1/Many With this tweet I’m starting to cover a story what happened from 24 of March 1999 - Bombing Serbia by #NATO Manifesting of Neo Liberal Interventionism policy. Bombing at “moral will” of liberal gang of Clinton’s, Albright, Wesley Clark and others #warcriminals
To understand importance of #Kosovo in history of #Serbia we need to dive deep, up to 15 of June 1389 when Serbian Prince Lazar face invading Sultan Murat of Ottoman Empire in the Kosovo field battle
We will skip up to that - On Sunday 28 June 1914 during the royal couple's visit to Sarajevo, the then teenager Princip mortally wounded both Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie by firing a pistol into their convertible car that had unexpectedly stopped 5 feet (1.5 m) from him
4/Many That assassination triggered World War I and that war reshaped map of Europe, leading to falling rule of Monarchy in #Russia few revolutions and numerous losses of Life’s World War I became known as the war to end all wars due to how deadly it was
5/Many World War II, started by Germany as WWI was even more deadly, Yugoslavia was only country in Europe who won the war Against Adolf Hitler Third Reich by forces of Yugoslavian partisans. That’s how Tito established his leadership in after WWII Europe.
Yugoslavia was a great country, leader of non-aligned movement of nations, powerful economy, number 4 army in Europe. Lot of people whom I know was talking about Yugo-Nostalgia balkaninsight.com/2017/03/14/yug…
Death of Yugoslavia, this is worth to watch film (more than 4 hours!) produced by BBC, on time when that company still was not succumbed to Atlantic’s propaganda was machine with one exception-everything that they sad about Slobodan Milocevic was biased
6/Many Story of Slobodan Milocevic deserves a feature 🎥 and never was told from perspective of nationalist leader, as well as all #NATO and #EU propaganda stunts distorted perception of his personality and painted him as a poor evil, whom he never was
7/Many I’m taking a small break to drive, but for keeping you intrigued I will post that: “Kosovo je Srbija”and you will find out why and how that’s all related to #Ukraine crisis in continuous series of tweets
8/Yugo Lets keep story flowing From ex-CIA agent confession ‘The propaganda was aimed to divide the republics and to ensure that the states are separated from the mother of Yugoslavia. We had to choose a sacrificial lamb that could be blamed for revolutionarydemocracy.org/rdv20n1/cia.htm… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
9/Yugo And war begins, war caused by hate and devisions carefully crafted by the foreign agents. That goal to devide Yugoslavia and to make Southern Slavs fight each others was a testing ground for future faith of the Soviet Union and #Russia
My dear imdb.com/video/vi746651…… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
10/Yogo Of course to study something inndeep #documentaire#films thats the best way to go. 3 films by Boris Milogursky this is 3 gems, well done, entertaining and deep. Strongly suggest to watch it ‘The Weight of Chains’
11/Yugo In November of 1995 Dayton Accord make the end to Bosnia war and problem of Serbs who was majority in same area of Bosnia was if not solved, but frozen, conditions was outlined in peace accord signed in Dayton britannica.com/event/Dayton-A…
12/Yugo And finally real perpetrators coming to the picture. It’s a lot of simplifying theories was flying around - why Clinton did that. Some of them mentioned ongoing impeachment of Bill, and they influence that decision of course. But what was real reason??
13/Yugo I was digging for months to understand real cause of that bombing in 1999 until I read that book - recommended by Noam Chomsky - John Norris make it clear-reason was to arrange a discipline in #NATO alliance has no goal to exists after collapse of USSR
14/Yugo That was many facts what was hidden from the Western audience during the bombing campaign, most horrific was usage of depleted uranium to increase penetration of armored vehicles and tanks. This is a study of consequences wedocs.unep.org/xmlui/handle/2…
15/Yugo What is really strike me hard - this is that words of Richard Holbrooke chief negotiator from the State Department architect of Dayton accord “We don’t want any bullshit (about Serbian historical context) let’s talk business” of course Serbs send … twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
As it was told to Oliver Stone by Vladimir Putin when we are recording interview with him for Ukraine on Fire: Quote “
Sometimes I don't quite understand the logic of our partners, sometimes it looks like they need an external enemy to keep in leash and establish discipline in… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
16/Yugo And now we need to nail very big difference of that bombing from previous US actions - for the first time in contemporary history Libera interventionism show that principle “We can bomb anyone whom we think oppressing they own population” no law needed. Period.
