Thanks to @michelleko2d, MD-PhD -- #MarkedByCovid Advisor & Assistant Public Health Sciences Professor at @ucdavis -- for capturing some gems from today's Teach-In!
‼️FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Today, @WhiteHouse and the @HHSGov released reports laying out existing resources and plans to address long-term effects of #COVID19.
...the missing input from COVID bereaved and the lack of urgency around Long COVID–a condition affecting 1 in 5 Americans who have tested positive.
From @kdurquiza: “There is no federal plan to reckon with the 1 million + lives (and counting) lost to Covid-19. 👇🏾
People who lost loved ones to Covid put their trust in this Administration to respond to the pandemic with the full power of the federal government, but the feds are instead sweeping Covid deaths under the rug and into the memory hole as we did with the 1918 pandemic. 👇🏾
Sure, let’s keep using @CDCgov's calm green "Community Level" map that overemphasizes hospitalizations & deaths instead of the "Community Transmission" map that clearly demonstrates (high & growing!) infection rate.
That totally helps ppl make "informed decisions" about risk.🙄
In highly vaccinated #SanFrancisco, 7-day positivity & average daily case rates are growing significantly, despite decreased testing -- both are close to or above their highest levels throughout the entire of the pandemic, outside of the massive omicron surge.
Though @WhiteHouse@TheJusticeDept have appealed a court decision striking down federal mask mandates on public transit, they have not requested a "stay" to keep masks ON until a final verdict.
"The pandemic’s toll is no longer falling almost exclusively on those who chose* not to get shots, with vaccine protection waning over time...
[*Note: inaccurate language that blames victims; cultural & structural barriers to vaccination remain.]
...and the elderly and immunocompromised — who are at greatest risk of succumbing to #COVID19 even if vaccinated — having a harder time dodging increasingly contagious strains*."
[*Add: "and increased community spread due to decreased mitigation efforts like universal masking."]
In May 2020, just before AZ's infection rate soared, Gov @dougducey encouraged residents not to stay home. "I want to encourage people to get out and about," Ducey told listeners of a popular radio show. "If you don't have an underlying health condition, it's safe out there."
The interview was then shared on @Facebook and @Twitter. Many people listened to that dangerous advice — and many, including @kdurquiza's father, Mark Urquiza, paid with their lives after contracting the disease.