Generally people think that: Vishnu was already there & Brahma-Rudra arise later without having been in the beginning. By that, both of them are considered to be in the Jiva category.
we know that this idea is not based on firm foundation:
श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणम्/स्कन्धः ४/अध्यायः १
अत्रिरुवाच -
विश्वोद्भवस्थितिलयेषु विभज्यमानैः
मायागुणैरनुयुगं विगृहीतदेहाः ।
ते ब्रह्मविष्णुगिरिशाः प्रणतोऽस्म्यहं वः
तेभ्यः क एव भवतां मे इहोपहूतः ॥ २७ ॥
When Atri Maharishi
prays to the Supreme Cause, Jagatkarana, to bless him with a child, the Trimurthys together appear before him. Then what Atri Maharshi says about those three is as follows:
That you, Brahma, Vishnu & Girisha,incarnate in every yuga for the maintenance of world's creation,
stay and destruction by taking upon of the sattva, rajas and tamo gunas of Maya.
From this we know that the Trimurthys incarnate in every yuga to perform these three great functions. So the idea that #Vishnu was already there and #Brahma & #Shiva came later is not true.
There was only Narayana, no Brahma and no Shiva...
Without knowing the true purport of this, some people are delusional that only #Narayana is #Parabrahma and Brahma and #Rudras are Jivas.
But from this clear statement in the Atharvashikha Upanishad –
'सर्वमिदं ब्रह्मविष्णुरुद्रेन्द्रास्ते सम्प्रसूयन्ते सर्वाणि चेन्द्रियाणि सह भूतैः..'
we get rid of that illusion: from 'Shambhu' the trinity is born. 'Birth' here means 'incarnating' as Atri Maharshi said,
जुषन् रजो गुणं तत्र स्वयं विश्वेश्वरो हरिः ।
ब्रह्माभूत्वास्य जगतो विसृष्टौ संप्रवर्तते ॥ १,२.६१ ॥
सृष्टं च पात्यनुयुगं यावत्कल्पविकल्पना ।
Here the word 'anuyugam' corresponds to the word
'anuyugam' in the Bhagavatam.
सत्त्वभृद्भगवान्विष्णुरप्रमेयपराक्रमः ॥ १,२.६२ ॥
तमोद्रेकी च कल्पान्ते रुद्ररूपी जर्नादनः ।
मैत्रेयाखिलभूतानि भक्षयत्यतिदारूणः ॥ १,२.६३ ॥
भक्षयित्वा च भूतानि जगत्येकार्णवीकृते ।
नागपर्यङ्कशयने शेते च परमेश्वरः ॥ १,२.६४ ॥
So it is unscriptural
to separate Brahma and Rudra from Vishnu and say 'these two are Jivas'. The Shastra accords the same status to all the Three. The same Parabrahman takes these three forms to perform functions like creation depending on the three qualities of Prakriti. This is the truth.
Wherever sentences occur contrary to the above, they should be treated as inconclusive.The statement of Atri Maharshi should be seen as superseding them. Only if this is done, the words of #Veda and #VedaVyasa will become aligned with each other without error of selfcontradiction
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Profound words of Scholar, Congress Leader Late Prof. Siddheshwar Prasad Ji:
"Unfortunately, the books on Indian philosophy, culture, history and literature, written by Indian and foreign writers, have miserably failed to underline the importance of the sound formulation,
the metaphysical and sociological foundation of the #Bharatiya#Samskṛti. This has led them to present it in a very distorted manner. Therefore, they have also failed to see its positive features.
There are weak points and there have been lapses also. After all why #Bharat
was almost always defeated at the hands of the foreign invaders? But how and why it not only still survives but is rejuvenated? Why the #Egyptian, the #Greek, the #Babylonian, the #Asyrian and some other ancient civilizations and cultures disappeared? The simple answer is,
Amongst the valued possessions and hallowed objects of worship in a devout Hindu's home, are the Salagramas, those pebble-like objects, smooth to the touch, 1/n
spheroid in shape, and black, red, or mixed in colour. That they are, for the most part, a hereditary possession of the family, handed down from generation to generation, is sufficient testimony to the veneration bestowed upon them by our ancients. Not to be bought or sold,
it is a prized gift or dana, and it is given as a valued gift in some places to the bridegrooms along with the bride. The #salagramasila is considered the embodiment of #Vishnu. Its mantra has Shri #Bhagvan for #Rishi or Drashta, and #Narayana as Devata or the object of
🧵Invaluable gem from the pen of #Jagadguru#SriSri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava NrisimhaBharati:
In the Siva-gita of the Padma Purana,it is said that Rama asked Siva: "How does immaculate knowledge about You, the Lord,arise in a man? O Hara,if you are gracious to Me, tell me
the means to it." On being asked thus, the Lord replied:
"Having become detached towards everything inclusive of the state of Brahma & disinclined towards everybody inclusive of one's sons and friends, possessed of faith in the scriptures dealing with liberation and desirous
of the knowledge revealed by the Upanishad-s, one should, with an offering in one's hand, approach a Guru who has realised Brahman."
"Being attentive, one should please one's Guru through services rendered for long. One should then listen with intense concentration to the
‘One day when I was sitting by the side of #Bhagavan I felt so miserable that I put the 1/6
following question to him: "Is the sankalpa of the jnani not capable of warding off the destinies of the devotees?"
'Bhagavan smiled and said: "Does the jnani have a sankalpa at all? The jivanmukta [liberated being] can have no sankalpas whatsoever. It is just impossible.
'I continued: "Then what is the fate of all us who pray to you to have grace on us and save us? Will we not be benefited or saved by sitting in front of you, or by coming to you?..."
'Bhagavan turned graciously to me and said: "...a person's bad karma will be considerably
🧵Jagadguru #SriSri Abhinava Vidyatirtha Mahaswamiji on Fate & Free Will:
Neither destiny nor personal effort singly determines the course of human life; there is great interaction between the two. Destiny or actions of the past that have begun to fructify, human effort and 1/n
divine grace together govern what comes to pass. Manu has compared destiny and personal effort to the two wheels of a chariot; a chariot cannot move on a single wheel.
Two students wrote an examination.The boy who had studied better answered all except two questions well.The 2/n
other managed to answer just two questions correctly. The examiner was an impartial but a lazy man. He scrutinized two of the first boy’s
answers. They happened to be the incorrect ones. Assuming the other answers too to be incorrect, he awarded the boy low marks.
He then 3/n
Light qualifies itself eminently as a means of measurement because it measures both space and time in one. Its velocity is the highest in the physical world, 1/n
and therefore, it happens to be the first signal. But its finite velocity is also a factor of limitation, Space and time provide the basic frame of reference for everything else in nature and light provides the single yardstick to measure them both. It has become possible for 2/n
the #physicist to construct his absolute world on the basis of light propagation because of its virtues stated above. If light commends itself to the physicist as an absolute standard of reference, what is it that commends itself as an absolute standard of reference to the 3/n