Laurie Garrett Profile picture
Mar 8, 2023 17 tweets 9 min read Read on X
Some highlights:
"#China will persist w/efforts to acquire foreign science & technology information & expertise,
making extensive use of foreign scientific collaborations & partnerships, investments..."
"...and acquisitions, talent recruitment, economic espionage, & cyber theft to acquire & transfer technologies & technical knowledge."
"China’s dominance in the mining & processing of several strategic materials, including rare-earth
elements, presents a major..."
"...vulnerability to the U.S."
"China produces 40% of the world’s active pharmaceutical ingredients; and China’s global share across all the manufacturing stages of solar panels now exceeds 80% and is set to rise to more than 95%."
"Moscow has cont'ed to show that it views its nuclear capabilities as necess for maintaining deterrence & achieving its goals in a potential conflict
against the U.S. & NATO & it sees its nuclear weapons arsenal as the ultimate guarantor of the Russian Federation."
"Moscow views U.S. elections as opportunities for malign influence as part of its larger foreign policy
strategy. #Moscow has conducted influence ops against U.S. elections as recently as elections in 2022. It will try to strengthen ties to U.S. persons..."
" the media & politics in hopes of developing vectors for future influence operations."
"As temperatures rise & more extreme #climate effects manifest, there is a growing risk of conflict over resources associated w/water, arable land, & the #Arctic ."
"Geopolitical tensions between countries about how to accelerate reductions in #GreenhouseGas
emissions are likely to grow, and states will compete to try to control resources and dominate the new
technologies needed for a global transition to low-carbon energy."
Intel/8 #COVID19
"During the next year, #pandemic -related higher debt burdens, constrained govt spending &
ongoing employment disruptions & insecurity are expected to heighten the risk of financial instability
& poverty, particularly in low-income countries..."
"All agencies assess that 2 hypotheses are plausible explanations for the #origin of #COVID19 : natural exposure to an infected animal & a laboratory-associated incident. Beijing continues to hinder the global investigation, resist sharing information, & blame..."
"...other countries, including the U.S."
"A lack of global field #biosafety standards & protective measures continues to raise concerns of viral spillover worldwide."
"Global shortcomings in preparedness for the #COVID19 #pandemic & concerns w/biosecurity..."
"...fabricated public claims about U.S. biological weapons development fueled by U.S. adversaries, as well as continued questions surrounding the origins of the #COVID19 virus, may inspire some adversaries to consider ops related to the devel of biological weapons."
"Rapid advances in dual-use technology, including bioinformatics, synthetic biology, nanotechnology,
and genomic editing, could enable development of novel biological weapons that complicate detection,
attribution, and treatment."
"Push & pull factors that drive #migrants from L. America & the Caribbean to the U.S.—such as deteriorating socioeconomic & security conditions in certain countries, misperceptions of U.S. policies & employment opportunities—probably will persist thru 2023."
Intel/14 Transnational Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists (RMVEs)
"Transnational RMVEs continue to pose the most lethal threat to U.S. persons & interests, & a significant threat to a number of U.S. allies & partners through attacks & propaganda that..."
"...espouses violence. RMVEs are largely a decentralized movement of adherents to an ideology that espouses the use of violence to advance white supremacy, neo-Nazism, & other exclusionary cultural-nationalist beliefs..."
"...RMVEs increasingly seek to sow social divisions, support fascist-style governments, and attack government institutions."
"RMVEs capitalize on societal & political hyperpolarization to try to legitimatize their aims & mainstream their conspiracy theories..."
If you think you can handle it, and manage to sleep tonight, there's plenty more to worry about:…

