Every day, you will be reminded of the stigma by your own colleagues from other fraternities & society at large, most of whom are oblivious to the importance of mental health themselves.
Wait, but that's not why I am writing this.
4-5 years back, when I entered this field, and if I was treated this way, I would have revolted and taken the organizers of the camp to the cleaners and fumingly left the place.
But not now.
Today in the 5th year of my journey as a mental health professional, I understand that while there are some organizers who wanted to have a Psychiatrist for the camp, there were some organizers who didn't want a Psychiatrist for the camp (for reasons better known to them!)
If I had left the place, it would not have made any difference to anyone.
Probably, those 1-2 organizers who wanted me to be there would have felt slightly embarrassed, but the camp would have continued as usual.
And because I had already blocked out the time and date, I didn't have anything else lined up either.
The only difference I could have made was by being there. I created a space for myself, got a paper out, and put on the board that a psychiatrist was available, too.
Don't I feel angry?
Don't I feel sad?
Yes. I do.
But after being in this field for some time now, I am quickly able to identify my emotions.
And then, rather than reacting, I am able to respond better.
The late, Dr. Viktor Frankl always comes to rescue. 7/n
More often than not, today, I am able to appreciate this 'space', which Dr. Frankl talked about.
Dr. Frankl was able to work in that 'space' in the most inhuman of all circumstances possible - at a concentration camp as a prisoner.
To be able to appreciate that 'space' between stimulus & response is the ultimate freedom.
Many people unfortunately live their lives without appreciating that space. Something which I did too, for a good 25 years of my life!
So, I chose to stay. Decided, I would use this opportunity to interact with all the other doctors out there, the nurses & urged them to refer any patient who needed mental health support or anybody who was annoying them them most. That's how most of the references come in.
The patients who appear to be most 'annoying' to other practitioners are the ones referred to us, psychiatrists.
These are just people like you and me. Labeled as 'annoying' because nobody had the time & empathy to talk to them.
A few patients dropped by.
Had a good chat with them over cups of piping hot tea.
If I had left, nobody would come in.
Nobody would have cared.
A few of those who needed help but had no courage to speak up would have continued to suffer in silence.
I used to fight against the stigma that prevails surrounding #mentalhealth.
Last year, I decided I would work towards "normalizing" talks about mental health. The journey has just started.
Thank you to all 11K souls who have supported me here.
Very often, I come across people who are not able to do well in #competitiveexams and end up thinking,
Let's talk about that in this thread #NEETPG#UPSCASPIRANTS#Aspirants
When you have put a lot of efforts and sacrifice behind something you almost start 'expecting' the results 'should' come! This works quite well in theory exams of your school or college where your efforts translate into your marks!
The thing that separates normal exam from competitive exam is that even though you might have done your best someone else might have done slightly better and your ranking will suffer.
Here the eventual result is a rank which is not directly a reflection of your efforts alone! 3/n
QALA's twin brother dies in utero, which is a big shock to her mother Urmila Manjushri, who blames Qala for taking away all the nutrition from her brother in utero & even tries to smother her. Qala becomes an unwanted child in the process.
2. Critical parenting
Though her mother tries to teach Qala the art of music, she is never satisfied and goes to on to punish her by keeping her out of the house in the chilling snow as Qala is not able to perform to her satisfaction.
"You're so skinny!"
"You're so fat!"
We have all either said that/heard that.
But here's why I believe that commenting upon someone's physical attributes in a social setting is not a good idea..
A 🧵
✔️ There could be various uncontrollable reasons behind person's weight issues- we have a tendency to assume that it is just because of overeating/poor lifestyle/lack of exercise. So when we make such a comment, it could be really triggering for many people.
✔️ We all perceive such comments differently. A person may take a comment about his increased weight as a challenge for himself while for another person it could be a blow to their self-esteem.
A 🧵 on #NewYearResolutions and 10 rules on how to follow through on it.
Purposely writing this on day 8 of the new year so that only those genuinely wanting to work on themselves will read it.
I am only mentioning things that have helped me personally!
Read on. 👇🏼
Research about New Year Resolutions suggests that 23% of people quit/drop out in 1st week.
Only 36% people make it till 2nd month.
Only 8% are able to successfully keep up their resolutions!
So, should you really be keeping the New Year Resolutions despite knowing that the chances are as low as 8%?
As Akshay Kumar's character says in one of his finest movies, Baby, "Mai 1% pe bhi jaata hu!"
Even if the chances of success are 1%, it's better than never trying!
A 60 year old lady was brought by her daughter to my OPD a couple of months ago.
In the field of psychiatry, how a person enters, gives us a clue about the clinical condition.
When a patient walks in himself v/s when a patient is 'brought by' someone makes a difference.
Generally, though not a rule:
> a patient coming himself, means he has some understanding of what is happening to him
> & when a patient is forced/coaxed by the relatives to visit a Psychiatrist, it would mean that the patient is either in denial or not in touch with reality.
So this lady and her daughter walked in, and I started to take the history.
The old lady didn't utter a word but kept crying. She clearly looked disturbed.
When I asked the daughter, she reported to me that her mother had been having some issues for the last couple of months.
I recently had a middle-aged man come to my OPD.
He appeared quite nervous and hesitant.
I asked him how I could be of help and this is what happened next.
He asked me if I provide counseling.
I said yes.
He told me me that his daughter needed psychotherapy.
I asked him the reason for it.
He said, "Sir I have a 25 year old daughter and she has all the symptoms of being a lesbian!
She doesn't like boys and is only interested in girls."
I listened to him patiently.