#Equities are adding to Friday’s gains in the early going today, while Treasuries, #gold, and silver are selling off. The dollar is flattish while #oil is slightly higher.
On the news front...
The banking sector is catching a reprieve here, and that’s leading to “Risk On” trading across all asset classes. First Citizens Bancshares / $FCNCB is buying $119 billion of #deposits and $72 billion of #loans from failed Silicon Valley Bank.
Meanwhile, the Chairman of Saudi National Bank Ammar Al Khudairy resigned for “personal reasons.” He helped trigger the plunge in shares of Credit Suisse Group AG $CS several days ago.
A portion of #Twitter’s source code was posted online – a major breach of intellectual property at the social media site.
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My take? This is where the rubber hits the road. We've had the predictable Putin Panic selloff ... and the equally as predictable "Buy stocks cuz what does Ukraine have to do with the price of $AAPL " bounce. Now, we see what's next. Personally, I think this market is in ...
... trouble because the issue isn't just what's happening in Eastern Europe. Just as some might say "Ukraine doesn't matter to $AAPL " ... I'd say "Neither does Ukraine change the fact we're in the midst of a significant #tech meltdown/repricing that resembles early...
... phase of the Dot Com Bust." That's not hyperbole. I've shown the data illustrating how "peripheral/garbage" #tech has gotten crushed. Not just in 2022. But going back 6-8 months. That's just like what happened in H2 1999 ... even as "Big Tech" didn't falter until H1 2000.
Good morning! This is some great data about the yield curve, #Fed hiking cycles, and how markets / $SPX react. The short version? Don't listen to all the claptrap you'll undoubtedly hear about how an inverted curve "doesn't matter" and/or "doesn't mean anything" when ...
... the curve inverts in this cycle. My take has been since last spring (and remains so today) that it'll happen a LOT earlier in this hiking cycle than the Dudleys of the world predict. But also, don't "jump the gun" and get short the market when the curve is only flattening ...
... It takes TIME for flattening to turn to inversion, and inversion to turn to #recession. You can still make money in a late-cycle environment. You just won't make the most of it in the same sectors/stocks you made the most of it in the early- and mid-cycle phases. Or IOW...
(1/n) One more time so my position is clear, here is something I shared earlier this morning:
"Certainly, I had no idea of the magnitude or timing of this virus news. So, I didn't know/couldn't know we'd lose 1,900 Dow points in two days!"
(2/n) "But I think the swift, severe, virus-related reaction shouldn't blind us to the broader, longer-term issues facing this market/economy. In other words, while virus news is driving the short-term action, much more is going on here and has been for a few quarters now."
"A few observations supporting this: Interest rates didn't just start falling the last few weeks. They've been dropping since Q4 2018. The curve (3-month/10-year) didn't just invert due to virus news. It flattened, then inverted, for ~18 months in 2018 and 2019."