FINAL/YUGO Today 24 of March day what will be never forgotten by Serbs - on that day in 1999 #NATO coalition under #USA leadership started bombing of #Serbia All above thread was published to gain attention off people of the world, but this particular tweet to remind about cost… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
🚨🚨🚨Trump assassination investigation development - from private complaint filed on 7th of February it is clear that not Iran, but governor of Pennsylvania Josh Shapiro must be investigated on conspiracy to kill Donald J.Trump
It is Huge development, UPD to follow in that 🧵
Former Pennsylvania State Police employee and federal whistleblower Hadassah Feinberg has filed a criminal complaint on February 7, 2025, alleging Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro’s involvement in the attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Butler, PA. The complaint claims that leading up to the rally, Shapiro conspired with other officials and coordinated the attack to advance politically. It also alleges that Biden’s administration blocked multiple attempts to report the plot to the Secret Service and FBI. On July 23, 2024, Hadassah sought attempted homicide charges against Shapiro, but Butler County DA Richard Goldinger declined, citing ongoing investigations by other agencies.
“In the weeks leading up to the Trump Rally, President Joseph R. Biden, made frequent visits to Defendant Joshua Shapiro to discuss the obstacle faced by the Democratic Party. Joshua Shapiro, organized, schemed, and conspired with other officials to carry out the attempted assassination against Former President Donald J. Trump.”
“Governor Josh Shapiro, facilitated, planned, and coordinated the attempted assassination to climb the political ladder..”
Location for that tragic music festival on the border of #Gaza was changed two days before event.
260 killed and 600-700 missing.
For me, that all sounds like a biggest false flag operation to kill sacred victims and ignite a war
Correct me if I’m wrong, but smell of the fish is unbearable!
Universo Paralello was not origintally intended to take place at the Re’im site, with organizers moving it to this location only two days before it started, when another site in southern Israel fell through. The new site at Re’im featured a pair of stages, with the Israeli producer Artifex playing the mainstage when the attack started. Gaster was told that the attackers closed the road into the festival from both sides so attendees could not escape.
1/20 I'm encouraging everyone to discuss scary similarities of Ukraine and the Third Reich, actually we can call it now IV Reich and III Reich. Lets start with a leaders, both was artist's, Ukraine as Germany as well faced dire situation in economy and after radicalization and… https://t.co/ZSU8uAV6nftwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2/20 To appeal to public lowest instinct, very bright and simple symbols need to be used. This is the coat of arms of Ukraine and coat of arms of nazi Germany
3/20 From the first look on the flags of III and IV Reich you will probably do not saw a lot of similarities, but wait, it will show up when you will look on the flags of Wehrmacht and AFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine)
This day in 2014 Malaysian Boeing 777 was shutdown in proximity of Donetsk over Ukraine. Russia was immediately blamed for that. All evidences presented by Russians was ignored and silenced. Obama administration was in desperate need for pretext to strengthening sanctions against… https://t.co/IJKZLuXswUtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Boldest evidence-serial number of BUK missile traced from producer (Soviet military plant) to Air Defenve unit stationed in western Ukraine was completely ignored.
Second evidence - different type of shrapnel used in warhead of old Soviet style rockets what was retired in Russia, but still used in Ukraine was also ignored
Ukrainian nazi regime of @ZelenskyyUa just blow Kakhovskaya Dam and unleashed disaster for entire region. I was born on the coast of Kakhovskiy reservoir, it is huge, and water level high now. They desperate, human life’s mean nothing to that regime!
Dams like Nova Kahkovka are protected by the laws of war and the Geneva convention for a reason. According to Article 56 of the 1977 Additional Protocol I:
“Works and installations containing dangerous forces, namely dams, dykes and nuclear electrical generating stations, shall… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…