1. I distinctly remember as an eight-year-old boy watching the #Eichmann trial. Even at that age I knew what the #Holocaust was and when I watched it with my parents and siblings the horrors of #NaziGermany became even deeper etched in my mind. Then, when I was 16, I spent an
2. evening at a cocktail party sitting next to William Shirer as he spoke of the war and the Nuremberg trials. Some 20 years later my sister married into the family that owns the Schloss where Shirer and the foreign press stayed during the trials.
3. My brother and I shared a deep interest the Nuremberg trials. As an aside, John was godfather when we baptized one of our sons in Nuremberg. One of my closest friends died on #PanAm103 along with DOJ's last Nazi hunter while we were in Nuremberg for the Holidays.
4. I have reported here on Syria for eight years and had hoped we would see war crimes tribunals but alas the people who are largely responsible for the genocide committed by #ISIS are our supposed partners and/or allies. But during that time, I studied Nuremberg and
5. the law that grew out of it in hopes that the #SyrianWarCrimesTribunals would be established and thus I have developed a reasonable degree of understanding of the elements of these crimes. A sufficient understanding to say with reasonable
6. certainty that people in this video can be charged and convicted of conspiracy to commit #genocide and conspiracy to engage in agressive war, the two major crimes brought in the Nuremberg charges. In March the ICJ found that Russia had likely committed violations
7. of these two crimes. The Nuremberg principals that were enshrined in the UN's formative documents apply this law universally. There is no immunity. No escape. Just like Eichmann. This video is particularly chilling because it may mean that #Putin and the Kremlin elite
8. reflected by these clownish #Kremlin propagandists, have all gone too far to ever back down. I believe that legally, all the people who have agreed to the commission of these atrocities like some of the people in this video proudly admitting their agreement to the
9. criminal purpose of these heinous crimes against humanity, have no future. And because of that, the likelihood of war between the west and Russia is much greater than I had previously thought. Despite this realization, it is also clear to me that the west cannot
10. back down and that the movement of a substantial land force to #Europe to prepare for the seemingly inevitable war with #NaziRussia is necessary. If Putin and his insiders are going to survive short of fighting a land war with the west on Russian territory, they need to
11. halt, withdraw unconditionally and sue for peace. More atrocities as proposed by this video will only insure there will be no peace until Russia's eventual defeat and surrender where, like Nazi Germany, the perpetrators will all be handed over or hunted to face
1. My late brother was essentially an in-house special counsel denoted as the chief of a DOJ task force that investigated two former administrations. He also was the person who was the liaison with the Ken Starr special prosecution so I have years observing special counsels.
2. I agree with Garland's decision because, as he said, he did not have much discretion to not appoint a SC once #45 officially announced and POTUS Joe Biden made unofficial statements of his intention to run. Had POTUS remained mum that appointment may have not been required.
3. Well-meaning people who have steadfastly worked to advance the rule of law who are angry about this should perhaps consider what would be the impact before SCOTUS of Biden political appointee having overall control of this investigation and perhaps not feed a narrative that
1. @KenDilanianNBC reports that the Special Counsel will oversee 'all aspects' of the Mar-a-Lago and Jan 6th investigations. Because these are fairly mature investigations, I doubt the person picked will start from scratch and may simply make the charging decision and/or direct
2. further investigation to fill in any places that the Special Counsel finds requires additional fact finding. They key will be the language of the appointment memorandum. I can imagine that this could take a months or less if there is no question that charging is appropriate.
3. The things that I will look for on the background of the person selected is the depth of their National Security background. Also, does it include prosecution of people in Congress or people like Charles Koch who gave aid and comfort to the insurrection. If that is included
1. As I understand the transaction, Musk, Saudis and Qataris didn’t contribute cash. They threw pre-merger value stock into the pot. Not cash. That was from three secured loans Morgan Stanley placed. He’s behaving a bit like he is expecting the lenders to move on him.
2. Those loans were going to be sold in a private placement. That means the terms are out there somewhere. When companies melt down, the only way for the firm to get a handle on the situation is to file Bankruptcy. I’m interested to know if there is a new security firm on site.
3. Fun fact I one threatened to seize a bank branch. When things get nasty, all kinds of thing can happen. I don’t think we have the relevant facts. Secured lender often require the ability to replace the board in conditions like this.
1. Three new sealed cases popped up on the DC criminal court docket today. I think it's likely they were filed earlier in the week.
If House members are going to be charged it would make sense to me to get the cases going during the lame duck.
2. I see all the posts calling for the 14th Amendment to bar #45 from running. IMO the terms of the 14th Amendment does not apply to a POTUS or VP who had not been a state or federal legislator. In any event, if the goal is to bar these folks from office due to these events,
3. 18 U.S. Code § 2383 - "Rebellion or insurrection" has a clear bar for anyone who "gives aid or comfort" to an insurrection. All of the Trump conspirators and over 100 House members and at least three Senate members could be convicted under that statute IMO and the conviction
1. I'm 100% certain Merrick Garland would not charge #45, his insiders or members of Congress while POTUS was out of the country at the G20. Anyone who thinks he would simply doesn't know how the 4th floor Justice works.
2. Fun fact. An FBI agent pulled a gun on me up there while I was holding my four year-old son in Janet Reno's galley. I think it was because he looked pretty tough back then. 😎
3. And for all the people who don't think he'll authorize the prosecution, explain to me why he authorized a search warrant at Mar-a-Lago? Why not just send another stern letter or a subpoena? Why get a Magistrate Judge to find probable cause evidence of a espionage was there?
1. There's understandably a lot of interest in whether AG Garland will authorize the charges being brought against former POTUS #45. I learned years ago that when you practice in cases that involve
2. federal prosecutors, you use the DOJ manual as a guide to how things may proceeded. It's essentially like getting the other team's play-book in the NFL. AG Garland has said repeatedly these principals will guide his decision making, as they should.
3. So, would the Principals of Federal Prosecution support the existence of a political campaign as the basis for charging or not charging? Here's what the manual says: