Thread for ‘but is this happening in schools’ #Edutwitter. Yes it is. Firstly personal testimony: “the school nurse had referred her to the school counsellor [who] informed [her] that a hatred of one’s breasts could be an indicator of a non-binary”…
More testimony: “I am utterly horrified at what was taught at a PSHE lesson at my school recently. It was to a group of children, most are 11-12 years old. It is so, so much worse than I thought.” #Edutwitter#DiverseEd#LGBT
More personal testimony: “We did request to see their transgender policy and it was kafkaesque – it repeatedly conflated sex & gender… & downplayed the effects of binders, blockers and hormones” #Edutwitter#WomeEd#PSHEPeeps
And more, note lots of this personal testimony is from teachers: “I am a high school teacher & have seen, first hand, the damaging effect that gender ideology is having in schools. It scares me” #TeamEnglish#TeacherTwitter#UKEdChat
& more: “The local sixth form was also teaching on their health & Social course the inference that ‘non-binary’ & ‘gender-fluid’ were protected characteristics… a senior member of staff was not even able to answer the question ‘Do lesbians have penises?”…
We reviewed resources for #LGBTHM looking round all the proud posts from teacher’s on twitter, yes we do think these homophobic & sexist resources were used in schools.…
Do look at the hashtag #SchoolDiversityWeek to see that yes, this was IN SCHOOLS
Interestingly the only person to reply here about good resources said they would recommend NSPCC resources in their entirety. Again evidence, they ARE being used in schools without critical assessment. #Edutwitter#RSE#PSHEPeeps
More here on why @NSPCC cannot be uncritically used. Rather than teach children about harms & exploitive nature of porn - they gave them new terms to google! “has an online YouTube video that tells children that “porn is fun to watch” and “sexy to enjoy”…
Many of our template letters were developed in response to specific incidents such as the genderbreadperson being used in schools. So yes we cannot stress enough that this IS HAPPENING IN SCHOOLS & has been for years.…
This is a letter from a parent who successfully stopped her school introducing the illegal mixed-sex toilets that many schools have introduced. There are schools that now have school refusals, girls with UTIs & rioting thanks to misrepresented law.…
Original tweet thread on @BBC_Teach 100 genders, it is well evidenced that this DID happen, so we do not know why on earth everyone is denying this!? @PSHEeducation who produced this absolute shambles of a resource is still being promoted by the education sector #Edutwitter#RSE
Books that contravene #safeguarding & science being promoted to children IN SCHOOLS has long been a problem. Latest issue is this book being promoted to girls as young as 11 by their schools. There will be more on this breaking story later.…
Warwickshire has continued to be an area of the country we receive complaints about, so we are incredibly saddened to read of the vicious attack on a teenage girl in mixed sex toilets. Failure to provide single sex toilets is a failure of…
Another one for the #NameThatSchool crowd. We would like @LSP_Headteacher to confirm or deny if this occurred at @LSP_Wales. Why was a man whose digital footprint includes ‘love has no age’ & other sexualised content invited in? Is he qualified to discuss suicide? #Edutwitter
There are so many #safeguarding issues , including political indoctrination with the above thread & the generally lackadaisical attitude to online safety from @LSP_Wales & it’s staff we do not know where to start. This needs looking at @WG_Education@LauraJ4SWEast@childcomwales
We wish that the failure to have an in depth understanding of #safeguarding & #saferrecruitment demonstrated by the school above was an isolated incident - but it is not. Many people are determined to not understand that some people are unsuitable.…
Working with children is not a ‘right’. The needs & safety of the children in your care are paramount. If you do not understand this, than you are unsuitable to work with children. It is not about your rights it is about the needs of children. This is why we use #SaferRecruitment
So why is #CurriculumForWales being driven by individuals such as @Addysg_Cymraeg who appear to have their own agenda, rather than by child development, #safeguarding & the needs of children? @childcomwales you really need to step in here. A lot of training is required #Clywch
The ‘love has no age’ slogan was being promoted by @DiversityRM who are partnered with @NAHTnews (note connection with the head of the above school) Are people really trying to tell us that these resources are not being used in schools? REALLY?…
We also would want to leave out Scotland, teaching unions there are also heavily involved in proselytising to children. Follow @sos_scotland@ForWomenScot@ParentsAcross for information on #safeguarding fails north of the border & the women who are fighting back to protect kids.
So many parents contacted us with their concerns about mermaids & schools directing children to them, being trained by them & even fundraising for them that we produced a template letter. That’s mermaids now under investigation by…
For anyone reading who still thinks this is all fine, it’s inclusion & diversity, it’s progressive, whatever you’re telling yourself to help you ignore what’s staring you in the face read previous inquiries & see why #safeguarding matters.…
Here’s one for the ‘but they’re following the guidance’ people. The guidance is not up to scratch, especially in Wales. People told @WG_Education their guidance failed on #safeguarding & were ignored. Safeguarding is being ignored. This is the problem.…
A reminder of the sort of person attracted to your organisation if you are not absolutely stringent about #safeguarding. Safeguarding matters you do not allow individuals with sexual online content to work with children!…
And for the #NameTheSchool crowd we occasionally do, when it’s public interest (previous issues with rioting at this school). It’s not acceptable to direct them to websites that promote self harm & fisting, even if you don’t ‘teach’ fisting in school.…
We would #NameThatSchool but the parent is terrified of retribution & their child being discriminated against. This broken trust between parents & teachers is not in the best interests of children. Why past time @GillianKeegan@educationgovuk@ChildrensComm should have acted.
But is this in schools? Yes 3/4 of them “According to research, three quarters of British children had been exposed to some kind of critical social theory (including gender identity) and 68% of those questioned had been taught those views as fact”…
But was it in schools? Yes, according to @school_sexed it was in a 1’000 of them. We will be on @BBCRadio4 with their Sophie Whitehead tomorrow to discuss how we protect girls from sexual harassment in schools. Does modelling playdough genitalia help?…
Listen to Tanya Carter talking to Sophie Whitehead of @school_sexed here? Will Sophie acknowledge that adults discussing ‘sexual pleasure’ with children is a breach of necessary boundaries? Will Sophie reflect on how abuse victims will experience this? Reflection is important.
But is this happening in schools? It is beyond dispute that there is no regulation of the #WildWest that is the #RSE & #PSHE sector. There are lots of these pop up groups going into schools who is checking content & suitability? #Edutwitter#WomenED
It is disingenuous to suggest the only issue is what these educators are doing in schools. Many of the complaints are about what children are exposed to if they google whose been in their school. Meg Veit was going into schools in Cambridgeshire on behalf of @dhiverse#Edutwitter
Here’s @ShonaghDillon in @TheCriticMag talking about her experiences with RSE & what children will find if they look up providers online. The provider here was @EnrichRSE we’re happy to name. We don’t think ‘world hand Jon’ day is suitable@for children.…
Huge amount of complaints about books which are being actively promoted to children. For the people at the back, not wanting children to read about 6 year olds enjoying performing fellatio is #safeguarding not censorship. Mind boggling that this is considered controversial. #RSE
Elly Barnes from educate & celebrate of ‘don’t tell the parents’ fame was definitely in schools. Why are people trying to deny this? What have you got to hide? #Edutwitter#SafeguardingFail#PolicyFail
This was being taught in a sixth form in Cambridgeshire. Children who pointed out that non-binary was not a protected characteristic & that Miss Green & Adam’s classmates also had rights were failed. Complaints had to be made. #WomenEd#edutwitter#PolicyFail
Another #ThisWasInASchool children taught that lesbians must accept males as partners, they have no right to their own boundaries. This gaslighting was brought to you courtesy of @stonewalluk. Are you still defending this #Edutwitter? Really?
Another for #NameThatSchool crowd, they often are. Then it’s ‘but it’s the daily mail’. That’s because for years @guardian have refused to #DoYourJob How many excuses are people going to make before they acknowledge what is going on?…
Here is a really detailed thread of what happened when one mother challenged her school. We don’t share this to put others off challenging, quite the opposite, we share it so you know you’re not alone & support is out there
Here’s one for all the people who think @PSHEassociation are the good guys. The page has been taken down now, but it is simply NOT acceptable that unpaid members of the public have had to do their job for them & explain the law. Where is @educationgovuk? Note the date. #PSHE
This absolute gubbins is from @northyorksc. Look at who they’re recommending. Look at how long ago this was. Why is everyone denying what is going on? Why are you so invested in denying this appalling #safeguarding scandal? #Edutwitter
This absolute car crash of a video that claims sex is fluid & that circumcision can change your sex was shown to yr 7’s. When a parent challenged they were told it was from ‘a well known PSHE resource body’. #CheckYourSchool they could be teaching anything
Another resource from the archives. We have all these because parents send them to us BECAUSE THEY WERE BEING USED IN UK SCHOOLS. What do you a yr 7 feeling a bit unsure of themselves may think reading this? #ThisWasInASchool#CheckYourSchool#Edutwitter#PSHEPeeps#WomenEd
Despite the desperate attempts to ‘debunk’ what is going on in #RSE lessons, one of the major concerns (as we keep saying) is where schools signpost children. Who is responsible when schools signpost children to organisations that harm them? How many have been harmed by Mermaids?
