Ministeriöiden viranhaltijoiden ja johtavien poliitikkojen Suomi näyttääpi olevan #ydinvoima'vastainen, tehokkaan #ilmasto'työn ankeuttaja.
Vahvasti sanottu, kaiken tämän "Suomi on ydinvoiman ja pienreaktoreiden edelläkävijä"-hehkutuksen jälkeen.
Kiukkuinen 🧵 alla 1/
STUK haki @STM_Uutiset:ltä rahoitusta pienreaktoreiden sääntelyn kehitykseen ja YEL-uudistukseen yht 800 000 €. Molemmat asioita jotka KAIKKI tietää ihan ykkösprioriteetiksi pienreaktoreiden kaupallisten hankkeiden etenemiselle. Valtionvarainministeriö blokkasi rahoituksen 2/
Tuota STUKin tehtävää ei poistettu, ainoastaan määrärahat. VM budjetti myös olettaa et STUKin maksullinen toiminta (voimayhtiöiltä laskutettu työ) pysyy entisellään vaikka iso asiakas Fennovoima, juuri kaatui. Eh? Ihanku jostain #sisäilmaa sarjasta 3/
Rahan puutteesta ei tunnu olevan kyse sillä esim uusiutuvan #energia'n kaikenlaiseen edistämiseen on laitettu satoja miljoonia. #ydinvoima on Suomen tärkein puhdas energialähde.
Sellaista teknologianeutraaliutta ja yhteiskunnan kokonaisedun pohdintaa ministeriöissä siis. 4/
Siis karkeasti:
* 800 000€ (pien)ydinvoiman edellytysten parantamiseen, viranomaisten osaamisen kehittämiseen? Ei missään nimessä!
* 200 000 000€ puun polttoon ja muuhun uusiutuvaan energiaan? Ilman muuta!
Ei näytä hyvältä. Kuka tätä hommaa siellä nyt hiekottaa?😠😠😠 5/5
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This is a #Gigafactory, #nuclear style. It is a factory that makes modular 600MWt high temp nuclear reactors and high-temp steam electrolysers. First 36 of them (22GWt) will populate the clean hydrogen plant built next to it, producing ~85 TWh (~2.4 Mton) of clean H2 / year.
After the first 36 reactors are built, the factory has likely been amortised, the processes fine-tuned to excellence and production costs for further units are low. They can be shipped to populate other power / hydrogen plants.
We could build one of these in #Finland, next to the envisioned #hydrogen-pipeline to Germany. Such a pipeline needs to be big to make sense. 10 GW is decent size, enough to take most of the H2 produced at Gigafactory 1. We can build pipeline bigger and export #wind H2 as well.
I can't decide if Paul is just ignorant or knowingly and professionally spreading lies, misinformation and fear. He gets & presents this wrong on so many levels it boggles my mind. To be fair, the article itself is also quite terrible (more on that below). Lets untangle the🧵
1. #Nuclear power (which Paul is clearly demonizing here) has nothing to do with the article. Nothing. Its about Uranium, as 2. U is everywhere. Yes, also in tap-water. That is normal. Nuclear fuel cycle is smaller than a rounding error in average rad doses we get (see image).
The article. The main beef here is it says uranium causes all kinds of stuff "at high exposure levels". Nowhere does is clarify what these levels are compared to the levels found in tap water at any given exposure type (ingestion, breathing, externals exposure).
I recently finished a report ”One Billion Tons – CO2 emissions and a Faster Coal Exit for Germany.” This is a thread of the key points and findings. Report was commissioned by @oekomoderne and done by our non-profit think tank @think_atom 1/n
The study explores the CO2 emissions that could be avoided if Germany kept their #nuclear fleet (#GER6) open and closed coal/lignite, and later fossil gas, production instead. The result is in the name of the report: #onebilliontons 2/n
The remaining nuclear reactors, or #GER6, avoid roughly 60 million tons of CO2 per year. To date, the early, political closures since 2011 have released an extra 500 million tons of CO2 (and much more in the future) as fossil fuel production has been kept running instead. 3/n
Thread of the day: Techno-economically, #Nuclear could pretty much stop #climatechange. We need to stop lamenting how hard it is to build because it's politically unpopular (circular argument) and instead start making it more popular. Inherently it's an awesome tech. Here's why:
1/6 First, it is and has been the safest energy source in modern history, by far. This includes accidents, whole life/fuel-cycle and waste storage. The image of #nuclear being dangerous is a dangerous misconception. The most dangerous NPP is one that doesn’t get built!
2/6 The waste issue has been blown out of proportions. #Nuclear waste is the best: 1. It’s tiny. 2. It’s fully collected and accounted for 3. It’s recyclable/reusable. 4. It’s solid and easy to store. 5. It gets less harmful with time, much faster than people think.