These ab. 25-30k y/o so-called #Venus figurines have been discussed a lot as religious, health & fertility symbols, & mother goddesses.
But some of them offer s glimpse at another interesting, often overlooked details …
A number of these figures also show a couple of details which might be interpreted as headdress - and even #clothing from the Upper #Paleolithic#Gravettian (of which we have little evidence otherwise).
There has been, however, some interesting research on such #iconographic evidence for #clothing, e.g. by O. Soffer et al. in Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 1(1), 2000:
Also see O. Soffer et al., Perishable Industries from #DolníVestonice I: New Insights into the Nature and Origin of the #Gravettian, Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia 2(6), 2001:
In einem neuen Video gehen #funk & @Kurz_Gesagt der Frage nach, ob es in der langen #Erdgeschichte schon einmal höher entwickelte #Kulturen vor uns gegeben haben könnte - und werfen auch einen Blick darauf, was wir womöglich einmal hinterlassen werden:
Ein interessantes Gedankenexperiment, das u.a. auch auf die sog. #SilurianHypothesis zurückgeht, wie sie z.B. 2018 von @ClimateOfGavin und @AdamFrank4 in einem im International Journal of Astrobiology (18(2)) veröffentlichten Aufsatz diskutiert wurde:
Ich gebe ehrlich zu, in dieser Frage weniger optimistisch zu sein.
Warum ein solches Szenario (bzw. dessen Nachweis) aus gegenwärtiger archäologischer Sicht sehr unwahrscheinlich ist, durften @drspacejunk und ich mit z.B. @JamieSeidel hier diskutieren:
Is it #Khaemweset, the ancient Egyptian crown prince (1281-1225 BC) who uncovered and restored ancient monuments of past rulers and renewed their funerary cults?
Or do you choose #Nabonidus, king of Babylon (c. 609 - c. 539 BC) who excavated the foundations of ancient temples to properly rebuild them - and who tried his hands on building an archaeological chronology?
But did you know, there’s a real story behind the plot around the 'lost city' of #Akator and the #Ugha tribe - and that it is no less movie material?
Okay, 'real story’ may be a bit of a stretch in this case, admittedly.
It's more 'story' than real, to be honest - but still, let's take a closer look ...
That story starts with a mysterious 'Indian' all of a sudden appearing in Brazil from the depths of the jungle in the summer of 1972 - introducing himself as #TatuncaNara ("big water snake"), chieftain of the #UghaMongulala (yes, you read this correct) tribe …
1/ Among the many naturalistic animal depictions at early #Neolithic#GöbekliTepe in southeastern Turkey there are some bird depictions with suspiciously odd legs ...
2/ Generally, birds seem to take up a noteworthy role in the iconography at #GöbekliTepe (and other related #Neolithic sites).
The #cranes mentioned above in particular stand out due rather muscular legs and what seems a more human-like #anatomy, including 'knees' and 'toes'.
3/ Do these #crane representations evoke the impression of #masked people?
Yet it was suggested that this even could be more than simple #masquerade: The visualisation of a transformation into the animal itself in the course of #shamanistic rituals?
"Your task is not to foresee the future, but to enable it."
Remembering Antoine de #SaintExupéry - who #OnThisDay in 1944 disappeared during a reconnaissance mission in the Rhone Valley.
Only in September 1998, a fisherman, Jean-Claude Bianco, found a silver identity bracelet ('gourmette') with the name of Saint-Exupéry east of Riou Island, south of Marseille - far from his originally intended flight path.
In May 2000, diver Luc Vanrell finally found the remains of a Lockheed P-38 Lightning on the seabed off the coast of Marseille near where previously the bracelet was found.
Three years later the aircraft's remnants were recovered - and identified as Saint-Exupéry's.