A lot of issues came to light during lockdown. One school in London sent this to all parents ‘for use with your sons’. The parent who sent us this had a 7 year old.
For all the people saying ‘but we follow the curriculum’, ‘we use trusted providers’. THIS is the problem, the ‘trusted providers’ such as @NSPCC @ @PSHEassociation are producing resources that contravene @educationgovuk guidance & no one is stopping them. #Edutwitter#PSHEPeeps
. @thetimes did an investigation into another ‘trusted provider’ @tes, lots of people were surprised at what they found. We weren’t. There was both materials that sexualise children & anti-choice propaganda. There is NO quality control whatsoever. A #PublicInquiry is needed.
To be clear we also do not want whatever this is being taught in schools as fact. Teenagers should be taught the facts & the law around abortion in #RSE in a neutral way. The differing views on abortion is a debate for ethics or RE class. Nobody should teach opinion as fact.
By Matilda’s own admission she is alienating boys, who dominate her classes, make jokes & mutter stuff under their breath. Perhaps Matilda & split banana are really not very good at teaching #RSE? Maybe they should leave it to those that are good at it?…
. @bold_voices are another grifting outfit who need to stay away from schools. You might think Women’s History Month was an opportunity to discuss how far we’ve come & the plight of women in countries such as Iran.
Oh no, ideologues want to@tell children the best women are men.
We’ve been told today that this straight up flat eartism is still being taught in schools, to very young children. Please do explain to us how this challenges gender stereotypes? How is this for the benefit of children? #Edutwitter#PSHEPeeps
For the #NameThatSchool crowd @HarrisFed school @HPAOfriends has just proudly announced it’s ‘Gold Equalities Award’ to parents. This seems to have involved rewriting the Equality Act so that the school can discriminate against girls. Top work guys! How much did that cost you?
A reminder who @EqualiTeach are, they’re the incompetent shambles that @trussliz had to instruct to remove the @GEOgovuk logo from their misleading resources. @HarrisFed@HPAOfriends need to seek independent legal advice & find out how much risk they’ve just exposed themselves to
. #NameThatSchool@BoroughmuirHS “A presentation prepared for classes in the first year of high school is now being "reviewed". It follows a backlash from parents who fear the lessons have been taking place without their knowledge for several years.”
Today in the inbox we heard from a Mother whose 12 year old was deeply distressed at @jk_rowling being defamed in school. We can’t #NameThatSchool as both parents & child are terrified of retribution. This is unacceptable #Edutwitter. Teachers are not there to proselytise.
‘But how do we know the dodgy groups are actually in schools?’ Well apart from the fact that parents & teachers keep telling us, the dodgy group’s advertise the fact themselves. They’re proud of indoctrinating children while everyone whose job it is to stop them, fails to do so.
We are far from the only group (or individual) who has spent years collating evidence & raising the alarm about what is going on, in schools. If you still haven’t seen any evidence, you are being wilfully blind. You could take a look at @Transgendertrd@ForWomenScot@FamEdTrust
So #Edutwitter having read the whole thread (& we do only want votes from people who have read the whole thread, including links) what is your position? Our position is Public Inquiry as we do not know how widespread this is. But one school failing children this badly is too many
PS We do have more evidence, but that’s for the (inevitable) Public Inquiry, not twitter. Final thought: If you are ignoring #safeguarding concerns because you don’t like what you perceive to be the politics or religion of those raising them, you are morally bankrupt. #Edutwitter
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Mandatory reporting is absolutely not use if ALL professionals (& the public) are not educated as to what actually is abuse & #CSA.
As we have been saying for a long time there are serious systemic #safeguarding failures in this country.
There is a widespread lack of understanding with regards to what safeguarding actually is & how it should be implemented.
We support the victims & whistleblowers in their assertion that previous inquiries have been insufficient & that there is the need for a comprehensive inquiry into the rape gangs #GroomingGangs which it would appear needs to go back to the 70’s or even 60’s.
