Yesterday I talked about the carnage outside Bakhmut resembling Flanders fields, and the type of battle resembling Verdun and how that would shatter the Russian Army. Today I am going to expound on why I think this is the case. Armies shattering after failed offensives is not an
unknown thing. There are 3 really good examples from WWI and they all have some things in common. The Kerensky Offensive, The Nivelle Offensive and The German Spring Offensive of 1918 especially the later offensives that targeted the French and Americans.
All of them involved armies that had been absolutely mauled, poorly defined strategic objectives and a leadership disconnected from the trauma suffered by the troops. In the Kerensky Offensive, Gen Brusilov who had almost knocked Austria Hungary out of the war a year earlier
failed to understand that his success then had convinced the Russian troops that they were all dead men walking and this stoked revolutionary fever. He badly misread the situation and the offensive failed after less than 3 weeks. As many as 800k Russian's vanished from the army.
Some were killed, some wounded but most simply surrendered or deserted and went home. Russian attempts to restore order at the point of the bayonet is what lead to the July days crisis that helped set the stage for the eventual Bolshevik takeover. It was also the end of the
Russian Army as an intact fighting force, A few months later Lenin would sign a treaty with Germany ceding much of Ukraine, the Baltics, Belarus and Poland to Germany. The Russian troops had lost all interest in fighting for something they did not understand of have a stake in.
Occurring during the same deadly spring and summer of 1917 the Nivelle Offensive saw the French Army get slaughtered. Wave after wave of attacks into the teeth of alerted German defenses saw the French take nearly 190K casualties in 3 weeks. It was too much and along with dissati
over things like leave, food, and enlisted/officer relations the French mutinied. Unlike the Russian's the French did not fall apart, they still believed in defending France, but there was no more offensive combat power. Nivelle was sacked, Petain took over and began a crash
reform effort and the British had too take up the slack leading to the Battle of Passchendaele. Had the British Army been just a bit less stalwart and stiffed lipped they might have made this list. As it is the echoes of that battle linger on in the British psyche. I guess
I could have added the Italians falling apart at the Battle of Caporetto being exhausted from 11 different offensives to capture territory around the Isozono River. same story: exhausted troops, distant leadership and poorly defined war aims the troops did not believe in. It was
German success in Italy after all that convinced Ludendorff that Germany had a shot at knocking the allies out of the war before American strength was felt. The first part of the German Spring offensive went well by WWI standards. But the Germany Army lacked the ability to get
get deep and effect a breakthrough or encirclement. This inability let the British rally. Its at this point that the offensive becomes important to the #WarInUkraine. Ludendorff did not stop and fortify what he had taken. Instead he expended his offensive power on doomed attacks
in a series of attacks that gained less and less but cost more in lives and equipment each time. The attacks went on for months and destroyed the morale and fighting spirit of the German Army. When Ludendorff finally admitted defeat it was too late. Just 3 weeks later the allies
their Hundred Days Offensive and the German army fell apart. Germany was under real threat of invasion and the crisis this caused lead to more mutinies and the Kaiser was forced to abdicate and flee to Holland. In all 5 cases: Kerensky, Nivelle, Caporetto, Passchendaele, and
Spring the lessons are the same: Leadership must account for the condition of the troops. Their physical wellbeing and their morale. The troops must have faith that their leaders will only sell thier lives for some clearly defined and achievable war aim the troops can rally
behind that that leadership will be in touch with the realties on the ground. The #RussianArmy of 2022 enjoys none of this. They are a WWI style army as far as leadership and troop care goes. Not so for #Ukraine. #Ukrainians know what they are fighting for, why it matters and
that their leadership is looking for ways to make each individual soldier matter. Mistakes may be made, troops will die but I dare you too find a Ukrainian who thinks it is all in vain. Despite some brutal combat the Ukrainian army has never lost its elan, valor or will to battle
and it is a testament to the whole idea of Ukraine as an idea that it can inspire such efforts. Whose braver? The marines who raised the flag on Mount Suribachi, the Paratroopers who said "Nuts at Bastogne, the defenders of Rourke's Drift, the Alamo or Azovstal? We are watching
history being written. But... Ukraine can't do it alone. They fight because they have too. If they fail they lose everything. We must continue to support them. I don't tag @JohnBoozman, @SenTomCotton and @RepFrenchHill everyday for nothing. Send more, send better and send now. In
particular now the need is air defense. Russia knows she cannot win on the battle field so she is striking at the families and infrastructure of Ukraine. Missile attacks on the power grid, shelling NPP's, leveling apartment blocks... terrorism because #RussiaIsATerroristState. It
also means that we must keep standing up to fill in the gaps. Donations to Charites like @MriyaAid, @U24_gov_ua, @UkraineAidOps, and @3xR_team help those under threat of missile attack and cold fronts make it one more day. Donations to units like the @georgian_legion and
help speed up when the Russian Army shatters. We must also fight back online. Are you a #FELLA and member of #NAFO? The dis-info war rages. From countering Russian attempts to blame Ukraine for an act that that clearly show an act of Russian perfidy to accusing Ukraine of
shelling an NPP despite clear evidence than Russia is doing so as an attempt to engage in nuclear blackmail. This war is multi-domain and won't end until the Russian soldiers finally feel like facing off agaisnt Putin and his regime is the safer option than staying and dying in
You might have seen the word #Holodomor going around. It is what the world calls the last #GenocideOfUkrainians by #Russia. A quick break down. Stalin needed cash to pay for a rapid industrialization of the Soviet economy. Grain sales were a major source of foreign currency.
