“Given the high expectations placed on #DAC for future #decarbonisation, recent study presents an extensive review of DAC tech, exploring a number of techno-economic aspects, including an updated collection of the current & planned DAC projects around the world.”
“A dedicated analysis focused on the production of synthetic methane, methanol, and diesel from #DAC and electrolytic hydrogen in the European Union (EU) is also performed, where the #carbonfootprint is analysed for different scenarios and energy sources.”
The results show that “the maximum grid carbon intensity to obtain #NegativeEmissions with #DAC is estimated at 468 gCO 2 e/kWh, which is compliant with most of the EU countries’ current grid mix.”
“Using only photovoltaics (PV) and wind, #NegativeEmissions of at least −0.81 tCO 2 e/tCO 2 captured can be achieved.”
“The maximum grid intensities allowing a reduction of the synthetic fuels carbon footprint compared with their fossil-fuels counterparts range btw 96 & 151 gCO 2 e/kWh.”
However, “to comply with the Renewable Energy Directive II (REDII) sustainability criteria to produce renewable fuels of non-biological origin, the maximum stays between 30.2 to 38.8 gCO 2 e/kWh.”
“Only when using PV and wind is the EU average able to comply with the REDII threshold for all scenarios and fuels, with fuel emissions ranging from 19.3 to 25.8 gCO 2 e/MJ.”
These results highlight the “importance of using renewable energies for the production of synthetic fuels compliant with the EU regulations that can help reduce emissions from difficult-to-decarbonise sectors.”
Read the paper entitled: "The Role of Direct Air Capture in EU’s Decarbonisation and Associated Carbon Intensity for Synthetic Fuels Production" here ⬇️ econpapers.repec.org/article/gamjen…
Scientists investigate “the potential impact of #StratosphericAerosolIntervention (#SAI) on the spatiotemporal behavior of large-scale climate teleconnection patterns using simulations from the CESM1 & CESM2).”
“The leading empirical orthogonal function of #SST anomalies indicates that #GHG forcing is accompanied by increases in variance across both the North Atlantic (i.e., AMO) & North Pacific (i.e., PDO) and a decrease over the tropical Pacific (i.e., ENSO),” researchers inferred. 2/
Recent study present an analysis of “the gap between the CO2 storage required to meet net zero targets and the slow maturation of regional storage resources.”
Researchers estimate that “European storage rates need to boost 30-100x by 2030 to meet #NetZero by 2050. 🇨🇳 & North America face a similar challenge. The slow global progress of #CarbonStorage undermines the latest IPCC, IEA & EU transition pathways to net zero by 2050.”
A new study from Colorado State University's Dept. of Soil & Crop Sciences & the Graduate Degree Program in Ecology found “that #regenerative practices—including integrating crop & livestock systems—were successful as long-term #CarbonStorage solutions.”
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Researchers conducted a “global systematic meta-analysis of the effects of #regenerative management practices on Soil Organic Carbon (#SOC), Particulate Organic Carbon (#POC) & Mineral-Associated Organic Carbon (#MAOC) in cropland.”
They found that:
1️⃣ “no-till (NT) and cropping system intensification increase #SOC (11.3% and 12.4%, respectively), #MAOC (8.5% and 7.1%, respectively), and #POC (19.7% and 33.3%, respectively) in topsoil (0 to 20 cm), but not in subsoil (>20 cm).” 3/
The study, published in @Nature, “is the first of its kind to show the sustained benefits of tree diversity on a large spatial scale, in terms of #storing#carbon and nitrogen in the soil. It reinforces the importance of biodiversity conservation in forests.”
The researchers analyzed “Canada's National Forest Inventory database & used statistical modeling to provide new evidence of a link between greater tree diversity & higher soil C & N accumulation in natural forest ecosystems over decadal time scales.”