If the Prime Minister @Keir_Starmer thinks that everyone who is concerned about this issue is ‘far right’ he has an insufficient understanding of #safeguarding & silencing techniques used & is ill equipped to tackle this issue. He will end up participating further in a cover up. Every single person who has tried to raise this issue over the past several decades has been ignored. That includes the Sikh community, feminists, @UKLabour MP’s, @Conservatives MP’s, parents, the far right, the Muslim community & most abhorrently of all the victims themselves.
The victims have been failed again & again & again, including by the people who have claimed to help them & instead have manipulated them for their own ends. Victims have said that #RSE that helped them recognise #grooming & know where to turn for help would’ve been useful to them. Instead of providing future generations of children with this, this has been cynically exploited by ‘sex positive’ grifters who have flooded schools with inappropriate materials & website links that groomed instead of helped vulnerable children & exposed them to inappropriate content & further sexualised them. Of course the same tired silencing techniques of yelling ‘far right’ & making libellous allegations that people were trying to ‘ban sex education’ were deployed against the #Whistleblowers of this further scandal.
A specific inquiry on rape gangs (held in public with statutory powers) is not the only #PublicInquiry needed. Other incredibly serious safeguarding failures are ongoing due to the same cultural problems & lack of understanding of safeguarding.
We have failed, as a society to protect children, especially the most vulnerable & this must now be addressed.
@educationgovuk We have written several articles challenging the various ways in which #safeguarding is undermined & inevitably this undermining is enabled by well meaning yet misinformed people.
. @BrookCharity was one of 100 organisations to sign a letter objecting to @Conservatives & @educationgovuk attempts to safeguard children from their damaging & dangerous #RSE resources. We have previously raised concerns about many of the signatories.
@BrookCharity @Conservatives @educationgovuk The letter to @educationgovuk objecting to attempts to introduce safeguards to #RSE materials has been signed by @barnardos. We have previously critiqued their resources for a lack of safeguarding. #Edutwitter #WomenEd #SafeguardingFail…
‘ “My recommendation as @ChildrensComm is that we need a #SafeguardingFirst approach to #RSHE & that is the way through this current impasse that seems to be in place because of very polarised views to how sex education should be taught.’
We are pleased to see @Rachel_deSouza finally agree with us. We have been advocating for the importance of safeguarding first #RSE for a very long time, perhaps now she will meet with us to discuss this? #Edutwitter #WomenEd
. @Rachel_deSouza says “I cannot see that anybody would think that children shouldn’t be taught the basics of sex education & how to keep themselves safe.” Nor can we Rachel, with the caveat that #safeguarding is an adult responsibility that should never be abdicated to children.
But that’s not what this is about, is it @Rachel_deSouza? When we have spoken to parents who tell us they’re against #RSE, discussion reveals that actually they have no concerns with their children being taught things such as puberty & reproduction. Their objections are to unscientific & anti #safeguarding materials that have been allowed to flood an unregulated market. Profit should have never been allowed to trump child protection. #Edutwitter #WomenEd
We agree with family law barrister @SVPhillimore. Breaching a child’s confidentiality on TV is unacceptable. We would like to read the judgement in full, but if that would also expose an individual child, it should not be published. We always prioritise #safeguarding children.
We have been made aware of this blog. All at Safe Schools Alliance find these views abhorrent. That does not mean he should not be allowed to express them. However, conflating gay & non-marital sex with rape & paedophilia is a #safeguarding concern.
We have sent this independent report to press, peers, think tanks, @victor_madrigal at @UN & @Commonswomequ. We encourage you to read & send to your own schools, MPs & local safeguarding boards. We warn you it’s a difficult read. #SafeguardingFail#PolicyFail
Quote for press is: Tanya Carter Spokeswoman for Safe Schools Alliance said “This alarming, but sadly unsurprising, research sets out how long-established child safeguarding principles are being effectively dismantled. This leaves all children at risk…
Adults, professionally charged with the protection of children, have failed in their duty to identify this and this abdication of responsibility has left generations of children at risk of harm. Children are being left to navigate a minefield of predatory behaviour online…
. @BrookCharity is one of the providers we frequently hear complaints about from both parents & teachers. Advising children to watch porn is not what they were expecting from #RSE. They want children taught about harms & how to have a healthy relationships as adults. #edutwitter