How Mantra chanting helps?
To understand benefits of Mantrachanting, one must know process of Shabda Utpatti (physiology of speech) according to Paniniya Shiksha –Text which paved the grammar of Sanskrit language and explained extensively scientific basis for production of speech
It is explained as Examination of Vishaya(objectives) by Atma & Buddhi(intellect). Atma along with Buddhi(intellect) makes Manas to indulge in Vishaya(objectives). Mana(#mind) kindles Kayagni(entity which brings about all types of digestions). It gives stimulus to Vayu. #Indian
Vayu moves in the Uras(thorax region). In Uras(thorax) Vayu generates Mandra(yielding) Swara(resonance). Swara (resonance) produced by Vata Dosha in Uras, moves to Moordha(head region). Getting the way to Moordha(headregion) words are expressed as speech by Vaktra(mouth) #Science
All of the water-soluble vitamins exist in honey, with Vitamin C being the most frequent.Approximately 31 variable minerals have been found in honey, including all of the major minerals, such as phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, magnesium.
Honey is useful to break down and dry up the Kapha Dosha and phlegm.
Honey which is fully formed alleviates all the three doshas, removes jadyatha from the body, hiccups etc, improves taste perception, promotes strength and intellect, improves mental stability, virility, etc
Pure honey also consists of flavonoids, polyphenols, reducing compounds, alkaloids, glycosides, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinone, and volatile compounds.
Chakras are map of consciousness which help us to discover more about our individual.. Knowledge of Chakras and methods on working& balancing them helps us to heal our lives, fulfill true potential, while helping to balance our energies& trimming our physical, mental and health.
Chakras represent distinct frequencies within the universe. The chakras interact with the electromagnetic energy field and transform this into the energy. It later transmits this energy into our body and sustains our lives.
Energy is derived from imaginary wheels which are the transmitters of energy. These wheels of energy which are in continuous spinning in our aura, parallel to our spine, right from the bottom of our tailbone, to a few inches above the crown of our head are called Chakras.
Moringa leaves is said to provide 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 10times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, 9 times more protein than yoghurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas and 25 times more iron than spinach
Leaves of Moringa when used as a vegetable imparts taste, relieves vata and kapha related disorders. It is pungent in taste, hot in potency, stimulates the digestive fire, wholesome for the body, checks intestinal worms and promotes digestion.
#HealthTips #Ayurveda #healthcare
Almost all parts of tree is edible(flower, root, leaves, pods, steam bark, root bark, oil, steam, etc).
This ‘Miracle tree’ is very impressive and amazing plant due to its tested, trusted and high potential benefits from nutritional and medicinal point of view
#ayurveda #health
2500+ yrs ago "GarbhaUpanishad" gave us stages of foetus;
Day 2: Embryo
Day 15: Solid Mass
Month 2: Head Forms
Month 3: Feet Grows
Month 4: Belly & Hip
Month 5: Backbone
Month 6: Nose, Eyes
Month 7: Consciousness
Month 8: Complete
The Garbha Upanishad is a text that almost exclusively comments on medical and physiology-related themes, dealing with the theory of the formation and development of the human embryo and human body after birth.
#didyouknow #science #sanatandharma #hindu #india
Upanishad on the garbha or human embryo to be more like "a manual on physiology or medicine" than a spiritual text, with the exception of a passage which includes a number of statements about the foetus' awareness, including the assertion that the foetus has knowledge of...
According to the historical records, BAEL is used as a medicinal & #Food item since 5000 B.C. and known to human beings even when writing the famous Sanskrit epic-poem Ramayana. It is extensively described in Indian literature, since Vedic period. It is one among Dashamoola herbs
The tree is aromatic, and all the parts are medicinally important. Fruits, leaves, bark, roots, and seeds are used in ayurvedic medicine systems to treat various ailments. It is extensively described in Indian literature, since #Vedic period. It is one among the Dashamoola herbs.
Bael Fruit/Bilva
This plant is associated with a great medicinal value whose medicinal descriptionis also mentioned in the ancient treatise like Vedas, Puranas, Charaka & Brihat Samhita.
#Bharat #SanatanDharma #Health #ayurveda #History
There are 3 types of old ghee
• 10 yr old
• 100 yr old
• 111yr old
This old ghee is light to digest, improves digestion strength, detoxify the body, Cleanses and heals wounds.
#Ayurveda #HealthTips #india #Health #History #Foodie
There is no disease which cannot be cured by the ghee which is one hundred years old.
Even the look, touch and smell of this 100 years old ghee is especially useful in curing Apasmara (epilepsy), Graha (demoniac seizures) and Unmada(insanity).
#Ayurveda #facts #HealthTips #Health
Ghee is rich in healthy fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, &K, it is also rich in antioxidants. It increases the body's resistance against various infections and diseases by boosting the immune system. Increases resistance against seasonal allergies & common ailments
#Ayurveda #bharat