2/4 #Market Prices Suggest the Movement to a Green #Grid Will Fail
3/4 The chart below shows the #FCF yield of all U.S. #mining stocks over history. The message? Nobody believes the current boom in commodity prices and associated cash flows will continue.
4/4 Get the Quick Take The Mining Investment Boom Nobody Believes In here ⬇
1/6 It's not that complicated. When a company issues #stock to employees or the public, it increases shares outstanding and dilutes #earnings per share.
2/6 Give the #stock to the employee, and the cash doesn’t show up on the balance sheet. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. In #broaddaylight
3/6 In the run-up to the peak of the dot com bubble, #stockcomp felt good. Until the stocks started going down and it felt awful. That is precisely where we are today. It tends to be a self-reinforcing spiral.
2/14 "The short answer is their underinvestment in preparation and planning. For decades, Big Business has been squandering its resources…instead of spending on workers and infrastructure. There’s not enough give in the system, so when crisis comes, it doesn’t bend, but breaks."
3/14 $LUV gross profit for the twelve months ending September 30, 2022 was $5.928B, a 53.81% increase year-over-year.
1/ In this Wednesday edition of the #KCRDailyThread: Investors have shown some newfound interest in large-cap growth stocks. Understandable. They’ve sold off.
2/ Buying a new iPhone is nice. Keeping your home warm and eating food requires energy. That is non-negotiable. The world is structurally short of hydrocarbons due to the explosion of ESG investing and empirically failed government policies.
3/ While the intentions are good, the consequences are dire. The world needs more energy. It does not need more Teslas and other environmental solutions that are rapidly failing the tests of basic physics.
3/ When Jeff Bezos, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Amazon stepped down and handed the reins to Andrew Jassy, former head of Amazon Web Services we thought the timing phenomenal. For Mr. Bezos.