🧵#artbook#fanart#fannibals#art#artists 1. The #artistsontwitter community is amazingly talented. I've supported many fan-run Kickstarters for artbooks. Now publishers are now getting in on it. Sadly fan artists who are not contract-savvy are open to exploitation...
2. I've seen a lot of tweets about an upcoming themed fan art book to be printed by an indie publisher. They set up a Kickstarter & raised over $160,000. Some artists were invited to create art for the book & subs were opened for everyone else.
3. To submit, artists were required to send in a completed work of art & wait to see if they were selected.
If selected they would not be paid a cash fee.
They would get a (insert drumroll...)
Free book, and of course, Kudos. (Whoop)🙌🙌🙌
#Johnbarrowman has proven that he's a vacuous, self-consumed twat, and he has no idea about what women who work in #film and #theater go through and the vulnerable positions they are put in. The excuses for his behavior are bullshit. #notokaydailymail.co.uk/femail/article….
"In the theatre quick costume changes happen in the wings all the time, with everyone stripping off to get into their new outfits in time for the next scene,' he says. 'Girls might be braless, boys only in jockstraps. That's just how it is and no one gives it a second thought."
How blase, and ignorant.
THAT'S NOT 'JUST HOW IT IS!" This comment shows exactly how oblivious he is about his actions behind the scenes on stage/on set.
Women DO give it a second thought. Women who work in theater/ film worry about this stuff ALL THE TIME.
#Readers who justify #bookpiracy because THEY are poor i.e can buy the latest tech, fashions, daily coffees but cannot 'afford' books, we need to have a talk, and #RealityCheck ...
1. Those who download from #pirate sites wouldn't buy the book anyway.
To justify theft by saying that the thief wouldn't pay for what they stole is ridiculous. Clearly, they wanted the product but didn't think it was 'worth' $4 because they can steal it without consequences.
2. Authors earn lots of money, they're just being greedy.
In the latest @ALCS_UK research "“The median annual income of a professional author is £10,500 (US$11,300), which is well below the minimum wage."
1% of authors earn huge sums, most of us barely scrape a living.