'It's a bourgeois town - I've got the bourgeois blues - I'm going to spread the news around!'
Luci Murphy, singer & activist
Steve Jones on piano #FreeAssangeNOW
Marsha Coleman-Adebayo opens:
“Today…we want to lift up whistleblowers.
We want to lift up our political prisoners
because they have been criminalized by a criminal government…by a government that doesn’t respect human rights.” @nofearcoalition #FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners
“Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier, Julian Assange
they all said ‘NO!’
You can keep your money because I am choosing my conscience...choosing…that I am a human being not a cog in the capitalist system. And for that they are being tortured”
Marsha Coleman-AdeBayo @NoFearCoalition
Lantern Light Vigil at AG Merrick Garland's home.
Bringing yesterday's 'Justice for Julian' protest at Dept of Justice to his neighborhood. #DropTheCharges #FreeAssangeNOW #Vigil7
Randy Credico opens the 'Justice for Julian' Dept of In-Justice action!
Thanks to all who weathered the cold to standout for #JulianAssange! @CredicoRandy @TheJusticeDept #FreeAssangeNOW
This thread for photos and video clips.👇👇
"Without people organizing & doing the work day to day change doesn't happen...big movements don't just drop from the sky they come about as a consequence of this day-to-day, rain or shine activism." @BrianBeckerDC
'Justice for Julian' #FreeAssange #DropTheCharges Merrick Garland
Vigil #6 the morning after December 10th High Court ruling to allow the extradition of the most prominent journalist in the last 50 years.
Outside AG Garland Merrick's home to say #JournalismIsNotACrime
Step up. Now. #DropAllCharges #FreeAssangeNOW