2/14) @Vera_Views, our patented solution for video programmatic advertising & bot prevention, is powered by 13 tech modules.
These modules assist in identifying & preventing bots & fraudulent views for publishers and advertisers worldwide, storing this data on an open ledger...
3/14) Our #AI and #ML technology lets us analyse large amounts of data to identify patterns, trends & insights in order to optimise ad delivery in real-time, adjusting bidding and targeting based on the performance and viewability of each ad impression...
4/14) Our AI & ML based systems give #VeraViews the ability to detect bots & anomalies at scale. 🤖
These technologies can analyse large amounts of advertising campaign data and identify patterns & behaviours that are abnormal, giving vastly more accurate campaign statistics...
5/14) Once an ad impression is complete and #Verasity has stored the statistics, the data is fed to VeraViews’ #ML module where a trained #AI model processes the data and provides a fraud detection rating...🧠
6/14) These accumulated statistics, received by the machine learning module, are used to teach the next generation of AI models.🎓
So we not only deploy #AI in our adstack, but also directly contribute to the improvement of future AI models for preventing advertising fraud!...
7/14) We then store this data transparently on the VeraChain, our #blockchain based backend. ⛓️
This allows both advertisers and publishers to access a secure and immutable record of their campaign and fraud statistics!...
8/14) We published a deep-dive into this tech here if you want to learn more:
9/14) But although #VeraViews is a primarily a B2B solution, it already impacts millions of daily internet users in a seamless fashion, transforming them from #Web2 to #Web3 users without any changes in the user experience...
How do we achieve this? Through programmatic ads...
10/14) Video programmatic ads are seen by billions of people daily, one of the most adopted techs in the world.
On VeraViews alone, via the publishers where our solution is already live, millions of people are served ads that are protected by a mix of #AI & #Blockchain tech...
11/14) We believe that's one of the most successful deployments of blockchain in the real world to date, seamlessly protecting traditional Web2 businesses with cutting edge #Web3 and #AI technology!..
12/14) And for the average internet user? Nothing changes. They adopt blockchain tech without even lifting a finger! No captchas or intrusive elements, just a seamless video environment free of fraud through #blockchain and #AI...
13/14) As we continue to add new publishers to #VeraViews, this will scale.
In the future, we expect many millions of users will be interfacing with blockchain technology through #VeraViews video programmatic ads without even realising - the true definition of mass adoption!...
14/14) If you're ready to learn more, check out our newly launched #YouTube community, where we host several ecosystem deep-dives and interviews.
Thanks for being part of the $VRA #Verasity community!
Patent Announcement -
The World Intellectual Property Office (“WIPO”) confirms publication of Verasity international patent application.
PCT Patent Application No. PCT/IB2021/052243 for System and Method for Proof of View via Blockchain
No. WO 2021/079359 on 04/29/21 #PoV $VRA
Countries covered: AE, AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, EH, EN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, IT, JO, JP, KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR...