That's a sad reflection on the House, isn't it. I know you've got a decrepit, dementia ridden @POTUS. I realise this might lead you to think, "If he's still relevant, then so am I!"
But you're not. #KlausSchwab has over-reached himself ...
Go on, have a nice lie down in a darkened room. The nice ladies and gentlemen will bring you your cocoa, and give you your injection, then it will all be alright again, won't it?
@BrianOSheaSPI Damn! Just as I decide I was going to have a moratorium on Book Buying (following a recent splurge) a book comes out I simply have to own & I have to read!
I wondered what I was going to do with myself, tomorrow. Now I know. I'm going to Waterstones to order it!
... I'd have to look for other ways to compensate you, such as filming, working for you (I imagined menial chores like cleaning) or submitting to being used in ways you enjoy, but clients never ask for (if such possibilities exist.
One does not need school to learn science, one needs the universe, Libraries full of scientific works, one's own natural curiosity, parents willing to teach one to read, the society of other curious children (children are born curious), eyes, ears & senses!
Less than a million years ago, a certain woman accused me of speculating on her #MentalHealth to an acquaintance of her's.
I don't know if I did or I didn’t. I DO know that I've known (or known of) the lady for more than a decade & that I'd probably speculate on Anybody's ...
... #MentalHealth during that time. I've sure as Hell speculated on my own.
We all have a #Shadow. When I take my shadow out of the #MetaphoricalBox in which I keep it hidden, and look it in the eye, I think: Gillard: You're as '#MadAsABoxOfFrogs!