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Jun 19th 2023
Via dit draadje zullen wij live verslag doen van het #HogerBeroep van #DavidIcke. Image
De zitting is begonnen.
De advocaat van de tegenpartij geeft aan de stukken van 12 juni niet ontvangen te hebben. De Rechter laat de stukken kopiëren.
Read 71 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
Fãs estão desapontados por #Halo não aparecer no #XboxShowcase .

* A nova temporada foi Anunciada em um vídeo no canal do #YouTube ..

Para você ter uma ideia até #Overwatch2 Q ainda não é uma propriedade da Microsoft ainda devido aos embargos teve destaque no Evento do #Xbox Image
Eu já disse isso , #HaloInfinite é um Grande jogo foi a primeira Campanha q eu senti esperança para o #Futuro da Franquia desde q passou para as mãos da 343i, mas infelizmente os problemas de desenvolvimento acabaram com o Sucesso #Online o Q levou a sua qualidade ser ignorada
Acredito Eu pelo q leio da comunidade, Q a Microsoft quer da um tempo a Halo enquanto acerta a casa da 343i, Q sim , vai continuar desenvolvendo a #Franquia com a mesma liberdade de todos os Studios do #Xbox
Read 4 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
It's over! The Content ID lawsuit against YouTube brought by composer Maria Schneider is dismissed, with prejudice, the weekend before the start of the trial.

Here's what's happened... 🧵

#ContentID #copyright #YouTube #creators #CreatorEconomy ImageImageImageImage
If you recall, the lawsuit was filed in 2020 and focused on the lack of broader access to copyright management tools, such as Content ID, for independent musicians and creators.
Maria Schneider and others filed the class action against YouTube and Google in an attempt to claim the current system supports piracy, while boosting profits for YouTube, and can't handle repeat infringers.
Read 9 tweets
May 22nd 2023
Beware of Online Scams! 📢

Recently, a victim fell to a cyber fraud, losing Rs 12.85 lakh in an attempt to generate extra income.

The scammer lured the victim with the promise of earning money from home through posting positive comments on Google reviews.
Initially, the victim was asked to click on a message to post reviews and earn Rs 150 for each positive review. As the trust grew, the fraudster posed as a comp representative, offering the victim paid tasks to earn even more money.
However, there was a twist – the victim had to pay for each task.The victim was assured that the money would be refunded upon task completion.

Unfortunately,he ended up losing Rs 12.85 lakh to the scammer.
Read 4 tweets
May 22nd 2023
1/14) We're delighted to see #Verasity included in this #ArtificialIntelligence & #Crypto report from @BinanceResearch!

$VRA recently received #AI & #ML tags on @CoinMarketCap, but how do we actually deploy #AI and #ML in our tech stack? A thread... 🧵…
2/14) @Vera_Views, our patented solution for video programmatic advertising & bot prevention, is powered by 13 tech modules.

These modules assist in identifying & preventing bots & fraudulent views for publishers and advertisers worldwide, storing this data on an open ledger... Image
3/14) Our #AI and #ML technology lets us analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns, trends & insights in order to optimise ad delivery in real-time, adjusting bidding and targeting based on the performance and viewability of each ad impression... Image
Read 14 tweets
May 21st 2023
@US_SpaceCom #ClimateCult is #ClimateScam, Nobel Laureates said - before their speech was suppressed.

@US_SpaceCom @tan123 @FriendsOScience The Big Tech winners, including $GOOGL & #YouTube, have been selected by the Obama administration, in part because of their relationships with Al Gore, #ClimateScam multi-millionaire.…
Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2023
#BreakingNews Twitter declares war on YouTube Censorship by unveiling game-changing video expansion

#Twitter #Elonmusk #YouTube Image
In a bold move aimed at reshaping the online video landscape, Twitter has announced a significant expansion of its video capacity, allowing users to upload and share videos of up to two hours in duration.
This strategic decision positions Twitter as a genuine competitor to YouTube, challenging its long-held hegemony in the realm of video content.
Read 7 tweets
May 14th 2023
Read 211 tweets
May 3rd 2023
Allez à mon tour de vous ce que je pense de la sphère #zet.
Thread sûrement long, mais je pense avoir un profil assez différent de ce qu'on peut retrouver chez les anti/pro zet.
Et puis il veux des témoignages le bon @GeekNfit donc voilà le mien 😉
Déjà de base avant même de connaître ce milieu je suis qqun qui est assez cartésien et anti complotistes, je me rappel me foutre de la geule des premier groupes de #platistes sur #Facebook il y a 10 ans.
Mais jusqu'à 2 ans je ne suivais ni regardais aucun
comptes zet ou même vulgarisateurs sue ce soit sur #twitter ou #YouTube
Et donc il y a 2 ans environs je tombe sur une recommandation youtube pour une vidéo.
la vérité sur les crop circle d'@AstronoGeek avec pleins de guest, dont @Acermendax
Read 22 tweets
Apr 20th 2023
Delhi High Court to hear a suit filed by Aaradhya Bachchan, daughter of bollywood actors Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, against various YouTube channels over “fake news” reports regarding her health.

