Doing #qualitative research using #online methods? 🤔💻 I thought I'd share 10 papers/books which I've found really useful during my PhD - a thread! 🧵1/?
1⃣ 'Doing Qualitative Research Online' (2016) - includes ethical issues in research design; designing online qualitative studies; collecting qualitative data online through interviews & other methods; analysis & reporting findings.
2⃣ 'Qualitative data collection in an era of social distancing' (2020) - includes options & resources for researchers who need to alter their study designs from face-to-face qualitative data collection to a “socially distant” method.
3⃣ 'Using Zoom Videoconferencing for Qualitative Data Collection: Perceptions and Experiences of Researchers and Participants' (2019) - exploring both researcher and participant perspectives on the use of web and videoconferencing platforms.
4⃣ 'A COVID-19-era rapid review: using Zoom and Skype for qualitative group research' (2022) - how qualitative researchers can collect meaningful & representative data when constrained by cost, distance or unforeseen events.
5⃣ 'Conducting Qualitative Research to Respond to COVID-19 Challenges: Reflections for the Present and Beyond' (2021) - considers challenges in the COVID-19 context, namely “time constraints” and “physical distancing”.
6⃣ 'Making room for zoom in focus group methods: opportunities and challenges for novice researchers (during and beyond COVID-19)' (2022) - reflections on the opportunities & challenges for using Zoom for qualitative focus groups.
7⃣ 'Expanding Qualitative Research Interviewing Strategies: Zoom Video Communications' (2020) - examining the specific attributes of Zoom that contribute to high quality & in-depth qualitative interviews when in person interviewing is not feasible.
8⃣ 'Adapting Research Methodologies in the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2020) - collaborative online resource for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers whose work is being affected by the COVID-19 virus.
9⃣ 'Participatory Research Approaches in Times of Covid-19: A Narrative Literature Review' (2021) - provides an overview of current empirical & guidance literature on the use of participatory approaches within the context of Covid-19.
🔟'‘At least in person there would have been a cup of tea’: interviewing via Skype' (2017) - consideration of researchers and participants not being able to share a range of senses (touch, smell and taste) during Skype interviews.
I'm going over 10 recommendations now, but here are a few more...
'Intimacy, rapport, and exceptional disclosure: a comparison of in-person and mediated interview contexts' (2017) - comparing interview contexts with regard to rapport, suitability to sensitive topics, interview duration, and scheduling concerns.
'When face-to-face interviews are not possible: tips and tricks for video, telephone, online chat, and email interviews in qualitative research' (2021) - the benefits and drawbacks of different techniques to carry out interviews.
'Participatory video from a distance: co-producing knowledge during the COVID-19 pandemic using smartphones' (2021) - the strengths and weaknesses of using remove participatory video methods, including ethical considerations.
'The fatiguing effects of camera use in virtual meetings: A within-person field experiment.' (2021) - understanding how the camera impacts fatigue & outcomes during virtual meetings (e.g., participant voice and engagement).
Another great paper: 'Taking deliberative research online: Lessons from four case studies' (2021) - considers the reasons for taking deliberation online, reporting on four case studies, and sets out key learnings.
'Doing fieldwork in a pandemic' (2020) - crowdsourced document which has been put together by researchers who have added a range of diverse ideas for doing fieldwork in a pandemic.
To what extent should you consider impact factors & journal ranking? ...Be aware, but don't get too hung up about hierarchies of journals. It is great advice to have a very detailed conversation with someone with experience publishing in your research area. @PGF_RGSIBG#PGFHome
How best to respond to reviewer's comments? ... These can vary a lot! Think carefully about a) what the reviewer is asking you to do, b) how this fits with your project, and c) how you're going to respond. Show that you've thought about & considered their comments @PhilEmmerson