Outwardly facing and using useful idiots like the @nytimes' Walter Duranty played up the idea of a workers and peasants paradise all the while knowing that starvation was occurring. Inwardly, the #Russian public was shown agit prop films and propaganda portraying the Ukrainian's
as evil counter-revolutionaries who were hoarding food and deserved to be punished. There were further problems stemming from collectivization leading to poorer yields and the whole was something between 3-7 million dead. If the upper number is true it represents a greater number
Hey @mtracey I would like to answer a question for you. You asked how many Jews were saved by US (military) intervention in the Holocaust. Its a complex question but bears directly on the ongoing #GenocideOfUkrainians occurring today. So lets start with the basics. The estimates
are the 2 of every 3 Jews living in Europe in 1939 had vanished by 1945. I say vanished vs dead because some few managed to flee to nations that did not end up under the Nazi boot. In addition, the number is self is less than absolute because so many records were destroyed so
there is legitimately a grey area but its on the margins. The accepted consensus is there were 9 million jews in Europe prior to WWII.…
The pictures showing the carnage of #Bakhmut are straight from Flanders 1917... Chewed up ground and bodies lying row by row where they were mowed down like grass. Then there is the video of the SU-30S going down in flames. Add in yesterday's video showing a KAMAZ truck
that was turned into a sieve and the picture is pretty clear: #Russia is fucked. While I am very happy that Russia finds itself in this position, it didn't have to be this way. Had Russia stayed the course it started in 2012 and not brought Shoigu to the fore the war likely would
have gone much differently and might well be over by now. A decade's worth of real reform and re-arming would have made the Russian's much better at what they tried to do. Even if they were only twice as good (still bad by Western standards) and started a month later or earlier
Good morning, with all the dour news from partisanship to whatever is going on with Twitter I thought I would start my daily essay with some comedy. hat tip to @wartranslated
That truck is the ultimate catfish for a mechanic. From 50 feet away you might think its repairable... up close its total scrap. Imagine being a flesh and blood creature when that rain of metal comes down? Yeah that parts not funny. What will drill neat little holes in steel
will pink mist anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it. No wonder the Russian's have decided running is better than driving. More and more reports coming in that the latest tranche of Russian Lend Lease to Ukraine will not disappoint. Though to be honest I don't know if that is
Not my normal essay, that will be in a bit. This is a short thread on Pelosi. I wake up to tweet after tweet singing her praises. Now hopefully my readers now that while I may add some rhetorical polish, I will not lie to them. Pelosi did break barriers, but she was not the GOAT.
Her entire leadership career has been defined by just 3 goals. 1. Insider trading to help her husband make hundreds of millions of dollars via being invited to IPO's of tech companies they did not invest in, did not understand but did have regulatory power over. If you count her
husband's wealth (made while she was in office) she is among the richest in the House and she has consistently blocked insider trading reform. This brings up point 2. Luxury and privilege. From the insider trading, demanding a private jet, to $20k ice cream freezers she lives
Suddenly all these GOP'ers are calling for an audit of US aid to Ukraine. It's like they got marching orders. Now I don't think those orders came from Russia. Unlike the wiggidity wackity libs I remember that Trump was actually really severe on Putin. Toughest pre-Feb 24th
sanctions, blocking Nordstream 2, hitting Assad twice despite Putin threatening grave consequences and then of course turning a Wagner assault on US troops into a bloody burnt smear on the Syrian desert. So this is something new. maybe its just politics, at least I hope it is,
but we can't rule out dark money. So without further ado, I will audit the effectiveness of US aid to Ukraine. 1. The pre-war Russian Army doesn't exist anymore. A more than 100% casualty rate of the initial invasion force, the loss of thousands of tanks and vehicles, expending