loved the United Kingdom for what is was in it’s multiculturalism. I loved it despite its awful history of colonialism (nothing to be proud of here) because of a German and Brit I know about
#DietrichBonhoffer , an inspiration for all of us today. I totally agree!👇🏼
We definitely need #Optimism .
And he knew what he was talking about in his circumstances in the resistance movement in the “Third Reich”-Germany (you don’t hear much about that in the UK interestingly).