#AaradhyaBachchan #DelhiHighCourt #Youtube Image
The matter will be heard by Justice C Hari Shankar at 10:30 AM. Other details to follow.

#DelhiHighCourt #AaradhyaBachchan #YouTube
Hearing commences.

Senior Advocate Dayan Krishnan appears for Aaradhya Bachchan.

#DelhiHighCourt #AaradhyaBachchan #YouTube
Read 39 tweets
Apr 16th 2023
This is the start of Sunday's daily thread covering all the news, and all you need to know, about #Ukraine's battle for survival against the full invasion by #Russia.

Updated in real time, throughout the day, scroll, share, like and reply to help beat Twitter Ukraine bans!
If you can spare any loose change for a coffee to support my work, there's a Ko-Fi link in my bio, thanks.

And if you need a catch up on yesterday's news, here's the link for the start of Saturday's thread.

So it's Day 417 of the war, and I have to say "Khrystos Voskres" (Christ Is Risen) or "Happy Easter" to all my readers from #Ukraine - and indeed #Russia if they are in the minority which opposes war.
The same wishes to all Orthodox believers celebrating Easter today.
Read 39 tweets
Mar 31st 2023
I had a candid conversation about commercial #spyware proliferation. And transparency.

With @ODNIgov director Avril Haines, DHS @SecMayorkas & @Youtube CEO @nealmohan

Moderated by @MarietjeSchaake at the #SummitForDemocracy

2/ For a decade civil society sounded the alarm about commercial #spyware.

Great to see @POTUS' Spyware EO & yesterday's joint statement from 11 govs.

I think it's big progress!

But we're also not going to refrain from telling uncomfortable facts & calling for transparency.
3/ DHS @SecMayorkas asks me question of his own: impact putting NSO on the Entity List.

I was surprised by it's outsize impact.

Now that we know new bad players, we wonder: who gets listed next?

I also note Rep @jahimes questions about further actions that can be taken.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 30th 2023
🚨Gouvernance par l'intelligence artificielle #IA : la plus grande tyrannie sans responsabilité

Excellent (et long 😄) article de Brandon Smith, à lire et RT

Ce n'est un secret pour personne que l'establishment mondialiste est obsédé par l'intelligence artificielle (#IA) 🔽
qu'il considère comme une sorte de prophétie technologique. Ils la traitent comme si elle avait un potentiel presque surnaturel et affirment souvent que toute innovation industrielle et sociale importante dans un avenir proche devra son existence à l'IA. Le Forum économique 🔽
mondial cite l'IA comme la clé singulière de l'essor de ce qu'il appelle "la quatrième révolution industrielle". Selon lui, il ne peut y avoir de progrès humain sans l'influence des algorithmes de l'IA, qui rendent l'apport humain presque obsolète. Cette illusion est 🔽
Read 53 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy; and more!

Archived at:…

#Pluralistic 1/ Image
I'm kickstarting the #audiobook for my next novel, an anti-finance finance thriller about #SiliconValley scams called *Red Team Blues*. #Amazon's #Audible refuses to carry my audiobooks because they're #DRM free, but crowdfunding makes them possible: 2/ Image
Naomi Novik's Scholomance trilogy: When Rousseau comes to Hobbeswarts.

3/ Image
Read 26 tweets
Mar 29th 2023
🔎 Una exhaustiva auditoría desvela la opacidad de las plataformas de #VTC:
▪️ Discriminan a consumidores
▪️ Operan como cartel
▪️ Se sirven de perniciosos #algoritmos
▪️ No son transparentes
▪️ No respetan derechos laborales

✍️🏻 @m_angelmendez…
📔 Informe completo en #PDF elaborado por @Eticas_tech, @TaxiProjectEU y @ObservatorioTAS en la que salen mal paradas las gestoras de #VTC y las plataformas #Uber📴, #Bolt📴 y #Cabify📴…
📽️ #Vídeo en #YouTube de la presentación de la auditoría
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Mar 28th 2023

Robert F. #Kennedy Jr. et Children's Health Defense (#CHD) ont intenté vendredi un procès collectif contre le président #Biden, le Dr Anthony #Fauci et d'autres hauts fonctionnaires et agences fédérales, en les accusant d’avoir "mené une campagne systématique 🔽
et concertée" pour contraindre les trois plus grandes entreprises de médias sociaux du pays à censurer des discours protégés par la Constitution. Kennedy, Children's Health Defense et Connie Sampognaro ont déposé la plainte auprès du tribunal de district des États-Unis 🔽
pour le district occidental de Louisiane, division de Monroe, au nom de plus de 80 % des Américains qui accèdent aux informations par le biais de sociétés de médias sociaux, principalement #Facebook, #YouTube et #Twitter.

