With decent confidence, I feel NDP will take Slave Lake, Banff-Kan, Sherwood Park, Strathcona-SP, Lethbridge East, Morinville-StA and 6 more in Calgary. UCP takes FtSk-Veg and 3 more in Calgary.
This brings us down to a virtual tie and 6 tight Cgy seats up for grabs. #abvote
To call the next 6, I assumed the UCP are up by 3 in Calgary. I looked at 2019 results plus Abacus data on vote retention from 2019.
Here’s the thing. All of these ridings had strong Alberta Party support in 2019. With ABP vote collapsing, I see all 6 being close, but going NDP
My final prediction is that it will be VERY close. But I have it as:
An important read from my friend and neighbour who isn’t on social media but wants to share this important story. He’s one of my heroes right now. This is his story.
“I am an Emergency Physician. I am on the frontline of the COVID tidal wave...
“Every shift I place myself, along with my colleagues, my friends, in harm’s way to do what we can to help those inflicted with this unique virus sweeping the globe, our communities, in a way we have never before seen.
“We are there when someone comes in with that tickle in their throat, or their fever, or their cough, worried that this is it, that they have contracted COVID, despite their best efforts at avoidance.
Today is Labour Day, but one unlike any other in awhile. The pandemic shined a light on some really important things related to work. I’d like to invite you to join me in reflection on some of the things I think we’ve all learned over the past 6 mos. #LabourDay2020 (1/11)
First, we learned something important about what it means to be an essential service. We’ve learned about the people whose work is absolutely necessary to keep supply chains running and to provide the goods and services that keep us alive and society functioning. (2/11)
First of mind in that group above are our healthcare workers: doctors, nurses, LPNs, nursing aides, paramedics, lab techs, custodial staff and all sorts of medical specialists and technologists. Today, we need to thank them. (3/11) #LabourDay2020
The minister is largely correct here. The hard cap of 15 students proposed by the NDP is probably unachievable. Availability of teachers and classroom space would be an issue.
First, staffing is the largest expense in K-12; about 80% of board operational expenses, I believe. That’s expected because we are educating children, not building planes.
Generally speaking: funding determines staffing and staffing determines class size. 3/n #abed#ableg
Our economy didn’t break recently. It’s been broken for awhile. And much of the reason is because the traditional business model for capital investment in Alberta O&G is broken. 2/n
Today’s stock market crash and the plummeting prices must be a wake up call for all of us, but particularly for the #abgov. 3/n
How can school boards claim that they are getting less money while the government claims that they have frozen operational spending? Who’s telling the truth? Could it be that both are? A thread (1 of 12). #abed#ableg
The answer is true that both could be right. The difference comes down in part to fiscal years. The government’s fiscal year is Apr 1 - Mar 30 and school board fiscals are Sep 1 - Aug 30. (2/12)
In setting the education budget for 2019/20 (effective Apr 1 2019) the UCP government took the operation actuals for 2018/19 (effective Apr 1 2018) and froze it for four years going forward. (3/12)
"GSAs are voluntary student organizations. Children are not required to participate in them. The Act in no way restricts the right of parents or schools to continue to impart their religious and moral values to their children" #abed#Bill24 2/x
A quote from the SCC, contained in Kubik's decision: "When children encounter people with value different from their own, this does not violate freedom of religion as they are not being asked to abandon their own convictions" #abed#Bill24 3/x