2. Root Chakra (Muladhara) is the 1st chakra in your body located at the base of the spine.
It provides the foundation on which we build a life and it represents safety, stability, comfort, and security. Its element is earth.
3. Sacral Chakra(Svadhishthana)is the 2nd chakra in your body located around the navel area.This is responsible for the healthy flow of your feelings N emotions through your body. It is associated with sensuality, sexuality,pleasure,sociability, and emotions.Its element is water.
4. A. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is the 3rd chakra in your body located in the stomach area.
You can think of the chakra as a glowing, yellow Sun, which radiates through the center of your body and rules all aspects of your personal power. Contd👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
4. B . It is associated with strength, personality, power, determination, and self-esteem. Its element is fire.
5. A. Heart Chakra (Anahata) is the 4th chakra in your body located in the chest area, and it represents love, acceptance, and compassion.
Heart chakra functions as your spiritual center, which helps you to grow a loving connection to yourself and
5. B. others by cultivating compassion, empathy, and joy of being alive. Its element is air.
6. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) is the 5th chakra in your body located at the center of our neck, N it represents your ability to speak clearly N communicate effectively.
A healthy throat chakra will allow you to express yourself N speak the truth from a place of integrity. (space)
7. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) is the 6th chakra in your body located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows.
Third eye chakra is your spiritual center of awareness and intuition, and its element is light, which has a faster vibration than a sound.
8. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is the 7th chakra in your body located at the top of the head.
It is associated with intuition, lucidity, meditation, and trust. Its element is light.
1. Root Chakra: The Muladhara Mudra
The root chakra is the foundation for the other chakras, with emphasis on survival and grounding.
Mantra: LAM
Bring your palms together in a prayer at your heart, then interlace the pinky and ring fingers so they fold inside of the palms. 👇🏻👇🏻
Extend the middle fingers so the tips touch and then interlace the thumbs and index fingers so they form rings around each other, with the fingertips touching.
#JapaMala is a string of beads used to count mantras (Sanskrit prayers) in sets of 108 repetitions as a form of meditation. Using malas you can strengthen your mind N heal your mind, body, and heart.
The practice of chanting a mantra while using prayer beads is called japa meditation.This style of meditating is used frequently in yoga N Buddhism. Japa meditation is generally practiced while seated but can also be done standing N while walking.
6 simple steps for mantra bead meditation: 1. Find a comfortable yet well-aligned position for meditation
The most common seated poses for meditation are Easy Pose, Accomplished Pose, Hero Pose, and Half Lotus Pose.
2. Here the terms kriya and karma are synonymously used to define “specific actions” for achieving some “specific results”. Therefore shatkarma is also mentioned as “shat kriyas” in many yoga and pranayama books.