Weiß das #SARSCoV2 ? 🤡
Erst Vergütung für Tests drosseln,
dass dies nicht kostendeckend erbracht werden können
Zahnärzte aus der Teststrategie fernhalten,bloß keine Patienten testen!
Asymptomatische Test als anlasslos diskreditieren
Impfungen in ZAP erschweren
@friendlycovid19 do you know?
30.June german government announces to be the end of pandemic🤡 you will be considerated as a simple disease like others ...😵💫
remind the date 30.06.2023 ⚠️
Same plan as US,
trivialization of #SARSCoV2
No broad accessibility to PCR nor Paxlovid, bc no adequate remuneration & refund,
like it is since 6 month🫠
terrible governemental errors⚠️
😵💫 #Servicetweet
RT Y Bar-Yam
"We are all playing Covid roulette. Without clean air, the next infection could permanently disable you"
RT K Prather
The world still needs recognition of the fact #COVIDisAirborne
I'm deeply honored by recent awards but with ppl still getting infected,
it doesn't feel right to celebrate
Let's help spread the message the virus is in the air & add the #airborne#protection for all!
Mysteries years🤔
Should I claim some sars vocs existed before 2020 and nobody paid attention to?
Same will happen if we neglegt surveillance for the next yrs
Do you realize minsk farms work again?
Until we stop #airborne crosscontaminations #sars{23->X}⬇️
Is there an international register for these diseases like morbus becquet, PIMPS, Kawasaki,VEXA,EVALI,DIC, strokes, heart attacks, kidney insufficience, ophtalmic neuropathies?
Für Zahnärzte gelten TRBA 462 und 250 und Biostoffverordnung schon vor #SARSCoV2 und bedingte durch Risikoklasse 2 Schutzstufe 2 präpandemisch
Gefährdungsbeurteilung muss erstellt werde nach Gegebenheiten
Endemische SCV2 & #Mpox bedingen Schutzstufe 3 bbk.bund.de/SiteGlobals/Fo…