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Jul 19, 2024
As #JoeBiden hunkered down in Delaware & Party leaders scrambled to figure out how #Democrats can win the election, I kept thinking of March 31, 1968. On that day the White House put out word of a mysterious speech LBJ would give from the Oval Office.
In a world without Internet or 24-hour news cycles the buzz in Washington about the event failed to reach the American people until that night. America assumed LBJ’s address would be about the widening war in Vietnam. On live television, a very haggard-looking LBJ began:
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"Good evening, my fellow Americans:
Tonight, I want to speak to you of peace in Vietnam and Southeast Asia.
No other question so preoccupies our people. No other dream so absorbs the 250 million human beings who live in that part of the world."
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Read 16 tweets
Jul 9, 2024
While #Trump claims no direct connection to #Project2025 it's clear han no #Republican in national power has denounced the Heritage Foundation 887-page manifesto. I put a few hours into scrutinizing the Project's plans for @HHSGov & health agencies. (pages 449-502)
🧵unfolds: Image
2/Health & Human Services @HHSGov must “respect for the sacred rights of conscience” for Federal workers & healthcare workers broadly who object to #Abortions contraception, gender reassignment & other issues.
“Radical actors inside & outside govt are promoting..."
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3/ “...harmful identity politics that replaces biological sex w/subjective notions of 'gender identity' & bases a person’s worth on his or her race, sex, or other identities. This destructive dogma, under the guise of 'equity,' threatens American’s fundamental liberties..."
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Jul 5, 2024
When a society attacks its toiling scientists, ranking the opinions of quacks, religions & charlatans above those of scientific insight and discovery, it is a sorrowful time.
Scientists who have been persecuted for their work...
-Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī or Rhazes of Baghdad (860 - 932 AD) beaten into blindness for introducing medical advances from non-Arab countries
-Michael Servetus (1511-1553) made discoveries in blood circulation. Burned at the stake by Calvin in Geneva
-Henry Oldenburg (1619-1677) promoted sharing scientific insights, labelled a spy, held in the Tower of London
Read 11 tweets
Jul 1, 2024
In 4 earth-shattering decisions this term, #SCOTUS gutted authority from all federal regulatory agencies. These are very radical decisions – essentially overturning all the sentiments of our nation’s founders debated in The Federalist Papers.
In this 🧵I'll lay it out.Image
2/Today, w/Corner Post v Federal Reserve #SCOTUS decided that anybody can sue a fedl agcy, over anything, w/no statute of limitations.
Dissenting, Justice Jackson: “The majority throws caution to the wind & engages in...misguided reasoning about statutory limitations periods..."
3/Jackson: "The far-reaching results of the Court’s ruling in this case are staggering.”
“In one fell swoop, the Court has effectively eliminated any limitations period for APA lawsuits....This means that, from this day forward, administrative agencies can be sued in perpetuity over every final decision they make."
Read 20 tweets
Jun 14, 2024
This utterly reprehensible Pentagon disinfo campaign executed by the #Trump admin to create Asian suspicion of the Chinese #COVID #vaccine is reminiscent of the CIA's use of a fake #polio vax effort in Pakistan to obtain...

...DNA samples from children living in the Osama bin Laden compound in 2011. In both cases, geopolitics trumped public health, leading to countless deaths, assaults on health workers and vaccinators and undermining the credibility of #vaccines . This is appalling.
In resp to angry public health leaders who later learned of the 2011 #CIA/#polio/binLaden effort, the #Obama admin on May16, 2014 stated that since Aug2013 a policy was in place forbidding the CIA from using #vaccination progs, workers, or genetic materials obtained...for intell.
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May 9, 2024
Trump’s deal to Big Oil [give my campaign $1B & all #Biden climate & green policies will be void] echoes the Teapot Dome Scandal in another #Republican #POTUS race 100 yrs ago. Until now, it was the biggest presidential corruption case in US history.
In 1920, the US Navy was converting its fleet from coal to oil and wanted oil on federal lands reserved for military needs. Republican Warren Harding was running for POTUS: he told oil execs to back him & he would let them drill those reserves. When he became President...
Harding appointed mining bigwig & Big Oil ally Alfred Fall as Sec. of Interior. Fall handed over prime oil drilling rights to Sinclair's Mammoth Oil & 1 other company, without competitive bidding. By 1923 Sinclair was sucking so much oil out of Teapot Dome WY that...
Read 12 tweets

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