The World Socialist Web Site will be posting later today a comprehensive statement on the outbreak of war in #Ukraine. This is a preliminary outline of the position of the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI): 1/
Despite US/NATO provocations and threats, Russia's invasion of Ukraine must be opposed by socialists and class conscious workers. The catastrophe that was set in motion by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991 cannot be averted on the basis of Russian nationalism. 2/
What is required is not a return to the pre-1917 foreign policy of tsarism, but, rather, a revival, in Russia and throughout the world, of the socialist internationalism that inspired the October Revolution and led to the creation of the Soviet Union as a workers state. 3/
The invasion of Ukraine, whatever the justifications given by #Putin, will serve only to divide the Russian and Ukrainian working class, and, moreover, serve the interests of US/NATO #imperialism. 4/
Putin has fallen into a well-laid trap. By refusing to discuss Russia's objections to Ukraine's integration into NATO, the Biden administration used the country as bait. It incited the invasion, which will now be used as a pretext for escalating the confrontation with Russia. 5/
Claims by the Biden administration that the US will not become involved in the Ukraine war have no credibility. US military forces and armaments are pouring into Poland, the Baltic and Black Sea region. 6/
The US is providing advanced weaponry to fascistic Ukrainian paramilitary forces with the intention of prolonging the conflict and exacting significant Russian losses. 7/
Mounting external threats, combined with efforts to strangle Russia's economy, increase the likelihood of expanding the war beyond Ukraine. Biden has again declared that in a confrontation involving Russia with any NATO country, the US will use the "full force" of its power. 8/
This can only mean that nuclear war is not only possible, it is likely. The danger is far advanced and greater than at any previous time. Biden stated today that relations between the US and Russia have completely broken down. 9/
The rupture of diplomatic relations between the US and Russia never happened during the Cold War, not even during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. A breakdown of relations has throughout the twentieth century been identified with the outbreak of a shooting war. 10/
That the US/NATO is prepared to take the world to the nuclear war, with all its horrific consequences, testifies to a staggering level of recklessness and aggressiveness that now prevails in all the centers of world imperialism. 11/
How is this to be explained? The present confrontation with Russia is the outcome of a geopolitical strategy pursued by the United States since the dissolution of the USSR 30 years ago. Its aim has been US global hegemony, using military power to offset economic decline. 12/
This has been the source of the numerous and unending series of wars launched by the US, involving the invasion and/or bombing of Iraq, Somalia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. Of course, this history of illegal wars goes unmentioned in the media today. 13/
These wars have all ended in tactical and strategic defeat, undermining the striving for global hegemony. These failures has increased US anxiety over the challenge its faces from China. 14/
But the major impulse for the provocation of this crisis has been the #Pandemic, which has brought the social and political crisis within the United States to a boiling point. The #Covid_19 death toll is approaching one million. 15/
The intensified stress placed by the Pandemic on a society already torn by extreme social conflict has brought the political system to the point of breakdown, exemplified in the attempted coup of January 6, 2021. /16
The Biden administration, which has publicly expressed its fear that the US democracy may not survive the decade, hoping to manufacture domestic unity and project conflict outward through the medium of war. /17
The American crisis is only the most extreme manifestation of the state of world capitalism. The danger of a catastrophe can only be averted by the action of the working class, within the US and throughout the world, on the basis of a revolutionary socialist program. /18
A fundamental principal of this program is the rejection of the defense of the "national state," a historically obsolete political structure whose existence is in contradiction to the dominance of world economy and the global interdependence of the productive forces. 19/
As Trotsky explained in 1934, in the crisis-stricken years between World Wars I and II, "The task of the proletariat is not the defense of the national state but its complete and final liquidation." 20/
The ICFI calls for an immediate end to the war. In opposing the invasion of Ukraine, we denounce the policies of US/NATO imperialism, whose claims to be defending democracy and human rights are blood-drenched with hypocrisy. 21/
The only way to fight war is to fight for socialism. We urge working people, students and youth to join this struggle. 22/22
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Putin's Monday speech opened with a vitriolic attack on the 1917 October Revolution, Lenin, and the founding principles USSR, which sought to uphold the rights of national minorities and protect them against Great Russian chauvinism. 2/
Cohen, who is obviously ignorant of Soviet history, seems to have entirely missed the import of Putin's attack on Lenin. Putin holds Lenin and the Bolsheviks responsible for recognizing the existence of Ukraine as a nation. 3/
Dr. Dewald, you write in your bio: "Health is inextricably linked with politics." That being the case, is there not a a link between the profit-driven response to Covid responsible for one million deaths in the US and a foreign policy marked by endless aggressive wars? 1/
In the 30 years since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the US - under both Republican and Democratic administrations - has bombed or invaded Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Syria,Afghanistan and Serbia. It endorsed the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip. 2/
The total number of deaths caused by these wars are well over one million. "Abu Ghraib", "water-boarding", "Fallujah", "extraordinary rendition", "Guantanamo", "enhanced interrogation", and "targeted assassinations" are words that have entered into the vocabulary of depravity. 3/
The escalation of the confrontation in Ukraine is a continuation of the policies of US imperialism, with NATO in tow, since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. The ICFI predicted the present crisis in a statement posted in the WSWS in 2016: 1/…
These are several key passages from this statement:
"The invasions and interventions organized by US imperialism have devastated Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria. NATO is engaged in a massive rearmament program in preparation for war with Russia." 2/
"The world stands on the brink of a catastrophic global conflict. The statements of heads of capitalist governments grow increasingly bellicose. The proxy wars in Ukraine and Syria have drawn NATO and Russia closer to a full-scale confrontation." 3/
Secretary of State Blinken proclaimed the inviolability of principles that the United States has repeatedly violated. 1/
1) "One country cannot change the border of another by force." What about the US/NATO destruction of Yugoslavia in the 1990s, which included the 78-day bombing of Serbia for compel it to accept the secession of Kosovo province? 1/
2) "One cannot dictate the choices or policies or with whom it will associate." What about the involvement of the United States in innumerable coup d'etats in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2/
A question for Mr. McFaul: When has he or any segment of the network media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, FOX) acknowledged the well-documented role of Ukrainian fascists not only in the 2014 coup but also in the present-day Ukraine army and paramilitary? 1/
Yesterday NBC ran a report by Richard Engel glorifying the preparation of Ukrainian civilians for combat. He failed to inform viewers that the military trainers were members of the neo-Nazi Azov Regiment, wearing their SS-insignia. 2/
No mention is made of the historical fact that 30 million Soviet soldiers and civilians (consisting of Russians, Ukrainians and other nationalities) perished fighting the Nazis between 1941-45. The Ukrainian fascists were allied with the Nazis. 3/…
In his support for #1619Project historical falsification and #MeToo witchhunting, Jeet Heer remains true to the traditions of the publication for which he writes, The Nation. 1/
This rotting flagship of American liberal reformism is ineradicably marked by its endorsement in the 1930s of the Moscow Trials and the Stalinist terror, which resulted in the extermination of the entire generation of Russian Marxists who had led the 1917 October Revolution. 2/
Trotsky described the editors and writers of The Nation as the "priests of half-truths," that is, as the most cynical of liars. Trotsky related their alliance with the Stalinist bureaucracy to the political and intellectual bankruptcy of American reformists. He wrote: 3/