2/ This method is known as DCA which stands for dollar-cost averaging. It is a really well-known strategy that outperforms most people, including most traders and hedge fund managers!
3/ DCA is where you add to your existing positions regularly. This can either be daily, weekly, monthly, or based on certain conditions that we can talk about in a bit.
Now that you understand staking, let's explore other ways that you can earn rewards on your $LUNA. One of the
ways for you to do that is through yield farming!
1/9 So you've finally bought some $LUNA, what do you do now? Instead of letting it idle on an exchange or in your wallet, you can stake it to earn more $LUNA on your original $LUNA.
Short thread for friends new to #Terra ecosystem. 🧵👇
1/8 With USA’s latest CPI at 7.5%, inflation is at its highest in 40 years, how can you protect your purchasing power safely and beat inflation without worries?
A short comic and thread on how anchor protocol can protect you from inflation. 🧵👇
2/8 Anchor protocol is a high-interest savings protocol that is providing 19% interest rate. That sounds too good to be true but it has been stable and consistently giving that for a year already. So how can you participate in this? It’s simple!
3/8 First you need to install Terra station on your desktop or mobile. Once installed, you need to create a Terra wallet which is like your own bank account where you can transact and store UST. UST has the same value as USD and is stable.