This 8 principles are based on publication by Kosslyn et al (2012) published in frontiers in psychology.
1) Dont be that person who apologises for a text that is too small. Always go for a minimum 20 point size. Use high-resolution images. Colour hues should be well separated ( Discriminability ). Don't unintentionally camouflage your images 😄
2) Leave plenty of white space and make the title clear
(Perceptual organisation)
3) Use colour, proximity and shapes to help organise elements into groups. This will help the audience to understand main points. Use #animations, but don't over crowd (sanity)
4) It shouldn't take longer than 30 seconds to read aloud the text on slide
5) keep slide charecteristics constant. Don't change it from slide to slide
6)Use audiance knowledge for your advantage. May slightly underestimate your audiance knowledge and present :)
7) Always try to visualise your data rather than describing it as a text.
8) Goldilocks rule: Don't put too much info or too less. Look for what audiance want and what you want to say, then make PPT accordingly.