🛡️#T3Perspective KARMA IN THE USA
Blavatsky and Steiner spoke to the coming #NWO as far back as the 19th century. They warned that it would consist of dark occultists using high tech.
Over the yrs w/ social programming these #PriestKings have developed a narcissistic society.
They created a feel good at all cost, #BraveNewWorld, hedonistic brand of humanity completely void of or w/ a false Christ consciousness - people who know not themselves.
The US has become a boiling kettle of bad karma as we continue to support the deeds of satanic government.
The #PriestKings are hedging their bets that at some point in the near future much of humanity will be born debilitated by bad karma, a result of past life complacency and pleasure seeking. These fractured humans will be easier for them to identify and control.
It doesn't matter if you believe in karma, astrology, dark spirits or the like. The satanic #PriestKings who rule this material world do. And they exercise it upon us daily - hour by hour - minute by minute.
The sooner you come to terms with this the sooner you can adapt.
Its a hard road though. They've made it increasingly much to easy for us to maintain our complacency and hedonism with high tech and the influences of picture perfect Hollywood/Entertainers to emulate. They know we're suckers.
Are you strong enough to say no?
The only way out of this hell is to draw a line of truth in the sand and be willing to die for it.
When this line is crossed by those entities deemed by the #PriestKings as the authority, #ItsTimeToAct💀
You have the sovereign right to protect yourself, family and property.
But are you willing to die for it?
What are you worried about?
The pain?
Missing out on what this material plane of blood, bone and flesh has to offer you?
Will you miss someone?
Why are you afraid to die defending what you know to be true?
Why are you afraid to die?
I made a commitment to my soul years ago.
I sold my cloak and bought a sword.
I will not be taken alive.
🛡️#T3 - Q ALERT
OMFG! You've got to be kidding me. I hope this is a joke.
Back in the day I used to lay into the pathetic #QAnon community pretty hard.
Send Q to me and I'll sweep the floor with him🤣
🛡️#T3OccultAstrology SCOTUS SAYS NO ABORTION 6/24/22
All Planned
Moon sets up chaos throughout the day- peaks tonight
Violent Mars🟥Pluto will ramp up into July 4 during the #SatanicNewMoon 6/27 - 7/2
W/ Saturn🟥Uranus waxing and NO HOPE FOR THE WEARY, this builds into 2023
The promise made on the June 15 #SuperFullMoon by pro-abortion support group #JanesRevenge spoke of "increasing drastic measures" that might not be "so easily cleaned up as fire and graffiti."
📢This happens tonight! townhall.com/tipsheet/katie…
This may be the pivotal moment that sends what's left of our country into the planned chaos we all know is coming. The timing and configuration is just to perfect to be discounted as coincidence. #PriestKingsInControl
Starts 6/12 - Peak 6/14 - End 6-17
The #Priestkings started this cycle off w/ a financial depression sequence on 6/11 when their spiteful #ScorpionMoon opposed the position of Venus🔴Uranus in monetary Taurus. #BTC
Here's my thread describing the projected and subsequent effects on global markets and monetary policy of their Scorpion Moon in Opposition to the Venus🔴Uranus position in Monetary Taurus on June 11.
Tuesday June 14th, at the height of the #FullMoon Strawberry #SuperMoon, the #RomanCult#PriestKings will be celebrating #FlagDay
They gave us our flag. The flag is a representative of their corporate system of control over us 14th Amendment American slaves. #T3FullMoonRitual
At this very moment Venus is conjunct Uranus while the Scorpion Moon is in direct opposition to their position in Taurus.
This is a tumultuous moment indictive of a sudden reversal in monetary policy effecting the public at large. A decision has been made.
The effects of this decision will be played out into the coming Full Moon cycle which starts tomorrow and ends Friday the 17th. This cycle peaks on #FlagDay June 14.
Today as the Scorpion Moon opposed the Venus🔴Uranus position in monetary Taurus, #Bitcoin lost ground. As a matter of fact, as the alignment grew stronger, and the moon opposed exact, #BTC took a sudden nosedive.
The UN, WHO, CDC, FDA etc already use the WTO to force countries to adopt food growing standards set by @FAOWHOCodex that require insecticide, herbicide, GMO, hormone and other damaging human health practices lest they wont benefit from WTO export guarantees and safeguards.
🛡️#T3 - TEXAS MASSACRE MAY 24, 2022
In an IG convo just before the incident, Ramos tells a female: before 11am Im going to tell you a secret.
"Ima air out" Urban Dictionary: to bust a cap or send bullets thru a house or cars windows, thus clearing all humans out of the space"
Police: "first reports came in at about 11:30 a.m., calling it a “mass casualty incident.”
He literally "aired out" starting around 11am with the first kill, his grandmother, then moved to the school. heavy.com/news/salvador-…
+3 #T3OccultAstrology combining Ramos approx birth data and the time he went live fire starting with his grandmother. His natal pluto (death) lands in house 5 (kids) naturally opposing Venus. He hated his childhood so he took it out on the kids to erase his very painful memories.