1st, let me say that I believe it’s crazy that college costs what it does! The ONLY factor that should matter in how far a person can take their education is their innate ability and drive. Society reaps the benefits of a well educated work-force and society should collectively
bear the cost! We recognize this fact for basic education, so why not higher ed?
I was fortunate enough to have a fulfilling, lucrative career in high tech before degrees were commonly required. I dropped out of college for an opportunity at a high tech company. I figured pre-IPO opportunities don’t come along every day, but that school would always be there!
I was very fortunate and I retired young. I didn’t bother to go back to college, and I am quite happy with my choices in life (although it would be cool to hold a degree, especially as my hubby has *two*, including a PhD).
But now it’s a different story. Competition is very tight, there’s plenty of jobs, but really great paying jobs are still hard to find and a degree is no longer a guarantee of a decent job. In fact, many jobs are now done for free by “interns” (a practice that should be illegal),
If I were college-age today, I doubt the path I took would be as readily available, and I would really think very long and hard about going into debt for college: a gamble that may or may not pay off.
Everyone is, of course, entitled to their opinion. The frustration lies, however, with #Stans who won’t even *consider* facts which conflict with their narrative! Opinions are subjective. Facts are not. These days, conflating the two is destroying our society! Literally!
If you don’t believe this, look at any of the anti-vaxxer web sites which are killing people under the guise of “free speech”!
In a crowded movie theater, you don’t have the right to shout “FIRE!”. Simultaneously, in a crowded movie theater that’s burning, you don’t have the right to drag people towards the fire while saying “Don’t worry, fire isn’t really dangerous!”
I still believe that our country would not be in the current state of division had HRC won the presidency in ‘08. Conservative backlash against a Black #POTUS fueled the rise of #FormerGuy and pushed #TodaysGOP to out themselves as The #AmericanNaziParty. That said, he is still
the best #POTUS we’ve had during my lifetime! @BillClinton is definitely a strong runner-up, and I believe @HillaryClinton may well have been the best #POTUS since #FDR and his astonishing #NewDeal which, had he lived to fully implement, might very well have accelerated
Organized religion teaches that #God is all-knowing (omniscience); all-powerful (omnipotent); has a plan (which suggests that there isn’t really free will). We’re also taught of God’s infinite love and compassion.
If God is omniscient, omnipotent, and *THIS is their plan why would ANYONE worship it/she/he?
*THIS meaning hatred, racism, rape, torture, inequality, Holocaust, war, injustice, abuse, child-sex-trade, human slavery, authoritarianism, starvation, suffering, pain, disease,
climate change, hypocrisy, exploitation of humans by other humans, vengeance, murder, discrimination, misogyny, self-loathing, etc.
If everything’s going along as planned by this theoretical entity, then either A and/or B must be true:
If you’re male (or were born male), you should get a colonoscopy if you’re 50 or older. There are times when earlier makes sense (check w/your own doc) Years ago, I picked a stomach virus while in Europe or China (never definitively identified), that wouldn’t go away.
Finally, in desperation (I’d lost 30# in 3 months), my Dr. ordered both endoscopy and colonoscopy. The doc who did the colonoscopy noticed that something didn’t look right, and sent me to an oncologist who removed some tissues that turned out to be pre-cancerous cells.
For the second time in recent years, my monthly #SocialSecurity benefit has gone DOWN because the premium for #Medicare has gone UP more than the #COLA adjustment to the cash benefit. SS isn’t an “entitlement”, it’s insurance into which I paid a fortune. Any insurance policy
which doesn’t adjust for inflation in all of its elements (including healthcare inflation, which has ALWAYS run ahead of ordinary inflation), is poorly designed and needs fixing.
#Congress, please strengthen and expand #ObamaCare in such a way the people who are on fixed income do not see their #COLA increases entirely eaten up by #Medicare expenses!
Controlling runaway pharmaceutical costs would be a great place to start!