Les plaignants accusent de hauts fonctionnaires 🔽
Read 13 tweets
Mar 27th 2023
Recently @LinusTech youtube channel got hacked, Here's breakdown 🧵of how the hacker managed to get access of the channel👇
YouTube channel takeovers have become increasingly common and a recent hack targeted Linus Tech Tips and other Linus Media Group channels. The hack bypassed password and two-factor protections by targeting session tokens that keep users logged in to websites.
But what exactly is a session token? 🍪
A session token is a unique identifier that a website creates when a user logs in. It's stored on the user's device as a cookie or in local storage, and it's sent with every subsequent request to the server.
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Mar 22nd 2023…

Списання вийшло з-під контролю: Росія зняла зі зберігання Т-54
Команда CIT отримала фотографії потяга, який везе військову техніку з Далекого Сходу. Ми ідентифікували їх як радянські середні танки сімейства Т-54/55: в одному ешелоні були і Т-54, і танки, які могли бути пізніми Т-54 або Т-55 (див. ілюстрацію).
Як стало відомо, нещодавно цей ешелон вирушив з Арсеньєва Приморського краю, де розташована 1295-та центральна база резерву і зберігання танків.
Read 56 tweets
Mar 17th 2023
🧵 1/6

Since we’ve started our #YouTube channel, our goal with it was to provide a big library of quality video for everything #MultiversX ! $EGLD

🧵 2/6

Our next step is clear: increasing our consistency and volume.

But in order to properly do that, we first need to start making our YouTube journey self-sustainable, so we can move to the next exciting part. 🔥
🧵 3/6

We’re looking at ways to do that!

And as our first step, we’re excited to announce we have enabled the Membership feature on our YouTube channel, which will allow our viewers, you guys, to sponsor the channel ▾…
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Mar 17th 2023
💰 Zahlreiche #YouTuber, die sich vordergründig mit Finanzthemen beschäftigen, knüpfen an gängige #Verschwörungstheorie​n an und schüren Ängste. Eine #Faktenfuchs🦊-#Recherche zeigt: Dahinter steckt laut Experten ein Geschäftsmodell. Wie das funktioniert? 🧵 Ein #Thread (1/10)
💰 Auf den ersten Blick wirken diese #YouTube-Kanäle, als würden sie sich mit #Wirtschaft​sthemen befassen, Finanz- und Investitionstipps geben. Viele Kanalbeschreibungen geben auch genau das an. (2/10)

#Faktenfuchs 🦊 #Thread 🧵 #Recherche #YouTuber
💰 Tatsächlich aber greifen die #YouTuber auch gängige #Verschwörungstheorie​n auf. Mit falschen oder unbelegten Behauptungen schüren sie Ängste. Etwa dass Bargeld abgeschafft oder Hauseigentümer enteignet werden sollen. (3/10)

#Faktenfuchs 🦊 #Thread 🧵 #Recherche
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Mar 13th 2023
Social media platform companies are reeling from an onslaught of regulatory efforts by all the major governments in the world.
In the United States, the Supreme Court heard arguments this term, in a case that will decide the responsibility of social media companies for the content shown and recommended to users on their platforms.
Platforms are protected from legal liability for that content that users post. So, one cannot sue Facebook for a defamatory article that their rival posted on the platform. The outcome of this case will be crucial in deciding the legal responsibilities of companies.
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Mar 10th 2023
Ya estamos en vivo en #FB y #YouTube. Hoy ⬇

📌UIF revela las operaciones financieras del entramado de #GarcíaLuna

📝Saldos del viejo régimen: Saiht Noé Catalán Díaz, el modus operandi del narcoestado

📝Noticias internacionales con @Hector_Badillo

Al menos 8 personas murieron y otras más quedaron heridas en un tiroteo en #Hamburgo, #Alemania, dentro de un centro religioso de #TestigosdeJehová. Las autoridades alemanas confirmaron que el cuerpo del asesino se encuentra entre los fallecidos
La mayor central nuclear de Europa, ubicada en, Zaporiyia, #Ucrania, ha vuelto a ser bombardeada ayer y hoy, generando cortes de electricidad y agua. El ataque constante podría generar un desastre nuclear que ha prendido las alarmas en Europa
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Mar 10th 2023
The power to create reality lies in the STORIES we tell.

With major media outlets increasingly controlled or unaccessible to many, it's more important than ever to take control of the narrative.

Here's why storytelling is essential for #SBCWorks:
a twitter thread 🧵
Non-professionals telling their personal stories.

#Digitalstorytelling videos give ordinary citizens the power to shape reality with their narratives.

Their charm is in their authenticity and originality: homemade videos are intentionally subjective.

Smartphones with cameras and social media platforms like #YouTube/ #Instagram have made it easier than ever to share your unique perspective with the world.

Read 7 tweets

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