🧵1) With all due respect to Larry Johnson (one of my first friends in the field), I respectfully disagree w/ his suggestions of creating a hybrid tribunal for #Ukraine. justsecurity.org/80395/united-n…
2) To be clear, the hybrid tribunal comment in question is just one part of his great article filled w/ sage insights, so I encourage others to read the whole thing and only lodge my disagreement on one specific point.
3) Larry and I agree that it may be a good idea to create a Ukraine investigative mechanism à la IIIM/IIMM yet w/such unprecedented global unity, it is a great opportunity to create a global standing investigative mechanism per @AbbottKingsley & @SZarifi. opiniojuris.org/2019/04/10/is-…
4) The disagreement is here: "Second, in one respect, it may more easily draw US support compared to the ICC. The United States has previously registered concerns about the Court exercising jurisdiction over non-state parties (e.g., the United States in Afghanistan)."
5) While he has a point about the awkwardness of US support for the ICC vis-a-vis Russians in Ukraine (the subject of my recent thread to @katherga1's tweet), I disagree w/ the conclusion that it means a hybrid tribunal is the better route.
6) W/ Russian veto on UNSC, the door is firmly closed on a hybrid tribunal w/ UNSC support à la @SpecialCourt. The only real option is hybrid tribunal à la @KRTribunal w/out UNSC support/powers. So such a court would not have any more powers than the ICC, arguably less.
7) To say nothing of the significant cost & time to establish a new tribunal, the only notable substantive benefit would be the ability to add the crime of aggression to the new tribunal's mandate. Of course, such an addition would be a great step in the right direction.
8)However, there may be policy reasons why US would not want to support a new tribunal that would prosecute gov't leaders for aggression. More importantly, crime of aggression would likely not speak to the majority of human suffering in Ukraine that WC & CAH cases better address.
9) Surely a hybrid court working alongside the ICC is the best option to achieve greater levels of atrocity crimes accountability, so the two should not be analyzed as mutually exclusive/an "either or" proposition.
10) But putting that scenario aside, however, the best route is for the US to support the ICC, even if that means solely "behind closed door" practical support that often makes or breaks the building of successful prosecution cases of atrocity crimes.
11) Plus having 39 US allies, including the UK and France, supporting an ICC investigation in Ukraine vis-a-vis the ICC, it further supports the proposition that the US should support the ICC. icc-cpi.int/Pages/item.asp…
🧵w/ proposed instruction manual for creating an international tribunal for the crime of #aggression re: #Ukraine that is fundamentally fair and best established w/ the limited avenues available to the int'l community to do so.
#1 Draft and put up for a vote a @UN Security resolution referring the situation in #Ukraine to the #ICC so to add the crime of aggression to the @IntlCrimCourt 's existing jurisdiction in the country. #Russia will undoubtedly veto, but important step to get #UNSC on the record.
#2 Re-open #UN General Assembly #UnitedforPeace Emergency Special Session to pass another resolution recommending the establishment of an international tribunal for the crime of aggression re: Ukraine & incl GA resolution 3314 w/ definition of aggression hrlibrary.umn.edu/instree/GAres3…
2) Apologies in advance to the organizers if more articles are on their way. However, given that the much-anticipated @asilorg report on the future of US engagement w/ the ICC hits tomorrow, it seemed prudent to dive into this symposium beforehand.
3) The piece by @OrinaEsq was particularly good given that it (IMO, correctly) evaluates US sanctions through the broader prism of "more powerful vs weaker states" as opposed to something uniquely American/vis-a-vis US-ICC relations solely. opiniojuris.org/2021/04/20/icc…
1)Yesterday's announcement by #ICC#OTP that it has closed the preliminary examination of alleged #UK crimes in #Iraq caused dismay in the #ICL commentator class. Some thoughts for what they are worth (which many may think is not worth much!) icc-cpi.int/Pages/item.asp…
2)Let us begin by stating the clear reality that int'l crim. justice, while still in its infancy, is imbalanced in its application. This is a serious legitimacy problem that must be consistently worked on; ICC leadership, on many occasions, has acknowledged as much.
3)I must qualify my next statements by saying that I am not privy to the evidence and numerous factors at hand (i.e. more info could change my mind easily) W/that said, it seems clear that the crux of this matter occupies the very gray areas of the #RomeStatute & complementarity.
1) @dovjacobs similarly, there is a lot in your thread that also needs to be pushed back on, which definitely will be a broken record at this point b/w you and me. :)
2) Acknowledging that Twitter only has so much space, you fail to indicate why it must be an all-or-nothing enterprise. For reasons about to be explained, there is good reason to respond in such a manner.
3)#OAS is not just another "NGO". It is an intergovernmental org that has a track record of supporting the ICC wholeheartedly, so this report is quite surprising. All 6 SPs who made #Venezuela referral are OAS members too&so knew about this report ahead of time. #overtlypolitical
1)The comment thread from one of my fav sparring partners, @multilateralist, to this #ICC tweet deserves some pushback. To be frank, this article & other recent events (e.g. ICC Prosecutor's visit to #Sudan) lay waste to negative narratives about the Ct that are w/out firm basis.
2)It is not a hard question, David. It is only made hard by DC policy insiders who consistently want to magically thread an impossibly small needle. At the very least, US should state its case&litigate per procedures available to all states(e.g. art. 18).
3)Both GOP & some Dem policy thinkers do a disservice to vital American interests by habitually thinking the #US has special rights to evade or otherwise not comply w/ procedures in place; other states w/grievances have utilized them.#RuleOfLaw esp. applies in such circumstances.