🇨🇴A pocos días del inicio de su mandato presidencial, @petrogustavo & @FranciaMarquezM reciben el apoyo de más de 80 parlamentarios a través del mundo.
La carta le da bienvenida a las propuestas climáticas del nuevo presidente @petrogustavo que toma posesión el domingo y que ya está demostrando un verdadero liderazgo climático:
@mpklang, Miembro del Parlamento de Malasia, uno de los firmantes de la carta a #GustavoPetro y fundador del “Llamado de los Parlamentarios por un Futuro Libre de Fósiles” 👇🏽
#GustavoPetro plantea una respuesta concreta a las alertas constantes de la comunidad cientifica - tanto del #IPCC como de la @UNEP o de la @IEA - que afirma y reafirma:
Y lo volvió a decir ayer: "Esta grotesca avaricia de la industria de los combustibles fósiles y sus financiadores está castigando a los más pobres y vulnerables, mientras destruye nuestro único hogar."
🌎Today, 83 Parliamentarians from around the world, including representatives from every continent, send a letter to welcome the climate proposals of @petrogustavo, the new #Colombia President who takes office on Sunday!
"Enough is enough. All new exploration and production of coal, oil, and gas must immediately end, and existing production of fossil fuels must be urgently phased out."– Cardinal Czerny
Nuestro comunicado sobre el llamado del Vaticano a un tratado que permita implementar una transición justa, lejos del carbón, el petróleo y el gas, también está disponible en español:
1/ The #FossilFuelTreaty places the claims of the most affected communities and therefore those of the indigenous peoples at the heart of its strategy in order to tackle the root cause of the #climatecrisis. Otherwise, as Nemonte Neuquino says, what are we talking about?
2/ During our #Stockholm50 pre-summit, Anoshka Violeta Irey Cameno also reaffirmed indigenous peoples' commitment to protect their #Amazon territories and their vision of development.
1/ @alexraf: We’ve heard across all of the panels that the risks of the FF industry are not only risks to our climate goals,we’ve heard about the ways that the FF industry risks our reliance with nature from communities in the Amazon facing continuing logic of the colonizers
2/ @alexraf: the risk of climate extraction is not only to the local community, it’s also to the overall structure of our political economy, and our culture.
@StockholmPlus50@mitzijonelle@xiyebastida@FarzanaJhumu@zuhairkowshik She adds that we need to tell the stories of the communities that are being affected. Everyone in the Global North need to advocate for those in the South who are being targeted by extraction activities.