Good day Saurabh.
Would you kindly confirm this?
Much appreciated.
11:35 CET 31 OCT 2022
Perp: Illuminati actor / influencer Saurabh Raj Jain(??)
I just heard a tinnitus while communicating telepathically with SRJ and heard a highpitched tinnitus in my left wear and felt a resultant slight loss of hearing and dullness plus weakness and debility.
I had just left a comment and given the link to my Instagram page about
20 minutes.
I am writing this as I am about to leave my apartment.
Sorry but you have made yourself look like a total pratt.😂
Ahem..can I have your attention please.😂
Even though spineless #illuminati#freemason (b)rat that you are you deleted my comments underneath two of the vids on your YouTube channel.
A brave hero of our time.
👉#AltiyanChilds @Altiyan_Childs
My body is traumatised.
Even forgiveness is too much of an effort in this moment.
Een andere toevalligheid...ik waa bij een lezing in de vroege jaren negentig van bekende spiritist medium Aad van der Nagel, die zei dat er een hoge ingewijde uit Pakistan was zich gaan vestigen in Plymouth.🇬🇧