This is the TLDR summary of my insane-long video on ENS picks.
Full video here >>
We all know that 1st names (jake.eth)and iconic dictionary words (gold.eth) are worth a fortune
But there's more to ENS riches than that
This thread is about the names overlooked by investors now (which so are still cheap!) and yet could be worth a lot in the coming #web3
Only 1,000 3-digit domains — talk about rare!
Yes, numbers may not seem like the go-to nickname today, but if ENS and web3 keep thriving, 100% chance their rarity will be appreciated. Doubtlessly, one of the safest medium-term plays!
Eg.#P2E is one of the next big things, and yet I could register 27 cryptogaming names that were being overlooked:
gamingskins.eth gamemart.eth gamebay.eth videogamenfts.eth cryptovideogames.eth...
Plus sector insiders may be interested in buying your collection in bulk because👇
3-letter & 4-letter domains are valuable for the same reason as numbers: rarity
E.g. only 17k 3-letters >> that's just 1.7 times the average NFT collection but on top you get utility
All 3-letters with meaning are taken >> but many acronyms still left...
Aim for acronyms that are as relevant to crypto/nfts/finance or pop culture as possible.
For adjectives favor 'positives' (chirpy, seductive, likable...) or 'badasses' (aggressive, enraged, doomy...)
For verb nominalizations avoid 'desperates' (hospitalized is a nominalization of hospitalize) and favor 'cools' (decentralizer.eth is a nominalization of decentralize)
12/ THE "THE+"
Simple strategy = add 'the' to anything cool
When all cool simple words like goat.eth are punk-level-expensive to buy, people will pay top dollar for the cool "the+" ones
Eg. I registered thefrog.eth and theogs.eth because frog and OGs are uber-bluechip
English dominates big .com sales and will likely dominate .eth sales for years.
But... super-premium .coms like 'insurance' 'cars' 'banking' etc sell well in any big language and the same is extremely likely to happen with .eth names
So a good way to…
...get exposure is to:
A) register essential words like wallet, money, transfer, address... in any big language
B) register things that are super-relevant to that specific culture like the most common first names, the most important religious words, festivals...
Collectionizing some of your purchases is about buying thematically-related ENS's.
It can work because if you have only one, say, cryptogaming-related domain, the likelihood that a cryptogaming insider finds you is much smaller than if you have 30. And...
...once they find you, the likelihood that they like at least 1 of your 30 gaming domains is 30x greater than if you had only 1.
If on top of it, you also offer your entire theme-set for a UBERdiscounted price, it can be tempting for them to buy them all because... remember?👇
Unlike .com's you can also sell subdomains of your .eth's
Eg. if you own smith.eth you can sell mark.smith.eth, meghan.smith... while keeping ownership of the root
So as new entrants find that all the good root names are taken, many expect that they'll buy subs
If you want exposure to 'subs', go for:
A) relatively-common surnames
B) things that could make sense for a web3 service to use to then resell/gift subdomains to their service users like:
wallet.eth, wlt.eth, mywallet.eth, address.eth, myaddress.eth, send.eth, send247.eth...
But I'm bullish on them because: 1) emojis are MASSIVE in our culture 2) people tend to copy and paste addresses/domains the 1st time they use them for money-transfers because it'd be too risky not to
…so 2) defeats the main anti-ethmoji objection (i.e. you can't input them safely with keyboards)
If you want exposure, triple and quad pure emojis are the grails of their category, but are all registered now.
So if you can't afford them secondary-market you can...
> get combos with VERY iconic meanings
> get hybrids with VERY iconic meanings
> get 3- and 4-pures of other graphicals
Some caution: at present #ethmojis are in a lull after becoming for a while the top selling ENS category. But in the NFT world these things are often cyclical.
Curios are domains worth collecting beyond utility
#ENS aren't just utility items—they're also #NFTs, and as such, they're easy to collect/buy/sell
And in NFT land, anything that can be collected ends up being collected and so 'curiosity' ENS domains have upside
If you want exposure—browse the trillion libraries of Unicode characters for inspiration—but aim only for the top special/catchy
Eg. @42Chainlink42 tipped me that we can register upsidedown characters in ENS—so I went and registered the most iconic upsidedown name I could get:👇
Copycatting successful sales can work sometimes. For example — following Zuckerberg's Meta announcement many managed to sell meta-related names.
Eg. I sold metasneakers.eth for 1 eth and many more made similar sales
...don't put all your chips on copycatting—you never know for sure when a trend is going to catch
Eg. After @beautiful_nfts_ bought thewhitehouse.eth for 27 eth, I put thecapitol.eth up for sale for 5 eth and yet nobody ever made even one single low-ball offer
'Obscures' are... well, bad dictionary words. If you were late to the dictionary word party and you still are set on getting into that game, the way to go is—VOLUME.
At present all the dictionary words that remain to be registered are 'obscures', so...
...individually they won't make you rich, but if you sell many cheap ones you can make great money. It's the Discount-Supermarket Technique.
But not all 'Obscures' are as good (or as bad) try to favor: 👇
This strategy overarches most of the previous ones but is worth stressing: spend brain-time in the future
The 2 skills that make great domainers are: 1) Patience 2) Ability to spot trends
If you can think ahead, that helps you to not follow the herd and to... things before the herd realizes they have value
There are many good names that aren't taken because 99% of buyers obsess only with what's selling right this minute
But if you want to buy cheap (bottom) and sell expensive (top)—Think Future.
No, I'm not ending by saying that you should give up and liquidate it all lol
But why not offer your entire collection for a superdiscounted price at the same time that you sell your names individually? You can announce this price at the top of your Twitter or OS
An NFT whale trying to get a quick 'in' on #ENS or an existing ENS whale wanting rapid expansion may want them.
But, for it to work it needs to be an UBERdiscounted price. That way, the discount makes up for the portion of your domains they don't like.
I hope this was useful!
If you want the insane-long video version of this insane-long thread (and you love the melodious sound of broken English), you can watch it here:
Also, huge thanks to @goodnameseth the Sponsor who made that crazy video possible 🙏🙏🙏
These are my favorite TRUE clichés about investing in #crypto/#NFTs
We obsess with getting that huge sale
The stuff of dreams!
But most fortunes are made from a multitude of small sales, from consistent rinse & repeat
Instead of dream-pricing, price realistic
Realistic pricing = real sales
Real sales = ...
Real sales = you can buy more NFTs = you can make more sales = You can rinse & repeat!
The same goes for coins, constant profit-taking is the rinse & repeat of coin investing, being a take-profits-whore will make you much richer than eternally waiting for that elusive 100x
In a free market, you can't simply wish squatters away.
In any free-market namespace, every single name with perceived value will be registered by the market participants as soon as there are enough participants.
2/3 So since valuable names will always be squatted in any sizable free market, then, the more professional those squatters are the better for the ecosystem.
We don't need fewer squatters (impossible) we actually need more, professional ones.
#ENS $ENS #ENSDomains #Squatters
In sum:
There is one certainty — all unregistered valuable domains will be squatted
So the more of those domains end up in the hands of the professional & ecosystem-constructive squatters the fewer will be left for the occasional & ecosystem-destructive squatters.